Sunday, July 14, 2024


I dreamed that representatives of a secretive organization were going around to elementary schools and interviewing the “gifted and talented” kids, trying to identify individuals of possible interest to their group.

Part of the interview involved playing brief clips of various national anthems and noting in particular how each child reacted to “La Marseillaise.”

Children were also asked about their favorite colors and why they liked them. If a child expressed a preference for black and white, the interviewer was to say, “So you probably like zebras, right? Are you a Neomonotonist?”

The child’s reaction at this point was extremely important. Some would ask what a Neomonotonist was. Others would bluff and say yes or no as if they had understood the question. Neither was the response the interviewers were looking for.


Ra1119bee said...


I used OpenAI ChatGPT to translate the phrase:
Tam multa, ut puta genera linguarum sunt in hoc mundo: et nihil sine voce est.

For me personally, I absolutely agree with this statement especially
this interpretation: Verses 13-19: Paul advises those who speak in tongues to pray for the ability to interpret their speech, so it can be understood by others.

and this: Verses 1-5: Paul encourages the pursuit of love and the desire for spiritual gifts, especially prophecy, because it builds up the church.

IMHO, Everything is connected, whether we like it, understand it, disagree
with it or unaware of it or not.
When we ( humanity ) are divided we become conquered.

IMO,we need the butcher, the baker and the candlestick maker because each
brings something different to the table which completes the whole.

In your post about your dream your wrote:
" Children were also asked about their favorite colors and why they liked them.
If a child expressed a preference for black and white, the interviewer was to say,
“So you probably like zebras, right? Are you a Neomonotonist?”

My response:
Isn't it interesting that the interviewer Immediately categories/pigeonhole
a child because of their favorite color? Pre-judgement or perhaps highly suggesting
(coercive persuasion?) to the child of what he/she is 'suppose' to like or think.

Recall my recent comment about 'experts, teachers, preachers, books, documents
and the "victor writes the narrative."
The phrase: It is what WE say it is, comes to mind.

A perfect example, which I believe supports my perspective about everything
is connected, is a very thought provoking
story called I, Pencil.

I, Pencil: The Movie

!!****Also have you seen what just happened to Trump????
I'm thinking my prediction may be unfolding.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

What just happened to Trump? A Google news search for his name didn’t turn up anything special.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Oh, he was shot. Weird that wasn’t the top search result for news about Trump.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

It’s all so tiresome.

Ra1119bee said...

Part 1

I was hoping that you would respond to my comment about Trump.

Several signs that I've been commenting about throughout the time
since we first' met' appears to be unfolding.

Recall your Erie PA post a month or so ago?
Recall my comment about Marshall's family farm in Butler County Pa
and how it is interesting the connection to the coordinates of Butler County PA
Those coordinates are 40.91°N 79.91°W.

Recall my comment about the significance of the 40 degree parallel.
Also the significance of the 77 Meridian West and The New Atlantis.

Keep in mind that although Butler County's long is 79, do factor in the Law of
the three.

WHY is this important?
Check out the white tabernacles behind the stage where Trump was shot.(link below)
Looks familiar? Recall I shared my Feb 2015 Where's My Horn Dream.
Recall me commenting about in the dream I constructed a white enclosure
made of white gauze material, because I didn't want to see people
walking back and forth going to Kings Island, in the front of my patio
door of the condo Marshall and I had just bought.

Of course IRL, Marshall and I did not and have no intention of selling our home in Wilmington to purchase a condo near Kings Island!! Not gonna happen.
However it was because of the symbolism in the Where's my Horn dream
and the gazillion hours of research is how I connected many of my puzzle pieces.

After the dream I googled : Horn, tent, kings( all symbolism in the dream )
and from that search I found a whole lot of info about the Third
Temple and of course KING Solomon ( which I determined was the WHY
of the King's Island connection in the dream ).

I found info about the Red Heifer, the Shemita,
The Horn being the Ram's Horn, the TRUMP-PET aka Trump Pence.
I did NOT know any of this before the dream.
I also did NOT KNOW before the dream that a tent in Hebrew
is called a tabernacle.

Recall my Horn Dream was the week of my birthday in Feb of 2015.
Trump didn't even announce running for POTUS until JUNE of 2015
as June is his birth month. I told my best friend after my dream in Feb of 2015
that Trump was going to be POTUS and she replied; 'ain't
gonna happen' and I replied; I beg to differ.
Trump was selected as POTUS because Trump is Israel's Cyrus having
declared Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel in Dec 2017.

Ra1119bee said...


Part 2

Last night (July 13 recall 1+3 = 4 and 4 is the doorway)
when Marshall and I were looking at footage of the rally and events,
lo and behold what do I see? White Tabernacles ( see link ).

I personally don't believe in coincidences.

Recall my many comments about what I believe
the significance of Denver being the capital
of the New Atlantis as Denver is on the 104 Meridian West. Recall
my comments about the 104 and my 2017 dreams about Colorado Springs.

Why is all of that significant? Because on the roof of the Denver International
Airport (DIN) are white tabernacles.

DIN's coordinates are : 39.86167°N 104.67306°W
The Lat is 39 but factor in the Law of Three.

The 40 is very significant here. WHY?

copy and paste:
The phrase “40 days and 40 nights” appears multiple times in the Bible
and holds significant meaning in Hebrew scriptures. Here are some key instances:

1.The Great Flood: It rained for 40 days and 40 nights during the flood
that Noah and his family survived in the ark.

2..Moses on Mount Sinai: Moses spent 40 days and 40 nights on Mount Sinai
without eating or drinking while receiving the Ten Commandments from God.

3.Spies in Canaan: Moses sent spies to explore the land of Canaan for 40 days
and 40 nights before the Israelites entered the Promised Land.

4.Elijah’s Journey: The prophet Elijah traveled for 40 days and 40 nights
to reach Mount Horeb.

The number 40 is often used symbolically in the Bible to represent periods of testing, trial, and ****transformation****".
~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~

Also I would add, that after chattel slavery, recall the 40 acres and a Mule promise.
Little did the slaves know that everything is occulted.
40 is a code meaning : a test. There's no way in hell that the Powers that Be
were going to allow ANYONE to O W N land in The New Atlantis if they
were not bloodline, and that included the Europeans Indentured Servants.
The Indentured Servants 'rented' the land.
It's called property taxes and still exists to this day.

I believe America was an experiment.
Ownership of land was always an illusion, as was ' all men are created equal,
which is why I believe the drafters of the Declaration of Independence
replaced The Pursuit of Property to the Pursuit of Happiness.
OF course the slaves already "knew" that promise didn't apply to them.

In the quote above : The number 40 is often used symbolically in the Bible
to represent periods of testing, trial, and ****transformation****".

Recall my Many comments about the Shifting of Ages and TRANSFORMATION,
especially as it relates to America.

And all of this happening only 2 days after July 11th.
Recall my recent comments about the significance of July 11.

We live in very interesting times, and IMHO it's only just begun.
Watch Leave the World Behind.
Predictive Programing.

Scroll down to about the 13th photo in this article below..
See the white tabernacles/tents?
Looks just like the DIN's tabernacles, no?


Ra1119bee said...


You wrote: "It’s all so tiresome."

My response:
But remember Odin and his 'payment' for knowledge.
The sacrifice of an eye.

Recall my comments about our Third Eye.

IMHO, The tiresome comes from The Weight that we carry.

Finding the truth, sets us free and when we're free, we're as light
as a feather.

Just ask Maʽat ....

Ra1119bee said...


Correction : I wrote DIN for Denver International Airport.
Should read DIA.

Ra1119bee said...


In this ABC news clip is the coverage of the Trump rally and incident,
it's also a better view of the white tabernacles in the background.

‘People were terrified’ amid Trump rally shooting, eyewitness says

A thin man ran out of the library

I dreamed last night that I had a large strip of paper (about a meter long) on which was printed "Too bad! We go." (A more printab...