Thursday, July 18, 2024

The brown emmets, the Ace of Hearts, and drinking absinthe with yaks

I'm not sure if it came from a forgotten dream or what, but I woke up this morning with a strange image in my mind: I was sitting at a card table, and opposite me was a yak, standing on the floor on all fours, with its head over the table. I had a small tumbler in front of me, and the yak had a shallow bowl, and we were drinking absinthe together, neat. (Nobody drinks absinthe neat. I'm pretty sure it would burn a hole in your stomach.) I would fill my glass and its bowl from a bottle, and we would both drink, the yak lapping it up like a dog. The most vivid element of this little image or fantasy was the intensely bitter taste of the absinthe.

Absinthe is made with wormwood and thus has biblical resonances:

And the name of the star is called Wormwood [Greek apsinthos]: and a third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter (Rev. 8:11).

In Mosaic times, "bitter water" was used as a sort of ordeal or test of purity. A wife suspected of unfaithfulness was made to drink "the bitter water that causeth the curse" (Num. 5:19) and if she was innocent, she would be unharmed by it.

Sitting at a card table with a yak of course made me think of the Y page of Animalia, discussed in "Pushed to Zion with songs of everlasting joy," which shows yaks on yellow yachts, one of which has what looks like a poker hand on its sail, though I later decided it was probably a reference to the Israeli card game Yaniv.

A couple of days ago, I was in Taichung and happened to see an advertising billboard with what was pretty obviously an AI-generated knockoff of Cassius Coolidge's Dogs Playing Poker paintings. That, combined with today's card-table image, gave me the idea of trying to use AI to produce a picture of Yaks Playing Yaniv. I first tried the prompt "yaks playing poker, style of Cassius Coolidge" but was unsatisfied with the result. All the chips on the table made it too clear that they were playing poker, not some other card game:

So I tried another prompt: "yaks playing cards; each yak has five cards in its hand." The AI completely mis-parsed this, giving me not yaks which are in the act of playing cards but rather some "yak playing cards" -- i.e., playing cards with yaks on them:

Although I didn't notice it until later, the only card fully visible in the above image is the Ace of Hearts. The only card fully visible on the sail of the yaks' yacht in Animalia is also the Ace of Hearts.

So I gave up on the AI stuff and instead checked a few blogs. First I skimmed America’s Flagship Meme Post. One of the memes, which didn't particularly stand out to me at the time, was this:

Then I checked William Wright's blog, and found that the latest post was called "Back to the Future." It's about Back to the Future 2, and although I've never seen any of the movies in that series, I believe the still in the meme also comes from that movie. In the last section of the post, William discusses the character Dr. Emmett Brown's catchphrase "Great Scott!" and connects Scott with Gael and thus with GAEL, Joseph Smith's Grammar and Alphabet of the Egyptian Language. I posted "GAEL" on June 23 and connected that acronym with Animalia because at that point I had been focused on the G and L pages. I wrote:

But G and L are only two of the four letters in GAEL. What of the other two? Well, I don't have much to say about A at this point, but recent syncs have strongly suggested that I give the E page another gander.

I still haven't posted anything about the A page, but William's post made me want to look at it again. It was actually the name Emmett Brown that suggested this. Emmet is a somewhat old-fashioned word for "ant," and I figured the A page would probably have an ant on it somewhere. Indeed it does. Here's what the page as a whole looks like:

And here's a closer view of the part that most caught my eye:

Not only emmets, but specifically brown emmets -- corresponding perfectly to the name of the Back to the Future character -- and right between them, what else but the Ace of Hearts!

Also touching the Ace of Hearts is an airliner, and nearby is a picture of a running man with an A on his tank top -- A for Ahnold, of course, star of The Running Man and of everyone's favorite gratuitously offensive meme that doesn't make any sense:

The Y page in Animalia features yaks yodeling -- or, in my interpretation, singing "songs of everlasting joy." This made me think of the Coasters' 1956 song "Yakety Yak," which kind of rocks, so I decided to give it a listen:

One of the comments on the video said, "i can easily imagine how this song will sound if it was sung by an Austrian bodybuilder!" A quick search revealed that, sure enough, Ahnold does sing this song -- while on an airliner -- in the 1988 movie Twins:

The twins of the movie's title are played by Schwarzenegger (6'2") and Danny DeVito (4'10"). This ties in with my story The Tinleys, about a very big knight and a very small knight, both named Tinley. When I first posted about that story, I wrote, "I believe the two Tinleys became friends after Small bested Big in a fight." I had misremembered, though. In fact, the two Tinleys -- like the characters played by Schwarzenegger and DeVito -- are brothers.

Coming back to William Wright's post, it includes a YouTube video compilation of every time Emmett Brown says "Great Scott!" in the Back to the Future films. At the end of the compilation is this ad for an apparently defunct website:

That specific phrase, "yellow car," with the image of a Volkswagen Beetle, got my attention. I have interpreted the lines "Hinbad the Hailer traveled far / By riding in a yellow car" as referring to Elijah and his chariot of fire. In "Valhalla, I am coming!" I linked this with the yellow Beetle on the badge worn by Victor the Vulture in Animalia.

Notice that Emmett Brown in the meme above is wearing a Hawaiian shirt decorated with yellow trains. The yaks are on yellow yachts. Yellow forms of transportation are a definite theme here.

The yellow Beetle badge is worn by Victor the Vulture. In "How is an armadillo like a griffon vulture in the Crimea?" I connected the two things in the post title, with The Tinleys being one of the connecting links. In "Armored vultures and the Cherubim," I brought in another character called Victor the Vulture, created by me as a child. I mentioned that Victor's sidekick was a snake that likes to eat apples.

The A page of Animalia prominently features an armadillo, and it also has a snake (anaconda) and some apples.

The biggest thing in the picture, though, is a big green alligator wearing a white apron with the alphabet on it. A green figure with a white apron has come up here before, in "Temple clothing in reverse, green shooting star, green figs."

That green head with a green baker's hat suggests an alligator, as you can see if you add eyes and nostrils:

Coming back to the Ace of Hearts, what is its significance? We first encountered it on the sail of the yaks' yachts, in a post about being "pushed to Zion." In Mormon scripture, the name Zion is associated with the idea of "one heart":

And the Lord called his people ZION, because they were of one heart and one mind, and dwelt in righteousness; and there was no poor among them (Moses 7:18).

That's today's date, by the way: 7/18.

"They were of one heart and one mind" -- that could be read to mean that all the people shared a single mind, a group or "hive" mind (like that of a colony of emmets), which does not sound desirable. Another reading, though, is that each of them had one heart and one mind -- that is, an integrated self, not one torn apart by conflicting motives. "Purify your hearts, ye double minded," says James (James 4:8). This latter reading seems to fit better with what is said about Zion elsewhere:

Therefore, verily, thus saith the Lord, let Zion rejoice, for this is Zion -- THE PURE IN HEART (D&C 97:21).

If the Ace of Hearts references this purity of heart, this being "of one heart," it is appropriate that it appears on the sail of a yacht. This passage from Unsong is relevant:

Finding God wasn't the sort of thing you did with a spy satellite or a submarine. It was the sort of thing you did on a quest. So [the Comet King] built himself a ship. A superfast yacht with seven sails, six from the colors of the rainbow and one jet-black. Every beam and mast built with strange magics only he knew. He called it All Your Heart, because it is written in Jeremiah: "You will seek God and find Him when you seek with all your heart."

Note added (10:30 p.m. same day): This post emphasizes appearances of the Ace of Hearts in a book by Graeme Base. Some hours after posting it, I checked my YouTube subscriptions and found that Emily Linge had recently uploaded a cover of "The Sign" by Ace of Base. I wasn't a huge fan of this particular cover, but the fact of its showing up seemed like a "sign."


William Wright (WW) said...

I liked how you brought the Ace of Hearts back to Zion there.

I hadn't noticed the yellow trains on Doc Brown's shirt, or the yellow car productions at the end of the clip I posted. Going with the yellow forms of transportation theme, a yellow school bus that I interpreted as also transporting Beings to Holy Places came up awhile back, so agree there is something to this.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Funny that post should mention Ararat.

Ra1119bee said...

Part 1

Don't know if you saw the video I linked titled: The Shining Decode,
but if you haven't, please do check it out.(link below)
It's very thought provoking.

The Shining of course is the 1980 movie produced by Stanely Kubrick,
staring Jack Nicholson (as Jack Torrance) and Shelly Duvall(as Wendy)
and Danny Lloyd (as Danny).

The name Jack is Jacob which means Israel. The name Wendy is suggested
to be of the Wind and air deities. Recall my recent comments of the significance
of the Air energy especially in the age of Aquarius. Aquarius being
an Air sign. Pan is also an air deity.

Recall I've commented about what I believe to be the symbolism of The Shine
and the Shining several times on your blog.

So, you ask, how does The Shining Decode connects with your post?
In that video(link below) Jack Torrance(with Wendy and Danny)
is driving a YELLOW Beetle through the snow-covered mountains
to the Overlook Hotel, which is in Colorado.
Recall my comments about the significance
of the coordinates of 40 lat and 104 longitudes
and previous comments about the Overlook Hotel and
the Shine.
In another movie, The Magical Mystery Tour, The Beatles hippie Bus
is Yellow and blue.
There is also a lot of red in that movie as well.
And speaking of red and the Ruby,
RINGO sings vocals on the Beatles' song; Yellow Submarine.

Ringo (symbolic of Saturn) was born in July which is not only
the month of the Dog Days of Summer, but also the month
of the gemstone Ruby and in astrology the month of Cancer under
the Cancer Constellation.

The crab with its claws shaped in the
69 position is interesting as the number 69 is a twinning number.
What if 6 turns out to be 9?

Recall my many comments about the symbolism of YELLOW and Red.

The Gadsden Flag with its Yellow field and timber rattlesnake coiled
with the words: Don't Thread on Me interestingly makes an appearance
in the bleachers behind Donald Trump at Trump's recent Butler
PA's rally.
Recall my comments about Butler PA's coordinates.

Also in the image you posted, there appears to be a snake
with the ants and the red A heart card and the word Atom
written in yellow.

Also speaking of Yellow, a couple of days ago Marshall and I were
in Centerville, driving on the 4 lane highway to his doctor's appointment.
What was odd, is that driving in the other lane right besides us was
a tractor trailer truck with the trucking company's logo on the truck.
That trucking company's name was Yellow. (see link )

On July 30th 2023,the trucking company Yellow ceased operations,
which is why I found it odd that a Yellow Truck would be on the highway.

I made mention of how odd it was to Marshall (who was driving) and lo and behold
another truck right behind the Yellow truck appeared.

Marshall glanced over at that truck ( I was still looking at the Yellow truck)
and he read the name that was written on that truck which was
Esoteric Trucking.

Marshall made comment of what an odd name
for a trucking company. On the back of the white
Esoteric truck was the numbers 06065.
From right to left the numbers 6+5=11.
6 11 is OK.
The letter O being the 15th letter in the alphabet
and K being the 11th. 1+5=6.

When I got home I googled Esoteric Trucking and lo and behold
the company is based out of Colorado Springs.
I think I shared my 2017 dream I titled : Colorado Springs with
you before.

It was the Colorado Springs dream that led to much research
and opened up the rabbit hole to information which
that information has convinced me
that the new Captial of The New Atlantis(we now know
as America ) will be on the
40 lat and 104 Meridian West. Both powerful Ley Lines.

Note that I did NOT know anything about the information
I found about Colorado and in particular Colorado Springs
before I had the dream.
I've never been to Colorado .

Ra1119bee said...


Part 2
Nikola Tesla knew of this powerful location as well which is
why he was invited to set up his wireless experiments,
in Pikes Peak near Colorado Springs bankrolled by John Astor. ( see links)

Both the coiled snake on the Gadsden flag and the Telsa Coil are
both intriguing. Recall my recent comments about the coil/spiral
of ethnic hair.

Recall my recent comment about the white tabernacles connecting
to not only my 2015 Where's My Horn dream, but also to the recent
Butler Pa Trump rally and Denver International Airport.

And speaking of Snakes, and Dragons and EL's( eels and L's )
and el-ectrity , oh my!
recall that the Year of the Snake is next year.

Also and speaking of eels and EL-ections, here's a riddle for ya.
What is the hidden message of this title : Hillbilly Elegy
by J.D. Vance?

Also interesting in your post the image of the Yaks playing cards.
The Yaks being native to Tibet and Nepal, are playing
cards in what appears to be the background of the Himalayas.
Do recall my recent comments about Atlantis, Tibet and Nepal and my Past
Life reading in 1974 and levitation.

And speaking of power sources and past, present and future,
the movie Back to the Future
is one of my favorite movies. It's chockfull of symbolism
which I shared a tiny bit of what I believe the hidden symbolism
to be on WW's blog post.

Marty wears a reddish(RUST)colored sailor's vest(Life Preserver) which I believe
the hidden message of his attire to be : Man Overboard.
Marty is man overboard in the bitter sea.
In Hebrew the name Marah meaning bitter.

copy and paste:(link below)
The name may have originated from the Egyptian language;
it is likely derivative of the root mr, meaning "love; beloved"
(compare mry.t-ymn, "Merit-Amun", i.e. "beloved of Amun").

The name was early etymologized as containing the Hebrew root mr,
meaning "bitter" (cf. myrrh), or mry, meaning "rebellious
...(stilla maris in Latin), from the Hebrew מר, mar, 'drop'
(cf. Isaiah 40:15)[2] and ים, yam, 'sea'.

Ra1119bee said...

Part 3

Interestingly Back to the Future was released on July 3, 1985.
July is in the month of the Dog Days of Summer in the Sirius Constellation
having to do with the Nile (water).The zodiac sign Cancer
is also a water sign.

Marty's 'Life Preserver' vest is commented on by the soda shop owner,
Doc Brown and Lorraine's mother.

In the Back to the Future clip below, listen to the soda shop owner
say this as Marty enters the shop:" Hey kid, what did you do, jump ship?"

Doc Brown, the 'nutty professor scientist" is an archetype of
and based on the real life of the German former SS Wernher von Braun .

Perhaps you're familiar with Operation Paperclip and Von Bruan(German Bruan
English Brown) and Von Bruan's association with NASA as
NASA engineering program manager; and chief architect
of the Apollo Saturn V rocket;
(see links)

Again, please do check out my perspective about more symbolism
of the movie Back to the Future on WW's blog.
I think it's pretty thought-provoking as it certainly is from
a different perspective.

In closing, I think there is a reason WHY we (humanity, ALL of us)
are given signs and symbolism
to decipher as, I believe, we ALL are being given a very important
map to help guide us through the bitter sea.

Those who have the eyes
to see and the ears to hear, understands the message and they
in turn are trusted with the responsibility to give the knowledge
out to All of humanity so that humanity can evolve.
I personally believe that's so important because everything is connected.

Knowledge is sourced from a vast spectrum
of ideologies (the good, the bad and the ugly),
whether we agree, disagree, understand or
are unaware of those sources or not.

Back to the future - Cafe scene

Back to the Future - Marty Meets Doc in 1955 (**** note Doc Brown's
lighted address is 1640 which equals 11). I think both the light
and the 11 suggests that Doc Brown is an EL aka a Shinning One.
Starting about marker 1:06, while Doc Brown is 'reading' Marty's mind,
note Doc Brown touches Marty's VEST and says : You want me to make a donation
to the Coast Guard Youth Auxiliary? ( which IRL does exist). Again
suggesting that Marty is symbolic of a sailor, Man Overboard.

Here's the Marty meets Doc link

The Shining Code 2 .0 - complete film

Ra1119bee said...


I forgot to add this: in the clip, Back to the Future - Marty Meets Doc in 1955
note that Doc Brown's 'mind reading future machine' has many COPPER
COILS wrapped around it.

Do recall my many comments about copper and Time Travel.

Leo said...

You reference G and L. GAEL = G A(nd) El ??

Neither aliens nor animals are biological robots, and we shouldn’t be, either.

Yesterday I bought and started reading the Kindle edition of Whitley Strieber’s latest book, The Fourth Mind. On page 47, he criticizes thos...