Monday, July 15, 2024

Visions "open" and "close"; mental images and real experiences don't

Continuing from my last post, "Visions as irruptions of dreaming consciousness into waking life":

In Joseph Smith's account of the visit of Moroni, I think we can see a distinction between the visitation of the angel, which was an actual experience, and a vision which occurred during that visitation. Here is how the arrival of Moroni is described:

While I was thus in the act of calling upon God, I discovered a light appearing in my room, which continued to increase until the room was lighter than at noonday, when immediately a personage appeared at my bedside, standing in the air, for his feet did not touch the floor (JS—H v. 30).

There is pretty clearly described as something taking place in Smith's actual room; and the initial change, from a dark room to one "lighter than at noonday," is a progressive one with no discontinuities indicating a transition to a dreaming or visionary state. The sudden appearance of the personage is a discontinuity, I suppose, but on the whole I would say the text suggests that the angel (or perhaps a projection or recording of the angel) was actually present in the bedroom, and that this was not a vision.

As the angel tells Smith about the Golden Plates, though, he does experience a vision, beginning with the characteristic "opening" sensation:

While he was conversing with me about the plates, the vision was opened to my mind that I could see the place where the plates were deposited, and that so clearly and distinctly that I knew the place again when I visited it (v. 42).

This is clearly a vision; Smith is still physically in his bedroom, not at the hill where the plates are deposited.

After this vision, the angelic visitation ends. It does not "close" or dissolve like a vision; rather, the scene changes by continuous steps back to an ordinary condition:

After this communication, I saw the light in the room begin to gather immediately around the person of him who had been speaking to me, and it continued to do so until the room was again left dark, except just around him; when, instantly I saw, as it were, a conduit open right up into heaven, and he ascended till he entirely disappeared, and the room was left as it had been before this heavenly light had made its appearance (p. 43).

From now on, I'm going to be paying close attention to such distinctions in the reported experiences of Joseph Smith.


Ra1119bee said...

Part 1

You wrote:..." lighter than at noonday, when immediately a personage
appeared at my bedside, standing in the air, for his feet did not touch the floor".

My response:
Isn't feet not touching the floor, levitation?

And speaking of levitation. I stumbled upon another interesting movie
that I've never seen before.

The backstory of how I found this movie was interesting has it started with
the recent July 13th Trump shooting and his right ear.

What's odd is that I have had several esoteric experiences throughout the years
where information is "given" to me through my Right ear.
My 11:11 dream ( which I had in 2003 ) was in my twilight REM sleep and
I heard a voice say, in my Right ear : Wake Up! Wake Up! look at the clock
and if it reads 11:11 that means something!!
Which of course I immediately woke up and looked at the digital clock.

Another esoteric experience ( IRL ) in the mid 1990's happened to me
when I was driving home from work one day, from the bank branch in Springfield Ohio.
Springfield Ohio is a somewhat small town and the surrounding area is mostly rural.

On the main road I saw an 'antique sale sign and I turned off the main road
and followed the twisty turning roads through high cornfields until
I saw the antique sale sign again at the very long driveway of where the sale was,
which was in huge old wood barn next to the typical white Ohio country
old home.

I went into the barn and the seller(a White man ) was standing inside
by a long old wood table with many pieces of glassware.
No one else was there.
I've never been a collector of glassware so after
only a minute or so I thanked the seller for his time and began to leave.

The seller then went over to the 'doorway' which lead to another part of the barn
and said: "I have more antiques in the back, over here."

I was so excited because I just knew ( at least my 'ego' thought )
that I was going to find all kinds of antiques for very low
prices and I began to walk towards the man.

Suddenly and out of nowhere and in my RIGHT EAR,
I heard a loud voice say: DON'T GO BACK THERE!!!

I was shocked and stopped immediately in my tracks and began backing out
towards the door where I came in.
I began telling the man that my husband was waiting for me (which was a lie)
just right up the road, and perhaps I'd come back a bit later.

I walked out the door, shaking the entire time.
I had parked my car very close to the barn
so I didn't have very far to walk. When I got into the car, I locked the car door
and begin driving out the long driveway. The very first thing
I thought when I got in the car was this: " This is how people get killed".
I KNEW that this man was going to harm me.

After the recent Trump ear incident and keeping in mind the right ear symbolism
I decided to do a bit of research about the ear specifically the right ear
and found this :

Luke 22:49-51
49 When Jesus’ followers saw what was going to happen, they said, “Lord,
should we strike with our swords?” 50 And one of them struck the servant
of the high priest, cutting off his right ear.

51 But Jesus answered, “No more of this!” And he touched the man’s ear and healed him.
I also found this interesting article about ear symbolism in Egyptian mythology.
Copy and paste:( see link)
' Symbolic ears are relatively common in Egyptian art, especially in a class
of reliefs called "ear-stelae."
These stelae were dedicated to certain gods in appreciation for answered prayers
or for present requests.'

Ra1119bee said...


Part 2
And last but not least, I stumbled upon a 2007 movie that I hadn't seen before
called The Last Mimzy.

Interestingly this movie is about 2 young children, a brother and sister,
who finds a black cube shaped box in the ocean at their home in Seattle.

Inside the box, they find not only a toy rabbit, but also several other 'magical items',
one being a crystal and the other a MILKY QUARTZ CRYSTAL in the shape of
a seashell, which the young boy puts up to his RIGHT Ear and he is able to hear
esoteric knowledge.
Recall my Where's my Horn dream and the milky crystal.

Also oddly there is quite a bit of symbolism in this movie
that mirrors several of my puzzle pieces as well including
levitation but also and especially reference to Nepal and Tibet.

Recall I shared my 1974 Past Life Reading with you which
the reader spoke of my incarnations in Tibet and Atlantis
which the Atlantis incarnation oddly enough connected to recurring
dreams about levitation. Dreams beginning in 1965 after my grandmother
passed over. I was 10 years old.

After I saw The Last Mimzy movie, I googled Milky Quartz in Tibet
and lo and behold I found this very intriguing information ( link below ).
I did NOT KNOW about the milky quartz in Tibet before today.

Another interesting topic in this movie is about Time Travel and copper
which I recently commented on your blog about copper and time travel.
Recall my links to the 1960's H. G. Wells movie: The Time Machine.

In my research
I also found that Tibet has a large copper mine.(see link )

As stated, levitation is also featured in this movie and if you recall
I shared with you information about the Lung-gom-pa runners of Tibet.

And last but not least and speaking of Horns and levitation and Tibet
I'm sure you are aware of The Tibetan horn aka Dungchen.

I know you wrote that levitation isn't your gig,
but I thought all of these odd connections are very thought provoking
nevertheless, no?

The Last Mimzy Official Trailer

These Tibetan Monks Know the Secret of Levitation

Arjuna: Tibetan Horn For All Seasons

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Good link with the right ear. The servant whose ear was cut off was named Malchus, meaning "my king." In connection with Trump, people have been citing the apocryphal quote (variously attributed to Macchiavelli, Emerson, or others) "If you're going to shoot the king, don't miss."

Ra1119bee said...


Thank you for sharing this about Malchus. When I read the scripture
was from Luke 22:49-51, I thought it was very interesting
as, if you recall I previously commented about the name Luke being in the lyrics
of The Weight, which the song The Weight of course oddly enough
being in both the movie Easy Rider and the Dawn of the Planet of Apes.

Both of those movies were about the 'fall of man'. Easy Rider, "coincidently"
was released on JULY 14, 1969 !! and the Dawn of the Planet of Apes movie
was released on JULY 11, 2014!!!
Those two dates sound familiar??

I truly believe that after 50 years of experiencing esoteric events
and what seems like a gazillion dreams ( many premonition )
that linear time is an illusion.

Lyrics: The Weight
Go down, Miss Moses, there's nothin' you can say
It's just ol' Luke and Luke's waitin' on the Judgment Day
"Well, Luke, my friend, what about young Anna Lee?"
He said, "Do me a favor, son, won'tcha stay and keep Anna Lee company?"

I believe that we(humanity)
are living in very interesting times William.

We are being given signs (for those who have eyes to see)
of a very severe upcoming storm.

The Band The Weight (Easy Rider, 1969) (Restored)

Down of the Planet of the Apes 「the Weight

Ra1119bee said...


I forgot to add one more thing regarding the article
about Egyptian Mythology and the ear.

copy and paste: link below
"Deities described this way include Ptah, Amon, Horus, Isis, and Thoth."
What caught my eye was Thoth, which I had researched Thoth many years ago
when I had a dream about someone (I think it was my mother ) who in
the dream had turned into a gorilla.

What interesting about Thoth is his connection to not only an Ape but also
his connection to Maat. Recall my recent comments about connections to The Weight
in the movie the Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. The mentioned
of scribe has appeared in the sync stream recently as well.

 Copy and paste:
Thoth's roles in Egyptian mythology were many. He served as scribe of the gods,
credited with the invention of writing and Egyptian hieroglyphs.

In the underworld, Duat, he appeared as an ape, Aani, the god of equilibrium,
who reported when the scales weighing the deceased's heart against the feather, representing the principle of Maat, was exactly **** even.****"
Very interesting the mention of EVEN, which of course is the purpose
of a scale. Recall my previous comment about
what I've come to believe regarding the meaning of 11:11 being a nemesis struggle.
That struggle begs the question: "Who will win the battle,
the Positive Elevens Polarity....or the Negative Elevens Polarity?
Eleven is EL--Even.

Also this info about Thoth as a Moon God (recall my recent MOON-Key comments
and my Moon River dream which 'coincidently' I had on JULY 14, 2014.!
July 14 again??

copy and paste:
"Thoth was a Moon god. The Moon not only provides light at night,
allowing time to still be measured without the Sun, but its phases and prominence
gave it a significant importance in early astrology/astronomy.
The perceived cycles of the Moon also organized
much of Egyptian society's rituals and events, both civil and religious.

Consequently, Thoth gradually became seen as a god of wisdom, magic,
and the measurement and regulation of events and of time. He was thus said to be the secretary and counselor of the Sun god Ra, and with Ma'at (truth/order)
stood next to Ra on the nightly voyage across the sky".

Thoth, controlling space and TIME which I have shared on numerous comments
my belief about linear time and space.
Also interesting the statement about RA's nightly voyage ( which
I believe perhaps means our travels outside of physical bodies
especially in our REM sleep.

Do note that Remote Viewing is also traveling outside our physical bodies,
in order to 'see beyond'. Third Eye Spies ( see link )
Recall my comments about my experiences and the Monroe Insitute.

I'm convinced that the soul transcends linear time and space, which
explains telepathy and intuition and synchronicities.
To be able to see into the future, even if it's 5 seconds into the future
(like my antique barn experience) means that we can change our direction.

And last but not least, I found this information about Thoth having
the head of the ibis, very interesting especially where it concerns snakes.

If you recall I commented about my recent
black snake experience ( IRL).

copy and paste:
"According to Herodotus and Pliny the Elder the ibis was invoked against
incursions of winged serpents."

When we connect our puzzle pieces and solve our puzzle,
we see The Big Picture which in turn we lose the Weight(the weight
being doubt, fear confusion, hate, arrogance and ignorance)...
and much like a feather, when we lose the weight, we are free.

All IMHO, of course;-))

Third Eye Spies (2019)

Ra1119bee said...


I just want to add just one more thing especially
about the Moon. This video (which I just found today)
presents some very important and thought-provoking questions
regarding Stanley Kubrick's movie The Shining.

I recall commenting on yours and WW's blog several weeks ago about
'The Shine' and I made references to the movie, The Shining.

The El's (the 11's) are the Shining Ones. This entire video
is deciphering the code( as the creator of this video believes)
Kubrick placed hidden clues in the film about his(Kubrick) involvement
in the Apollo 11 moon hoax, which many people now believe was a hoax
as well.

I recall my family all gathered around our black and white TV on July 16 1969
watching the 'moon landing'. (Note the moon landing was another mid-July event)

While we were all watching the moon landing on TV, I recall my grandfather
saying: How do we know that's the moon??

My entire family have always been 'rebels' and questioned the so-called status quo.

Given that Thoth had connections to the Moon and Wisdom,
perhaps you too will find this video interesting.

Note in this film the Yellow VW Beetle.
Recall my recent many comments and connections about the color yellow.

Another traveling yellow(and blue)
vehicle was the Beatles' Hippie Bus in the Magical
Mystery Tour movie.

The Overlook Hotel was actually filmed at the Stanley Hotel in
Colorado, which is where Kubrick stayed one night with his wife
when the idea of the story of The Shining came to him in a dream.

Check out the Stanley Hotel's Coordinates: 40°22′58″N 105°31′09″W

40 lat and the 104 Long .

Nikola Tesla also had ties with the 40 lat and 104 long
at Pikes Peak. Tesla's birthdate was July10. Yet another
July, Ruby(Cancer) connection.

Actual Coordinates for Pikes Peak(factor in the law of three)
: 38.8405°N 105.0442°W

I personally don't believe in coincidences.

The Shining Code 2 .0

The Beatles - Magical Mystery Tour

A Lassie-like library lion, and a ceiling fan on Mars

The Animalia  illustration of lions in a library, one of them with Lassie Come Home  in its mouth, recently reentered the sync-stream in ...