Sunday, January 30, 2022

Ominous dreams

When I finished the Katha Upanishad, I had the strange thought, "I need to sleep on this in order to process it properly, and should do so before proceeding." So, putting a pillow on the floor of my study, I lay down and did just that. I entered the dreaming state almost immediately, and it was a strange dream: a hyper-realistic view of a city from a few hundred feet above it. Everything was red -- the people, the buildings, the streets, the ceiling (yes, this city had a ceiling) -- and I had the impression that I was looking at the subterranean City of Dis, inhabited by the damned dead. It seemed simultaneously extremely realistic and extremely schematic, like a complicated diagram brought to life. The perspective seemed supernaturally complex, as if there were four or five vanishing points, and I heard the voice of my artist sister confirming that that was indeed the case. I moved up and down, trying to process this all by varying the angle from which I viewed it.

Shortly thereafter, I swam back up into waking consciousness but did not fully attain it immediately. On the threshold of waking -- eyes open, still not entirely not-dreaming -- I became aware of music. Like the view of Dis, it was a combination of things that it shouldn't be possible to combine: the melodic motif from the Verve's "Bitter Sweet Symphony"; the chorus from Nicki Minaj's "Pills and Potions," "I still love, I still love, I still love, I still love, I still love you"; and a clear-voiced Sanskrit chant, "Om shanti shanti shanti, Om shanti shanti shanti." Looking up at the bookcases that surrounded me, I saw two words from the spines of my books sparkle like gold in the dark room: Eco (from the spine of The Name of the Rose) and Judgement (from Kant's Critique of the same).

And then I was fully awake. The room was optically normal, the music continued only "in my head," and discursive thinking took over. Eco-Judgement -- an environmental apocalypse? Or no, waking and rising go together, so the Rose is equivalent to the Woke, and the name of the Woke is Umberto Eco, meaning Humbert echoed, i.e. Humbert Humbert, i.e. pedophiles. Which fits because rose is literally "disordered" (anagrammed) eros. Even as I was thinking it, though, I knew that this whole line of thought was false and that the true message was the simplicity of the half-waking state: Eco. Judgement. I'm angry, but I still love you. Om shanti shanti shanti.

I stayed up very late reading several more Upanishads. Then I went to bed and dreamed again.

When my REM eyes opened, I was alone in a grove of trees -- recognizable as the Sacred Grove in upstate New York, where Joseph Smith had his first vision. I was sitting at the foot of a young beech tree -- too young, I thought, to have been there in Joseph Smith's day. At the same time that I was sitting there under the tree, I was having a conversation with Bruce Charlton. (He was not present; these were disembodied voices, his and mine.)

"What I keep coming back to, William," he said, "is, What was the point of your March experience? What the hell was the point?"

"My March experience -- you mean -- ?" It took me a minute to figure out what he was talking about, and then I remembered that I had had on March 15 an experience that replicated the visit of Moroni to Joseph Smith. I had mostly forgotten about it.

"Yes, you know what I mean," said Bruce. "Did it change anything?" (No, obviously.) "What the hell was the point?"

There was silence for a time, and then I heard the voice of one of my young students: "Teacher is dead. Teacher is dead."

These kids! I thought. I can't even sit under a beech tree for a few minutes without them joking about my being dead. But I didn't say anything, and I didn't get up.

Upon waking, I tried to think of anything out of the ordinary that had ever happened to me on March 15, but nothing came to mind. Finally, I thought that perhaps my "March experience" was the experience of being born, and the question was what had been the point of my whole life. I thought of the tree in the Upanishads, with its roots in heaven, and realized that sitting at the foot of a tree might symbolize being in heaven.

Googling beech etymology, I was informed that "People also ask: What does beech symbolize?" Clicking on that, I was told (boldface in original), "Beech can signify the death or end of something, but also stand for the changes that rise through realisation. Since its gift is the revelation of experience, Beech suggest you should cross the threshold that is challenging you, gain experience from the unknown, seek revelation and increase your knowledge."


Bruce Charlton said...

That does sound like the kind of thing I would say - but I have no recollection of saying any of it!

Ra1119bee said...


This is so strange regarding your mention of Rose in this post!
When I read this post, I was not surprised however because I have been
exploring a very intriguing Rose , possible Past Life incarnation connection.

Please allow me to explain ;
In the last several days I am been communicating with a person whose Blog content is
about Reincarnation. His blog is BrianStalin.
I randomly stumbled upon BrainStalin's work the other day as I was googling Rudolph Steiner, and if you recall
I've shared several dreams with you on your blog that I've had over the years about Steiner.
BrianStalin has a page about Steiner on his blog.

While browsing Brian's site, I was intrigued with his work, and enquired about a Past Life Reading.
Again, if you recall in my communications with you, I have had a lifetime of Esoteric experiences and dreams ( several premonition ) and one of my Esoteric experiences was with a Past Life Reader in 1974, so I'm very familiar with and believe in, the ideology of Reincarnation.

BrianStalin's readings requires a photo and a year of birth, but I also included a brief
story about me personally, especially about my Fama Fraternitatis dream in 2011
and my Steiner Dream in 2003, and of course my Past Life Reading in 1974.

Brian works with photos to somehow find a 'similar' person in history who perhaps share
the same Akashic Records.
For example,BrainStalin's matched person for Steiner, is the actor Jeremy Irons,
which I can absolutely see Iron's physical connection to Steiner.

I was very reluctant to send a photo of myself over the internet
and the photo I did send was of me 20 years ago.
It turns out however that photo is a very important piece of this puzzle.

Please allow me to continue:
I personally do not believe that as the Soul traverses the Wheel/Clock of the 12 Zodiac Signs, that we (the Soul) incarnate time and time again in the same ethnic physical body and/or gender or social status, or bloodline etc, so in that regard, I disagree with that part of Brian's work.

I personally believe the Soul incarnates in many many Ethnic groups
(and as Male or Female ) as I believe the purpose of the Soul's incarnations/incarcerations is to learn lessons from MANY worldly perspectives, which is why (I personally believe)
explains our fascinations and attractions in each incarnation.
However, I was intrigued with Brian's work and open to his perspective.

In Brian's response to the information I sent he typed in the response email : ROSES.
By noting ROSES, I assumed Brian sensed a strong Rosicrucian connection to me in the information I sent, and I absolutely believe that I have one.

Brian posted my photo alongside of an old illustration of Catherine of Valois whom I assume
he was insinuating that I shared a Past Life as (Catherine of Valois ).
I haven't received Brain's Past Life Reading as of today ( Jan 30), but what was interesting is that I, being curious and never thinking to explore the ROSE connection, I did a bit of investigation on the subject of Rose Deities, and Lo and Behold, I was immediately attracted to a photo and information on Wiki about Saint Rose of Viterbo!.
I was not aware of Saint Rose of Viterbo before yesterday.

The photo I sent of myself looks very very similar to the photo of the painting of Saint Rose(on Wiki ) and in my research about her, there were several experiences of hers and my life that is eerily similar, especially her gift of prophecy/vision and her white roses in her hair.

Another weird connection is that the day before I found all of this information, including Brian's Blog, mysteriously and out of the blue, a florist delivered a bouquet of flowers (one red rose was in the bouquet) from one of my Etsy customers! That's never happened

William, I just knew you would be commenting about Roses;-))
I do NOT believe in coincidences!

Gracehopers and Ants in the library

This morning, one of my young students made a very strange request: she brought me a book with a simple version of the story of Snow White a...