Monday, October 7, 2024

More Dr. Seuss Bowdlerization

Found this "improvement" in the second edition of The Tooth Book:

It's not even diversity-related this time, just good old fashioned stick-in-the-muddism.

Interestingly, the 2000 edition with new illustrations by Joe Mathieu, while it has some of the expected diversity tampering (changing the chap with the mega-Irish name "Mr. Donald Driscoll Drew" to a Black man and, more bizarrely, portraying a "little girl named Ruthie" as an ancient Egyptian wearing sneakers), it does restore the "Bite someone else" text to its original purity.

Carrot sticks indeed!


Bruce Charlton said...

Bowdlerized, it's just not funny anymore. Light comic verse (and prose - eg. PG Wodehouse) is very technical in its perfection - one word different and it doesn't work.

Interesting to see what the modern pearl-clutchers would make of Hillaire Belloc's Cautionary Tales

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Thanks for linking that, Bruce. I just reread it, and it's still as perfect as ever.

That bit about the loaded gun, though, not really suitable for children, is it? They should replace it with a carrot stick or something.

Ra1119bee said...

Part 1.
And speaking of eyeteeth, and Arthurs and yellow and
Fall of the Roman Empire and the Falling Down of
Humanity and America
and the movie Leave the World Behind,
and eclipses and comets as harbingers, Oh MY!! ,
check this out :

Once again the symbolism in the movie Leave the World Behind
coincidently connects with some of your tooth, teeth syncs.

In the movie the son of the protagonists ( son's name is Arthur)
teeth began falling out either from SOUND, or a tick bite.( see link )

I think I shared with you that when I saw the movie on Netflix in Dec
2023, I thought that the teeth falling out scene was very odd because
just several weeks prior ,I chipped one of my eyeteeth
( aka canine tooth....on a piece of candy.
So when I saw the movie and that particular scene,
I thought' hmmm, that's odd.

Also controlling people with Sound is the storyline of the 1965 British
TV show, The Avengers and the episode titled: The Hour
that Never Was.

Growing up my sister and I LOVED
anything having to do with the British Invasion which of course
included The Avengers especially the 1965-1966 episodes
with Mrs. Peel and John Steed.

The Hour that Never Was' storyline has a Dentist(teeth) connection,
a White Rabbit connection, a dog and also a milk connection ( see clip ).

I'm sure you are aware that a human's deciduous teeth, is also
known as Milk Teeth.
Recall in my 1997 Hale Bopp dream, the Milky Crystal.

There is also a Milky Crystal/pearl connection with information
I just found and I think it connects to many of the puzzle pieces
that I've shared with you . One puzzle piece in particular
connects with The Milk Hill Spiral Crop Circle
which was found in the UK in July of 1990.
Keep in mind that the Serpent Mound's Vesica Piscis crop
circle, which I recently commented about, was in Aug of 2003.

The Milk Hill crop circle connection not only connects with
white pearls which IMO, it looks very similar to ,but pearls
are also symbolic of the moon. Recall my 2014
Moon River Dream.
The Moon obviously having to do
with the tide (water) and the female energy and of course
intuition, telepathy etc.

Also and lo and behold white pearls have connections
to the Rubedo herself, the Red Horse and Red Heifer Kamala Harris.
( see links )
Kamala even wore her Nova H1 audio pearl earrings
( see link for the company website)
to the debate with Donald Trump!!

You don't really think Cackles thought of all those responses
to political questions by herself do you?

Note that in the Knock Knock Time cover which features
a shifty eye Donald Trump was in you blog syncs in 2022 which
I commented on my perspective at that time.

In the Time cover, note Cackles ( Kamala)
wearing her white pearls with
right above her head is Starbucks CEO Howard Shultz
holding a white Styrofoam coffee cup.

Again, recall my 2014 Hale-Bopp
dream and the white Styrofoam cup and inside
a milky crystal.
A white Starbucks cup was also featured ( briefly)
in the Leave the World behind movie.

I don't know if you've ever heard of the phrase; 'I'd give my eyeteeth'
but here is its meaning:
copy and paste
"Hearing a person say they’d give their eyeteeth for something
just means they’d give up anything of value in order
to obtain something else."
Also note that rabbits especially have an interesting connection
with teeth.
Also it was the white rabbit that not only led Alice
down the rabbit hole, but also Neo in his quest
to find the truth of the Matrix.

Ra1119bee said...

Part 2
The sync connection back to Arthur is this
(and what I've personally been commenting about
regarding the End of an Age ).
I believe the writer of the book and movie Leave
the World Behind named Clay's son, Arthur for
a specific reason.

I also found it interesting that all of the characters
in this movie had traditional names: Amanda and her
husband Clay ( the word clay having significance in the Bible),
Aruthur, the son and Rose(Rosicruians?) the daughter
and of course the owner of the AirBnB and the messenger,
George the Great Scott as the Earth tiller telling
the Sandford Family ( and us ) about the New Seed
that is being planted.
And last but not least George's daughter whose name
is Ruth.

Copy and paste: ( link below)
Why were events before the Arthurian time – the decline of the Roman Empire, with its wars, treaties and assassinations –
so precisely measured, as were events
after Arthur, while the century in between is filled with fantastic stories
about princesses who lived at the bottom of lakes
and knights whose severed heads talked from beneath their arms?”
And here's the comet connection in the article :
copy and paste:
Wilson and Blackett believe their second Arthur lived
through a time during which Britain was devastated by a comet.
Their story, taken up on their behalf by more than one author,
ends up with the Welsh Arthur emigrating to America to later die
in Kentucky,
and being brought back to Wales to be buried.
Far-fetched some may think,
but there is ample evidence that at least a local ruler
called Arthmael (‘Iron Bear’)
or Arthwys (‘called to lead/instruct’) did exist.

Ra1119bee said...

Part 3
Here's the Yellow connection:
Copy and paste: ( note the reference to' a failure of bread'.
Bread anagram of Debra? )
"In Northern Europe, the Irish Annals record “a failure of bread”
in 536 and 539, whilst the Welsh Annals report that from
537 there were plagues in Britain and Ireland for nearly
the next 20 years.
This was referred to as the ****Yellow Pestilence.
Why I decided to do a bit more research today,
Oct 8, is because of this very thought
provoking post on the End Times Descending blog( see link )
I found this guy's ( named Cory) blog
several years ago, when I was doing
deep dive research about my 1997 Hale-Bopp dream,
which I've shared with you several times.

Cory's theory, as is my own, is about comets being harbingers.

Today ( Oct 8) while reading Cory's latest post I immediately
thought of my most recent research finding that I also shared
with you about the recent Comet of the Century
( aka Atlas/ Jacob's Star) being over the Golden Gate Bridge
in San Fran on Friday Sept 27, which as mention,
I believe the two Golden Gate Bridges
are going to be a VERY significance sign
of the Shifting of Ages aka The Great Reset,
which I believe we are on the precipice of now.

I highly recommend the End Times Descending article
and the King Arthur and the Comet article as well.
Connet the Dots.

P.S. As I commented many times , I personally DO NOT think
we ( humanity) are at the End Times, however I absolutely
believe that we are at the End of an Age.

Archie's teeth falling out scene | LEAVE THE WORLD BEHIND (2023)

Arthur's Creepy Teeth Scene | Arthur ( apparently there
is a cartoon about a character name Arthur and his falling teeth)

Knock Knock cover

Crop Circle Giant - The Milk Hill Spiral

Did Kamala Harris Wear Nova Earphones as Pearl Earrings?

The Avengers | The Hour That Never Was

A Lassie-like library lion, and a ceiling fan on Mars

The Animalia  illustration of lions in a library, one of them with Lassie Come Home  in its mouth, recently reentered the sync-stream in ...