Sunday, July 28, 2024

Eve on a golden mountain

My father was a Mormon missionary in Denmark in the 1970s, and one of his mission stories I’ve heard many times was about a potential convert to whom they had given a copy of the Book of Mormon. When the missionaries came back for a second meeting, she told them God had revealed to her that the book was true.

The missionaries were of course delighted to hear that but were a bit nonplussed when she explained the form this revelation had taken: She had had a dream in which she saw Eve standing on the summit of a golden mountain. She knew it was Eve because there were neon lights above her head that said, “Eve, Mother of All Living.” Eve was jumping up and down on the golden mountain, shouting, “The Book of Mormon is true! The Book of Mormon is true!”

The story always got laughs because everyone shared the unspoken assumption that, while the Book of Mormon is true, God would obviously never reveal that truth in such a bizarre way.

Today I realized that now I think that, yeah, he probably would. Not only do I no longer share that assumption, I think it’s a pretty silly thing for a believer in the Book of Mormon to assume.

Plus, if I were Eve, I’d rather people knew me by the account in the Book of Mormon than by the one in the Bible.

1 comment:

WanderingGondola said...

A little under 24 hours after this post was made, I was logged into Warframe to check out a preview for upcoming content, involving time travel to 1999 and something far worse than the Y2K we had. Part of the preview introduced a fictional boy band, complete with song (; the chorus happens to start with "We come alive moving under the neon glow". (Any sinister undertone is very much intentional.)

A Lassie-like library lion, and a ceiling fan on Mars

The Animalia  illustration of lions in a library, one of them with Lassie Come Home  in its mouth, recently reentered the sync-stream in ...