Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Trump’s pierced ear

A pen friend told me that as he was talking with a family member about the Ear Incident, the Golden Earring song “Twilight Zone” was playing on the radio. He later looked the song up and discovered that it’s from an album with this cover art:

That’s an actual photograph of a bullet ripping through a playing card, taken in 1964 by Doc Edgerton, known for his ultra high-speed photography. The bullet that allegedly pierced Trump’s ear was also allegedly caught on camera by a photographer who allegedly just happened to be using an ultra-fast shutter speed.

Gold is a big part of Trump’s branding. Back in 2016, there were jokes that he was going to paint the White House gold. Earring, singular, implies the piercing of a single ear.

The name Trump is obviously associated with card games, but why the Jack of Diamonds specifically? Well, for starters, it depicts a blond man wearing a red hat, so that checks out. You might think the Once and Future President should be depicted as a King, but at the time of the incident he was not in power and thus not a “king.” His status was, rather, that of a “convicted felon” — i.e., what used to be called a knave. Diamonds is clearly the best suit, since it traditionally represents money and the merchant class, and Trump rose to fame as a businessman.

Also, Trump’s middle name is John (for which Jack is a nickname), and John/Jack is associated with the idea of assassinating a president. He is D. J. Trump — D for Diamonds, J for Jack, and Trump for playing cards.

Twilight zone indeed!


Ra1119bee said...


part 1

At the risk of sounding like a 'broken record' here on your blog,
to which I'll say I'm sorry, my bad... however and once again
I'll say this :
Connect the dots William.

There is always a WHY(i.e a reason/message/purpose/Big Picture,
for synchronistic events, because if odd occurrences happen
to us (meaning us collectively) over and over and over again,
and IMHO, they are not a coincidence.

Which begs the question, if all of the weird stuff
that happens to us is not a coincidence, then what is it?
What's the meaning, the conclusion, the Big Picture?

And yes, and IMO,
something as simple as a deck of playing cards and a pierced right ear
has a big picture.

Case in point, the big picture and symbolism of ears is this:
Ears serve as a portal.

Recall I recently shared my right ear esoteric experiences
that I've had throughout my life.

We humans don't only 'hear' with our physical ears, we also
hear through our soul, which explains, at least to me,
telepathy and clairvoyance.

As you know we humans have crystals in our ears, which crystals
in our ears plays a key role helping to 'balance' us and for our movement.
When we are balanced we don't 'fall down'.

Recall I shared my March 1997 Hale Bopp milky crystal dream where, in the dream,
the space man gave me (in a cup) the milky crystal in order to stay human.
When we are in human body, we don't fall down if we lose the weight of the ego.

Maat with her scales, shows us the significance of losing our ' weight'.
The Black Horse** Rider** of the 4 Horsemen, also carries a scale.

Interestingly, the words " Rider and Weight" sounds similar
to : The Rider-Waite Tarot cards , no?

Again, regarding the symbolism of ears:
In Hebrew the name Samantha means :" heard by God” or
“God has heard.”( see link)

copy and paste:
"In Buddhism, the word Samatha (Sanskrit: शमथ; Chinese: 止; pinyin:
zhǐ, "calm," "serenity," "tranquility of awareness, and vipassanā
(Pāli; Sanskrit: विपश्यना; Sinhala: විදර්ශනා), literally "special, super (vi-),
seeing (-passanā)", are two qualities of the mind developed in tandem
in Buddhist practice"

In the 1960's TV show Bewitched the main character's name was Sam( Samantha).
Sam was a witch who casted spells.
Keep in mind that all power sources, including knowledge and especially
esoteric knowledge can be used for good or evil, depending on the intent.

The 1970's serial Killer David Richard Berkowitz aka the Son of Sam,
said that he heard demon voices in the walls and through dogs.

Regarding the playing cards: the word deck as in deck of cards
has connections with navigation.
Recall my many recent' broken record' comments about Falling Down i.e. The Fall
of Man, and Marty's vest (life preserver) in the movie Back to the Future.

Interestingly Donald Trump' fell down' at the Butler PA rally.
Also Recall my previous comments about Biden 'falling down' (in several
different occasions) while walking up the stairs of Air Force One. (see links)

from etymology online: Deck (n)
"Sense extended early in English from "covering" to "platform of a ship.
" Meaning "pack of cards necessary to play a game" is from 1590s,
perhaps because they were stacked like decks of a ship.

"Deck-chair (1844) so called because they were used on ocean liners.
On deck (by 1740) was in nautical use especially "ready for action or duty;
" extended sense in baseball, of a batter waiting a turn at the plate, is by 1867."

Ra1119bee said...

part 2

As far as playing cards having purpose i.e a big picture meaning,
check this out: playing cards always has 2 Jokers.

I also found this information interesting about the club suit.
copy and paste:
Its original French name is Trèfle which means "clover" and the card
symbol depicts a three-leafed clover leaf. The Italian name is Fiori ("flower").
Of course bees are attracted to the nectar rich flowers of clover.
So we have a bee connection and the Law of the Three.

Also did you know that the Bicycle Playing Cards ( BI-Cyle meaning 2 cycles)
was used in militaries, especially the US military?

copy and paste: ( see link )
"The Bicycle Playing Card Company recounts the history of American troops
and playing cards, though many other nations’ militaries also have a tradition
of playing cards in their downtime. It just beats sitting around thinking
about everything that could go wrong in a battle.

During the Vietnam War, playing card companies sent deployed soldiers
and Marines special decks comprised of just the ace of spades,
believing the Viet Cong considered the symbol to be a deadly serious omen.

Everything is connected William.
Connect the dots, Solve the Puzzle.

and speaking of the 'broken record of over and over again'
and the bees and the clover ( Oh My! )
check out this 1968 Boomer favorite:
Crimson & Clover by Tommy James and the Shondells.

President Biden falls on Air Force One stairs

Joe Biden falls on stage at US air force academy ceremony ( note
the orangish-yellow Y in the background)

WanderingGondola said...

Well, I've properly entered House of Leaves' own twilight zone now. Pretty sure I spent over an hour on a single chapter, its labyrinth theme reflected in the most bizarre page layout I've ever seen (so far...?). Often-stupidly-lengthy footnotes crowded the main text in various ways, and to read them required moving back and forth through pages, rotating the book itself, and in one instance taking a photo with my phone to mirror the text, not having a hand-mirror nearby.

One blissfully short footnote pointed me to a specific appendix, "The Pelican Poems", implied to be written by the book's fictional author Zampano. The second poem ( caught me with its second line, and then -- recalling both an aunt's late partner and a character from Stephen King's Dark Tower -- it registered that Jake (seemingly the Pelican's name) is another nickname for John.

Returning to the main text, a later fragmented chapter compares two of Zampano's characters, formerly-estranged brothers Will and Tom, with the Biblical Jacob and Esau. A footnote there ( stood out thanks to both your "Oh mark I am" post and something best left for email. (The Stern book is fictional, my first search result being a Reddit thread about the "typo":

As a bonus, some more of the Pelican's poetry ("poetry"?), chosen for recent and recurring sync themes; YMMV. (For Jacob and Esau to appear there also, I'm thinking Zampano had some issue with a sibling.)

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Lots of sync themes there: absinthe, sitting on a wall, a brass disc that may actually be gold.

That said, the book itself sounds pretty unreadable. That kind of thing can be done well (Pale Fire) but rarely is.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

In French, a Jack is called a Valet, which is pretty close in meaning to Butler.

Ra1119bee said...


Also isn't the name Jack, Jacob?
"one that takes by the heel; a supplanter"
This may be a bit off topic to this particular post,
but it does connect IMO, to many of the puzzle pieces
I've shared.

And that connection is this: I believe that The Pale Horse has been released.
Metal horse gallops down Seine River to deliver Olympic flag | Paris Olympics

Recall I shared this link and significance of the black and white horse
being released this year .( link below )

I'm not surprise that the Pale Horse 'ritual' was performed on water.
I think we're going to see several more 'fire and water rituals'
in the not-too-distant future.
Recall my predictions about the 2 Golden Gates.

Military horses escape onto streets of London

Also Check this wiki article out especially the Fourth Horse i.e.
Pale Horse.
Recall my many comments about my perspective and significance
of the number 4.
Guess who was the 44th POTUS?

copy and paste:

Destroying an empire
See also: Crisis of the Third Century

Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (by Arnaldo dell'Ira, neo-Roman project of mosaic,
This fourth, pale horse, was the personification of Death,
mission was to kill upon the Roman Earth with all of the
***four judgments of God—with sword, famine, pestilence, and wild beasts.

The deadly pale and livid appearance displays a hue symptomatic
of approaching*** empire dissolution. According to Edward Bishop Elliott,
an era in Roman history commencing within about 15 years after the death of Severus Alexander (in AD 235) strongly marks every point of this terrible emblem.

Edward Gibbon speaks of a period from the celebration of the great
****secular games*** by the Emperor Philip to the death of Gallienus (in AD 268)

Secular games as in the Olympic Games perhaps???

and last but not least and speaking of pale and water and waiters, butlers
and valets (Oh MY! )
Check out this Boomer fav:
PROCOL HARUM - A Whiter Shade Of Pale

"We skipped the light fandango
Turned cartwheels 'cross the floor
I was feeling kinda seasick
But the crowd called out for more
The room was humming harder
As the ceiling flew away
When we called out for another drink
The waiter brought a tray

and speaking of 'playing cards, the song continues:

And so it was that later
As the miller told his tale
That her face, at first just ghostly
Turned a whiter shade of pale

She said, "There is no reason
And the truth is plain to see"
But I wandered through my playing cards
And would not let her be
One of sixteen vestal virgins
Who were leaving for the coast
And although my eyes were open
They might just as well have been closed

'Dem Sync Faries be busy, no?

PROCOL HARUM - A Whiter Shade Of Pale

Ra1119bee said...


Here is another longer video about how the (" Pale Horse'
featured in the Opening Ceremony for the Olympic Games ) was made.

In this video, it appears that the horse is named ; Zeus
Check out the 'yellow-golden hue of the building and the
golden reflection in the water.

Sanofi – The Paris 2024 Games Opening Ceremony « Horse

WanderingGondola said...

Having read further (and flicked forwards and backwards to compare), that chapter has the worst layout by far; any other playing around in t he at way is tame in comparison. I should add that those crazy footnotes (lists of names, locations, titles and architectual terms) appear inconsequential, part of the "satirical academic" aspect of the book. If there's any deeper meaning, I'm sure some internet person has dissected it already.

A Lassie-like library lion, and a ceiling fan on Mars

The Animalia  illustration of lions in a library, one of them with Lassie Come Home  in its mouth, recently reentered the sync-stream in ...