Rambling sync-posts are back!
In the morning, I read a few sections of the Doctrine & Covenants, including Section 38. This bit piqued my interest:
And I [Jesus] have made the earth rich, and behold it is my footstool, wherefore, again I will stand upon it. And I hold forth and deign to give unto you greater riches, even a land of promise, a land flowing with milk and honey, upon which there shall be no curse when the Lord cometh; And I will give it unto you for the land of your inheritance, if you seek it with all your hearts (D&C 38:17-19).
I think the wording implies that this "land of promise" is not on earth.
When I came to the famous line, "I say unto you, be one; and if ye are not one ye are not mine" (D&C 38:27) it made me think of last year's syncs about the Ace of Hearts and the Mormon idea of Zion being "one heart and one mind," "the pure in heart."
In the afternoon, my wife and I had to run some errands together. She said she was going to put on some music in the car, so I braced myself for some Post Malone (her current kick), but I was pleasantly surprised when she instead put on something completely different, and completely new to me: a Chinese translation of the Heart Sutra chanted to a jazz piano accompaniment. I couldn't really follow the Chinese in any detail (Buddhist sutras are pretty far removed from everyday language), so I tried to recall how the sutra goes in English. It's been a decade or so since I've read it, though, and I kept getting tripped up and slipping into the language of the Book of Mormon -- thus noticing, for the first time, their similarity. Here's Lehi:
[R]ighteousness could not be brought to pass, neither wickedness, neither holiness nor misery, neither good nor bad. Wherefore, all things must needs be a compound in one; wherefore, if it should be one body it must needs remain as dead, having no life neither death, nor corruption nor incorruption, happiness nor misery, neither sense nor insensibility. Wherefore, it must needs have been created for a thing of naught (2 Ne. 2:11-12).
And here's Avalokiteshvara:
All things are by nature voidThey are not born or destroyedNor are they stained or pureNor do they wax or waneSo, in emptiness, no form,No feeling, thought, or choice,Nor is there consciousness.No eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, mind;No color, sound, smell, taste, touch,Nor what the mind takes hold of,Nor even act of sensing.No ignorance or end to it,Nor all that comes of ignorance;No withering, no death,No end to them.Nor is there pain, or cause of pain,Or end to pain, or noble pathTo lead from pain;Not even wisdom to attain!Attainment too is emptiness.
Aside from the opposite value judgments -- what the prophet dismisses as meaningless is embraced by the bodhisattva as the highest truth. Lehi characterizes his version of the Heart Sutra's vision as "all things" being "a compound in one," "one body." This language ties in with the Mormon texts I had been thinking of earlier: "one heart and one mind," "if ye are not one ye are not mine."
Later in the day, Dinderblob was still floating around in my mind, so I looked up references to The Tinleys on this blog. In "Tin soldiers and griffins," I found this:
In the opening pages, [Thinley] Norbu mentions that the Buddha first taught Prajnaparamita "at Vulture's Peak" in northern India.
Noting that Vulture's Peak would have been named for the Himalayan griffon vulture, I tied that in with The Tinleys, where a griffin lives on Donchatryan Peak and has imprisoned Dinderblob and the other gods inside it.
That is -- or was until this post -- this blog's only use of the Buddhist term Prajnaparamita (sometimes translated "perfection of wisdom"). The full Sanskrit name of the Heart Sutra is Prajnaparamitahridaya -- "The Heart of Prajnaparamita."
Coming back to my earlier reading of D&C 38, I had connected "if ye are not one ye are not mine" with the "one heart and one mind" Ace of Hearts syncs. I noticed that that word mine tied in, as a pun, with one of those Ace of Hearts posts, "I've been a miner for a heart of gold." That post includes these lines from "With?"
And last of all comes Darkinbad,Who is Brightdayler hight,Who'll go down in the dark abyssAnd bring all things to light.
The name Darkinbad has a similar feel to Dinderblob, I think.
If we interpret Darkinbad as Elvish (from darak "wolf" and bad "way, path"), it would be the equivalent for wulf-weg, which by all rights ought to be (but is apparently so far unattested as) a Norse or Anglo-Saxon kenning for the path the Sun ("Brightdayler") or Moon takes across the sky, each pursued by a wolf.
![]() |
J. C. Dollman, The Wolves Pursuing Sol and Mani (1909) |
Darkinbad going down into the dark abyss and bringing all things to light also ties in with Leo's recent thoughts on the Jaredites bringing light to the Inner Earth, and indeed creating there a new "sun" and "moon," in his post "Primeval Unlight."
Today I read D&C 84:
The Lord hath gathered all things in one.The Lord hath brought down Zion from above.The Lord hath brought up Zion from beneath (v. 100).
"All things in one" is the language of Lehi's Heart Sutra, and here it is explicitly tied in with the Zion "one heart and one mind" concept. The last of the three lines quoted also made me think of Leo's Inner Earth musings. "The Lord hath brought down Zion from above" clearly refers to the City of Enoch returning to earth. "The Lord hath brought up Zion from beneath" has traditionally been interpreted as the earthly city of Zion rising to meet Enoch's halfway -- "To meet the Lord and Enoch's band triumphant in the air," as Edward Partridge put it in a hymn. However, I think something leaving earth for heaven would be described, for us here on earth, as being "taken up" (as in Moses 7:21), not "brought up." I think it makes more sense to read this as a subterranean Zion (as in the Matrix movies) being brought up to the surface. Parley Pratt's hymn is perhaps more apropos than Partridge's:
Angels from heav’n and truth from earthHave met, and both have record borne;Thus Zion’s light is bursting forth,Thus Zion’s light is bursting forthTo bring her ransomed children home.To bring her ransomed children home.
Apologies for this off topic comment...
There's been something I can't quite 'reach' niggling at the back of my brain since Trump was reelected, and yesterday I was thinking about your "standing prophecies" post from Nov. 2022, which I just went and re-read...
I didn't get any 'inspiration' as to my "niggling", but 2nd to last paragraph of that post -
re: The High Priestess card and Debbie's prediction of a coming "Triumvirate" gov't
- in speculation about the letters on the pillars behind the Priestess possibly pertaining to J. Biden or Jeff Bezos, thus 'JB'...our brand new Vice President suddenly sprang to mind!!
That said, I would be very interested to see what you come up with in respect to the "standing prophecies" correspondences and the new Trump administration, which does seem to be something of a triumvirate considering Elon Musk's very active roll thus far...
Sorry, the above was from me - Carol ;^)
Carol, I at first thought you had made a mistake, since the VP goes by JD, not JB. His birth name, however, is James Bowman.
I believe Debbie's original prediction was that the triumvirate would consist of Trump, a tech bro, and a Black person. It's just a duumvirate so far, so we'll have to see if the third member materializes.
William and Carol,
Part 1 of 4
William you wrote: "I believe Debbie's original prediction was that the triumvirate would consist of Trump, a tech bro, and a Black person."
My response:
No, Willam not just some random Black person.
Recall I shared with you my perspective regarding the WHY
of the Alchemical Nigredo which
the Nigredo represents the beginning stage
of all Alchemical transformations and , and I'm sure you
would agree ,a Coup d'etat in America would absolutely
be a new beginning.
I personally refrain from playing the Race card
as far as including a black person in the mix of any and all things.
As FDR said : "If something happens in politics, you can bet
it was planned that way."
Obama went from ZERO(in 2004 at the National Democratic
) Convention, to SIXTY in 2008 and again in 2012 for a reason.
Recall I shared with you WHY and IMO,
Obama was 'selected' as POTUS.
Obama was selected to strengthen the Feminist
and the LGBT Movement and to serve as the Alchemical Nigredo
for the End of the American Empire.
Obama is not just some random Black guy.
Obama was groomed in Switzerland
and he is bloodline. Obama is a RH neg and not only a RH neg
but an AB neg which is extremely rare and IMO he looks a hell
of a lot like Malcom X.
Malcom X was born Malcom "Red" Little . his mother was from
Jamaica and she was multiracial , having a Scottish father.
Malcom X too was a RH neg.
What's in Switzerland? CERN and Davos.
Recall my many many comments about Michelle
and Barak Obama's production
company, Higher Ground, bankrolling
the 2023 Netflix apocalyptic movie Leave the World Behind.
Obama served as a consultant on that movie which
coincidently in the movie the protagonist
G(George). H. Scott ( played by Mahershala Ali )
speaks of a coup d'état to explain
the WHY of the chaos.
Recall I mentioned that I believe the character G. H. Scott
was created to be a cloaked Obama.
Don't you think it's kinda odd for a former POTUS to consult
on an apocalyptic movie?
Also in Leave the World Behind the beginning of the
chaos starts with a cyberattack and airplanes falling from the
sky. Sounds Familiar?
Recall my many comments about the significance of the Great Scott!
exclaimed by Doc Brown in the movie Back to the Future.
Recall my comments
about the meaning of the word George and the significance
of the Earth Tiller. ( connect the Earth Tiller George
as to why the character in Leave the World Behind
name was George, which the European name George
is not a common name for a younger Black Male, which
begs the question Why that name in this movie?
Part 2
George Washington, George Bush, George
Floyd and many other Georges throughout history
were used as symbolism for Alchemical Transformations.
The Earth Tiller tills the soil to plant NEW seed.
Think about it: what dramatic change and new seed
did Dubya plant in Sept of 2001?
George Floyd in 2020 had nothing whatsoever to do with a Thug
Black man, a so called counterfeit 20 dollar bill, and a White
cop restricting Floyds breathing.
The George Floyd fiasco was used to usher in Black Lives Matter
and to continue and strengthen the great racial divide.
Need fodder for the fuel no?
Recall I commented on the 3 bolts of lightning that struck
on New Years Eve ( 2025 ) . The Dome of the Capitol was hit
by lightening as well as the Washington Monument ( Osiris' Phallic)
and the Empire State Building. ( see link )
Did you know that Trump owned the 'ground under the Empire
State building?( see link )
On Bourbon street in New Orleans on New Years Eve,
a Ram' **Lightning*** truck plowed into a group of people.
Recall my comment about Ember( Amber) and the Fall.
Recall my comment and many links about Bourbon and its French
meaning of the male drone, bees and honey.
The Semitic root of Barak ,B-R-Q has the meaning
"to shine"; "lightning"( see link )
Recall my many comments about The El's, and the Shining
Recall my many comments as to why and how
I've formed my many perspectives that I've shared
on your blog since 2021.
My perspectives about WHY I believe things are unfolding
on the World Stage are sparked from a lifetime of esoteric
/paranormal experiences , dreams ( many premonition)
synchronicities, and a gazillion hours and years of research
and critical thinking and then connecting the dots
( which I call puzzle pieces )
I personally don't do random.
Part 3
As I shared many times and I've been predicting for a very long time
that humanity is shifting Ages from the Industrial (Iron)
Age to the Silicon ( Data ) Age and metaphysically from the Age
of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius, aka The Golden Age.
Our Opponents call it The Great Reset.
Artificial Intelligence has always been the elephant in the room
and the reason a tech bro is in the White House.
Have you heard or seen the buzz about Time magazine's
recent cover of the Musk- rat sitting at the Resolute Table?
( see link )
I found this interesting in wiki about the muskrat and
the color RED:
Copy and paste:
"The muskrat's name probably comes from a word
of Algonquian (possibly Powhatan origin,
muscascus (literally "it is red",
Recall my many comments about why I believe that
America is on the precipice of the End of the American Empire,
which is why I believe that Donald Trump
wore a purple tie at the Inauguration and 2 days later by remote
video at Davos.
Recall my comment and links about the color purple , royalty and
The Phoenix Rising out of the Ashes.
I believe that Trump was selected both times 45 and 47
as he was selected to be Israel's Cyrus
to usher in the building of The Third Temple
which I believe will happen after Black Swan events
2 at the Golden Gates.
Recall I've commented and provided links about my perspective
many times on your blog.
The International ORANGE Golden
Gate in San Fran and the Golden Gate ( The Shushan Gate) in Israel.
Orange man bad ... or Orange man good?
Recall I shared my perspective about WHY
the background of Trump's remote
speech at Davos being the E. Pluribus Unum Eagle Seal
and why the Eagle was facing RIGHT ( holding arrows in its talon)
which is a Declaration of War. ( see links )
The Eagle is symbolic of the Phoenix.
I believe that the recent mid air collision in DC
of the American Airlines Eagle and the Black Hawk helicopter
was predicted programing for a reason.
The Black Hawk ( War Hawk) hit the AA (11)
Eagle from the RIGHT. In the same direction
of the Eagle facing the arrows.
Both the American Eagle and the Black Hawk fell into the Potomac.
Recall my previous comment and links regarding the
Greek word Potamoi and the Taurus Bull( see link )
Taurus the Bull is Trump's astrological sign.
Part 4
IF my predictions are right about the Golden Gates,
I believe Trump will declare war on Iran
( which was the buzz at BB's and Trump's recent
meeting where Trump said that the US will 'OWN'
Gaza. ( see link )
This action, if carried out will of course create a
HUGE reaction from the Muslim world.
Enter once again, Barack Obama.
I believe Obama will appear to be the 'mediator' during
the Great Upheaval which is why I believe Obama will be
one of the Triumvirs and by doing so, will usher in
a "" temporary"" Triumvirate Governance
and eventually a Technocracy
via Artificial Intelligence.
Enter Plato's, John Dee, Francis Bacon and Manly P. Hall's
The New Atlantis, formally known as America.
America's new Capital? IMO, either Denver Colorado
or Colorado Springs,
on the 40th parallel north and the 104 Meridian West.
And last but not least, recall I shared with you my 1974 Past Life
Reading when the reader said this:" Your soul has always
incarnated during times of Great Upheavals, and it scares
me that you are here now."
Great Upheavals indeed...
Leave The World Behind | Official Trailer
Donald Trump's full speech at Davos
Eagle on Carpet-West Wing
Trump: US will take ownership of the Gaza strip
Correction regarding the whys and ushering in of
Black Lives Matter.
I wrote fodder for the fuel but of course meant; Fodder
for the Fire.
Although I am NOT a sports person, I just read that the Kansas City
Chefs lost to the Philly EAGLES at the Superb Owl (oops I mean
Super Bowl ).
The score was KC 22 and Eagles 40.
I only mentioned this because if you recall I've commented
many times about the significance of both the numbers 22
and 40. Especially the number Four being the Dalet in Hebrew
and Delta in Greek meaning the doorway.
Recall my comments about the significance
and symbolism of the 40th parallel' North.
Also interesting connection to my comments I just wrote today
about the connection to Bourbon and Bourbon Street
in New Orleans. The Super Bowl was held in New Orleans
at the Caesars Superdome.
A dome of course is a woman's womb which is why I believe
the reason for the Inauguration this year to be held
inside the Capitol Building (under Isis' womb)
and perhaps explains why the lightening bolt struck the
womb/dome on New Years Eve.
Trump was under the womb once again,
( the first POTUS to attend a Superb Owl ( I mean Super Bowl)
Also in my previous comment I wrote Musk ( on the Time
magazine cover ) sitting at the Resolute Table and of course
should be the Resolute Desk.
Debbie, I remember that at one point you were floating Kamala as a possible third triumvir, as an alternative to Obama, so I figured the "Blackness" (in scare quotes because neither of those two is Black in the usual sense) was the common factor.
It's hard to imagine Obama and Trump teaming up, but who knows. We'll see what happens.
Hmmm...I don't recall thinking Cackles would be one of the 3.
I do think I shared my perspective on Barry Sorento with you before.
and here's why:
In July of 2004, I recall getting ready for work one day.
Back in the day when I was still working I would have
the Good Morning America News show on TV.
Not to sit and look at the show as I didn't have time to do that,
but just to have the news on in the background.
At one point I recall glancing at the TV and seeing a clip
of the 2004 Democratic National Convention the night before.
What caught my eye was a very handsome, charismatic
Black man speaking at the podium.
At that time I wasn't really into politics
( Marshall was/is however) but this man caught my eye
because I had never seen him before.
I then stopped what I was doing, stared at the news clip
and immediately had the feeling and said to myself :
"They're grooming him for something",
and lo and behold only 4 years later...
Because of the novelty of the first so called Black President
I did vote for Obama in 2008 ( this was when
I still thought that Americans
elected the President of the United States).
But slowly after I began to go deeper into the Rabbit Hole,
I woke up.
I believe that Obama is a globalist and I believe he is a deceiver
and the worse kind of deceiver
which are those who 'shine' on the outside while harboring
a deep agenda concerning the destruction of our
( humanity collectively) Soul which I believe that agenda
is and has always been Transhumanism via A I, the
elephant in the room.
I believe Trump to be the same Globalist as Obama
as well as is Musk, although
Musk have already announced ( in Butler PA on the 40th parallel
north and the 77 Meridian West ) that he (Musk )
was the 'Dark Maga, so at least he's told us that he is a snake
which in his case maybe a rat?
And even though I do not like Obama whatsoever,
I have had many dreams about him throughout the years,
which after a gazillion hours of research after the dreams
is how and why I've formed my perspective about
how I believe that things are going to unfold on the World Stage,
especially where it concerns The Big Picture.
I've had a few Trump dreams as well and recently I had a very
interesting Elon Musk dream.
As far as Obama and Trump teaming up?
They both and including Musk, and IMHO, work for the same King.
I do think Kamala as well as Michael (oops I mean Michelle)
will be in this New Reset in some position as well.
We live in interesting times.
I just found this interesting development.
I really think the Golden Gates will happen
before the end of this year , especially factoring in the
possibility ( which some believe)
that The Red Heifer was sacrificed at Passover of last year
and after the Red Heifer is sacrificed , the building
of the Third Temple begins construction. ( see link )
Also another error. I wrote that Donald Trump's astrological
sign is a Taurus which is not correct.
Trump is a Gemini ( the Twins).
*** This was during Trump's first Administration.
*** Listen to BB refer to the Third Temple.
Why Israel's Netanyahu Likened Trump to King Cyrus in the Oval Office
I'm still very much a hollow earth noob but the more I get into it, the more I like the idea even if it's "pseudoscience" or whatever. Love the Matrix connection and I agree that the D&C 84 verses seem to imply whoever is speaking is doing so from the perspective of earth's surface relative to "above" and "below". In addition to your distinction between taken/brough, I'd say that if the speaker is doing so from heaven's perspective he would have said "The Lord hath SENT down Zion from above." rather than "brought".
Part 1 of 2
I just found something in my dream archives
which is a dream that I had in
2016 and it connects to much of my comments on this post
which is why I'm sharing this with you here.
My apologies for all these comments, but I do
think it may be important.
Interestingly I hadn't connected the symbolism in the dream
(regarding what I believe to be the meaning of the dream), until now.
Note that in the write up of the dream ( below)
the person I call 'Muggsy' was my mother's nickname
that me and my brother and sister called her.
My mother passed over in 2002.
Here's the dream:
Don’t open the Window
I had an interesting dream today…. The dream is as follows…
I can’t recall all of this dream , but I do recall that Barack Obama
was in it. At one point I felt that there was a deadly virus
that was killing everyone and it was airborne.
At one point I recall being with Muggsy and telling her about it
and warning her that it was coming and to prepare.
I also recall that at some point I was also talking to
Donald Trump about it and he was giving me some ‘secret advice’
on how to survive the tragic upcoming event.
I do recall telling him that I loved him!
I woke up.
As I commented previously, although I do NOT trust or like Barack
Obama, I've had several dreams about him.
I also think it's interesting that Donald Trump was mentioned
in the dream and gave me 'secret advice' on how to survive
the chaos.
Today ( Feb 12 ) I was reading my Don't Open the Window dream
to Marshall as our conversations of late have been very
serious regarding how quickly and furiously the 'signs' are
appearing and how my puzzle pieces are clicking into place
on the World Stage and to discuss, him and I, yet again,
our 'what if' scenario and backup plan, which we do have one.
IMHO Donald Trump's appointment of Elon Musk
to the White House , was a HUGE puzzle piece clicking
into place, and I said that at the time that it happened.
Marshall tries to listen to what he calls my 'mumbo jumbo'
but he still doesn't 'get it', which I find extremely frustrating
because I've have predicted many VERY
significant events that have come true,
not only on the World Stage but in our personal lives
as well.
I knew in Oct 2019 about 'co vid-19.
Anywho, as I was reading to Marshall my Don't Open the Window,
dream here are a few things, that I think have significance
regarding the message of the dream as far as
what is happening on the World Stage Now.
Keep in mind I had this dream in Sept of 2016. Donald Trump
wasn't 'elected' to POTUS until Nov 2016.
Also keep in mind in symbolism a window as well as a gate,
bridge, or door, are all portals to ' the other side'.
You don't really think that Bill GATES' Microsoft WINDOWS name
is just a name do ya?
Part 2
In the dream,
I wrote : "At one point I felt that there was a deadly virus
that was killing everyone and it was airborne."
When I read this sentence this morning( Feb 12) It hit
me like a ton of bricks!! I think the 'deadly virus ' hidden
meaning in this dream is not a physical infectious virus,
but a computer virus or a cyberattack, which is exactly
what I wrote previously in my comment on this tread
about how I believe things are going to unfold on the World
What's really crazy is I wrote that the virus was AIRborne.
Recall my comment regarding my perspective
of the American Airlines Eagle Flight mid-air collision
with the Black Hawk in DC and how I believe this event
along with a possible upcoming Golden Gates' events
will ignite a war with Iran.
I think that it will be announced that all of these aviation' disasters
and events are connected. Remember the swarm of drones in
New Jersey and the many aircraft crashes including the Med Jet
crash in Philly the day after the DC crash?( see link )
I think these aviation events will be attributed to cyberattacks,
which 'coincidently' a cyberattack is presented in the 2023
Netflix movie Leave the World Behind.
Perhaps you haven't noticed this, but the aviation industry
has been unraveling for several years and especially in
the last 6 months or so as far as multiple crashes and so called
'mechanical problems and especially in the US physical fights
and chaos between the passengers and crew in the aircraft.
And speaking of 'crews' a recent event just happen
where a private jet owned by the 1980's band Motely Crew,
crashed into another jet on the runway while landing
in Scottsdale Arizona.(see link )
Also, 'coincidently' the astrological sign Aquarius is an Air sign
and do recall my many comments about the Shifting of
Ages from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius
( aka The Golden Age) but especially the placement
of Pluto in Aquarius which when Pluto is in Aquarius
( and will be fore the next 20 years ) we will see 'revolutionary
dramatic transformations, especially where it concerns Technology.
Sounds familiar?
Pluto in Aquarius ( Highly recommended read)
Donald Trump has promised a "Golden Age" .
The 5th Dimension- Aquarius 1969 (note the purple and yellow outfits)
I want to add just one more thought regarding
what I wrote about Marshall's ' mumbo jumbo' reference
referring to my perspective
as far as my esoteric and paranormal , dreams
and synchronicity experiences I've had.
I try to tell Marshall that it doesn't matter if he or anybody else
doesn't like or believe or understand the mumbo jumbo
stuff, the fact is that there are powerful entities in this duality
dimension who absolutely DO BELIEVE in the 'mumbo jumbo'
and these entities are masters and manipulators of this
Sacred Science/ Universal knowledge and they manipulate
it and use it as black magic
against us ( humanity). That's how they always win
the game IMHO.
If we're are willingly ignorant to this Universal knowledge
or ignore our Soul ( which is where, I believe, this
Sacred Knowledge is stored connected to the Divine God. )
we succumb to our opponents because we can't fight or change
that which we can't see or understand.
I believe our Opponents final frontier has always been to disconnect
us from our Soul and God via Transhumanism.
Enter - Brain Computer Interface ( see links )
Case in Point:
Perhaps you've seen or heard the recent Superb Owl ( oops
I mean Super Bowl ) commercial by T-Mobile and Starlink.
If not Check it out.( links below)
Also check out Trump and Musk's recent White House meeting.
(link below)
Check out Elon Musk's all black dark MAGA outfit complete
with his black baseball MAGA cap. Do you really think
that our opponents aren't playing a game?
To win the game they keep their(and our )
eyes on the BAAL.
Baseball, Basketball, Football, Soccer Ball etc.,
Baal is also a mythological
lightening, bull, war, storm, wind deity, no?
Recall my recent comment about lightening.
Note in the video the many times Musk forms his
hands in the Merkle-Raute aka the Rhombus
aka the Diamond aka the Triangle of Power.(see link )
A triangle has THREE points, no?
Hmmmm... a sign of the Triumvirs perhaps?
Another Rhombus hand 'doe'er ) is Donald Trump
especially when he sits in meetings with BB.( see link)
A New Era in Connectivity – T-Mobile Starlink
Trump and Elon Musk ( note Elon Musk's many Triangle
Of Power hand gestures)... coincidence?
Trump and the Rhombus
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