Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Inventory of the Animalia A page

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The title is "An Armoured Armadillo Avoiding An Angry Alligator." In the background, behind those words, we have:
  • an angel
  • an albatross in flight
  • the word AGRANAM with the numbers 1 4 5 3 2 6 7 under the letters, indicating that it is an anagram of the word anagram
  • a pronghorn antelope
  • a map of Australia
  • an asterisk
  • the letter A
  • an anvil
  • an anteater
  • a few bars of music in allegro tempo
  • an algebraic equation

I'm not sure if that is an identifiable piece of music or not.
  • three dogs: an Afghan hound, an Alsatian, and one I can't identify
  • Noah's ark on Mount Ararat
To the left of the alligator, we have:
  • an aqueduct
  • an armadillo
  • an aardvark (barely visible in the background)
  • an arroyo with an accordion, the author, and a tree trunk (it may be some specific type of tree beginning with A, but I can't see any way to identify it)
To the right of the alligator, either an astronaut or an android, with a checkerboard pattern on its chest. I can't think of any A-word related to the checkerboard.

Then there's the main subject, an alligator wearing an apron with the alphabet on it. In the foreground, in front of the alligator, we can see:
  • a Chinese-style abacus displaying the number 0000123456789
  • under the abacus, an artichoke and some asparagus
  • an anchor
  • what I guess is meant to be an alien emerging from an asteroid; the Alien has an A on its chest
  • two ants
  • the Ace of Hearts
  • an airliner
  • an anaconda (adder? asp?) with scales forming an A on its forehead
  • an advertisement for Atom brand anchovies
The word anchovies is not visible in my copy of the book, but I found it a photo online:

Then there's a photo album with the following photos:
  • an athlete with an A on his tank top
  • an admiral with an A on his hat
  • an artist painting at an easel
  • an Australian aborigine standing in front of what I would think was Ayer's Rock if not for the color
  • an actress and actor doing the balcony scene from Romeo and Juliet
  • an ape
  • an archbishop
  • five acrobats forming a human pyramid
To the right of the album:
  • two fruits which I think are an apricot and an apple
  • an ambulance
  • a TV antenna/aerial
  • an alarm clock decorated with an archer shooting an arrow (The helmet may indicate that this archer is supposed to be Achilles, which would be out of character for him. Perhaps it is Alexander, a.k.a. Paris, or perhaps just a generic Achaean.)
  • the author's autograph
  • an acorn
Not bad for one page!


Doctor Whomst said...

The A page also contains an Alliteration.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Really? Where?

Henri said...

Looks like the music shows an A minor arpeggio.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

So it does. Good catch!

A said...

Raymond Arroyo is an interesting character. He's been a Catholic journalist, worked on Fox News, recently made a Christmas album (Merry & Bright) where he sings every song, and has written a bunch of children's books like the Will Wilder series.

A Lassie-like library lion, and a ceiling fan on Mars

The Animalia  illustration of lions in a library, one of them with Lassie Come Home  in its mouth, recently reentered the sync-stream in ...