Monday, July 22, 2024

For whatever it's worth, the Tarot deck predicts a Kamala "win" this November

I don't give a crap about the upcoming fake election, but I remain somewhat interested in how the "standing prophecies" in the Tarot deck will hold up. The deck was right about the 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, and 2016 presidential elections but wrong about 2020 (and the 2022 midterm, if you want to count that). If the prophecies continue even though there is no trump numbered 24, the deck predicts a Kamala Harris "win" this year. And if I had to predict her running mate based on the card alone, I'd go with J. B. Pritzker.

For all the details behind this prediction, see my 2022 post "Oh, no, does this mean the 'standing prophecies' continue beyond 2021?"

Note added: Notice the palm leaves on the veil behind the High Priestess. The palm tree has very recently become a symbol of Harris's candidacy. From an NPR piece posted yesterday, "The Kamala Harris coconut tree meme, explained as best we can":

In the weeks before President Biden announced he would not be seeking reelection, some Democrats online rallied behind Vice President Kamala Harris to become the party’s new nominee. And their symbol became the coconut tree.

Not long after Biden announced on Sunday he was dropping out of the race, Colorado Gov. Jared Polis tweeted out just three emojis: a coconut, a palm tree and an American flag. EMILYs LIST, the PAC focused on electing Democratic women, explicitly endorsed Harris in a tweet and, in a more subtle show of support, also added the tree and the coconut to its username.

If Sesame Street is anything to go by (and why wouldn't it be?), Kek, the frog-god of chaos, might abandon Trump in favor of this even more "chaotic" personality.


Ra1119bee said...


Part 1

IMHO, this recent Kamala event was expected and of course planned.
What's that iconic quote? :
"In politics, nothing happens by accident.
If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way."---FDR

IMO, Biden was 'selected' in 2020 to be a weak POTUS so as to be able to put
into place the Final Frontier , which has always been:
the Fall of the American Empire, which we are on the precipice of.

I've shared my prediction of what I believe to be America's future
several times here on your blog, and if you've seen the Netflix movie
( bankrolled by the Obama's production company Higher Ground)
you'll get a sense of WHY my perspective.

I highly recommend this movie because
it's coming from the "Horses mouth'( do note that Obama
served as advisor/consultant on Leave the World Behind)

Recall that the rider of the Black Horse in Revelations holds
the scales symbolizing commerce..

Much of what the character G. H. Scott (played by Mahershala Ali )
speaks of in this movie regarding apocalyptic events, both global
and domestic I've been predicting since 2015 to family
and friends and on social media ( Youtube comments)
and to anyone else who would listen.

However, and like Morpheus said in the Matrix, and I've come to believe:
copy and paste:
"You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged.
And many of them are so inert, so hopelessly dependent on the system
that they will fight to protect it".
I connected hundreds of my dreams
especially the Where's My Horn dream' in 2015, to form
a theory that mirrors exactly where I believe we are today
especially politically, globally and America in particular,
as America is slated to be the Phoenix that Rises out of the Ashes.
Everything is unfolding as planned and right on time.

And since you're aware of the esoteric, do note
that Pluto entered Aquarius on Jan 20th

copy and paste (link below, Very interesting article and information!)
"Pluto is associated with transformation. Like the phoenix, it demands
a teardown before a rebuild.

"Here we find there is a surge of new ideas (Aquarius) that confronts the powers
that be (Pluto). This era is intrinsic to scientific, social and political

New scientific discoveries (Aquarius) that revolutionize the economic system (Pluto)
are set to alter the social order and transform our world."

Ra1119bee said...


Part 2
Think the recent global cyber crash (on July 19) was a coincidence or a one off?
Recall my comment about the number 19 meaning in Gematria. Both the words
chaos and sound equals 19 in Gematria.

Recall my comments about Yellen and Powell and Hoover using the code word sound
to describe the economic climate especially regarding banking.

Hoover said this on Oct 25, 1929:

copy and paste: link below
"IN REPLY to press questions as to the business situation the President said:
"The fundamental business of the country, that is the production and distribution
of commodities, is on a*** sound*** and prosperous basis".
Check out the video below and listen when Yellen says that banking is 'sound.'
And check out the link where Powell said that banking is 'sound'.

Yellen, Powell and Hoover were/are speaking to those who knew how
to decipher the code.

America was always an experiment. E. Pluribus Unum.
To be built as an Empire ( using Black people as cheap labor and entertainment)
so as to be destroyed (America) ECONOMICALLY, at the Shifting of Ages
which we are on the precipice of now . It's called the Great Reset
and in America, The New Atlantis.

Recall my prediction of Obama ushering in a" "temporary" Technocracy
under a Triumvirate Governance after several Black Swan events especially
at the Golden Gates either before the so-called EL-ection,
or by the end of the year.
These events will happen on the weekend.

If you see Leave the World Behind, you'll not only hear The Great Scott!!
( the G. H. Scott character whom I believe is a composite/ archetype
of Obama ) saying the exact same information that I've been predicting
since 2015. Which tells me, somebody else 'knows' what I am convinced of
and what I've been predicting for a very long time.

We live in VERY interesting times and IMHO we ain't seen nothing yet.

Pluto in Aquarius

Secretary Yellen: "Our banking system is sound

Leave The World Behind ( note on the left shoulder of Scott's daughter Ruth
is the July astrological Cancer sign 69.
Perhaps Predictive Programing for historic upcoming events beginning in July?
Also the daughter Rose wears a Nasa T shirt.

Also Amanda (played by Julie Roberts) wears a brown and white
checkered dress (recall the recent Back to the Future syncs and 'brown'.
Amanda also wears a white sweater with a dragon on the back and several eight
point stars.
Also note the use of 'SOUND' to paralyze the characters.
Also abt marker/frame 1:50--1:52, note the TWO bridges on fire.

Ra1119bee said...


I forgot to add this video link. Note the reference to the movie Leave
the World Behind.

Transhumanism via Artificial Intelligence has ALWAYS been the Final Frontier.

It's Happening NOW! "Biggest IT Outage The World Has Ever Seen"

Ra1119bee said...


Also, I forgot to mentioned
the blue screen of death was attributed to
the company Crowdstrike's reset update.

See the word "CROW'?in CROW-dstrike's name and logo?

Recall the Raven/Crow in Alchemy. ( see link)

Also recall Jim Carrey playing Joe Biden on Saturday Night Live
on Oct 31 2019. See the yellow and red?.

Check out the rust-colored chair 'Biden' is sitting.
Recall the rust/red color of Marty McFly's sailor's vest (life preserver)?
Note 'Biden' mentions the number 8.

Interestingly in the SNL skit,
'Joe' reads The Raven from Edgar Allen Poe.
Note when 'Joe' flips open the book The Raven, we
see the colors of red and black.

And last but not least, I have a riddle for ya
which connects with something in the background of this
Biden SNL skit. Do you see it?

Here's a hint and a riddle: What is the hidden message embedded in the
title of J.D. Vance's book The Hillbilly Elegy?

Check out Crowdstrike's logo. See the Raven?
Coincidence or planned?

The more things change, the more they remain the same.

Biden SNL Halloween Cold Open

Crowdstrike's falcon logo

Hillbilly Elegy (film) released on November 11 2020.
And yet another 11?
'dem EL's bee busy, no?

A said...

My gut 4-years ago was that Biden was just the wrapper for Kamala, and it had always been intended her as the shoe-in as a "first this first that" President. My surprise was that Biden wasn't retired sooner, but maybe it was more beneficial for evil to have such an obvious marionette on stage.

I don't know anything about the inner workings though.

Ra1119bee said...


Perhaps you are aware that the name Kamala in Hindu means Lakshim.
A water lily.

I too believe that Kamala was 'selected' as VP for a reason, which that reason is
and IMHO, currently unfolding.

The lilies are the EL's which I've commented on WHO the EL's are
many times here on William's blog ( see El deity wiki link).

Like all power sources on this duality planet (earth) the El's can either
be friends or foes.

Note how Kamala has 'played' the role of the ‘cackling’ VP therefore
not to be taken seriously. (see link )

I think Kamala Harris was "chosen" to play either the trickster/clown archetype
or Gelos at the time of a global Great Upheaval which I believe we are currently in.

copy and paste:
God of Spartans
"Spartans were powerful warriors. Sparta was known as brutal militarized society
in ancient Greece. They worship Gelos as one of their gods,
and he even have his own sanctuary temple with a statue of him at Sparta.

One of the reasons behind this was to help maintain the morale of warrior culture
that even in the face of danger, it is best to be calm and collected by using humor.

Laughter in the midst of battle of war was one of the Spartans’ strategy to win,
which is in contrast to their origin known as brutal and militarized Greek people."

When Kamala was San Fransisco's District Attorney she certainly didn't not
play her cackling role.
copy and paste ( link below )
"In the 2020 presidential race, the disproportionate imprisonment of African American men has become a major issue, and it’s posing an especially big challenge for Harris, California’s first black U.S. senator."

Note the reference to Kamala as the first black U.S. Senator.
Note the word black is not capitalized.
Kamala Harris is Not Black, and I bet the farm she does not think of herself
as Black, nor does Obama.

The One Drop rule aka Hypodescent was enacted in the late 1800's early 1900's
for one reason and one reason only, and that reason was to maintain
a cheap labor source, because of rapid miscegenation in the Colonies.
In New Orleans especially so.

Also factor in Partus Sequitur Ventrem which was also enacted for the economic reason
of maintaining a cheap labor source and means; ( see link )
'That which is brought forth, follows the womb."

Neither Harris nor Obama's mothers were Black/Negro.

Everything in this duality dimension is about Sex, Power and Money.

I absolutely agree with FDR and his iconic quote:
"In politics, nothing happens by accident.
If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way."---FDR

All of the World is a stage, no?

Kamala Harris cements herself as the ‘worst vice president in US history’

Bobby McFerrin - Don't Worry Be Happy ( note the reference in the lyrics
and in the video the 'crash' of the economy.)

A said...

R - Very interesting links, thanks.

I went to the humor God link and got an ad saying “5 signs you are a witch”

Every time I see Kamala I think “witch” and have the uncanny feeling her face is a literal mask. You mention the cackling laughter, and it seems a witch can be a type of priestess.

A Lassie-like library lion, and a ceiling fan on Mars

The Animalia  illustration of lions in a library, one of them with Lassie Come Home  in its mouth, recently reentered the sync-stream in ...