Sunday, May 29, 2022

The mission of the used-to-be-Mormon church in a nutshell

The CJCLDS Newsroom reports that on May 26, Elder David A. Bednar "provided an overview of the mission and work of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints" to the National Press Club.

Here are the section headings of the summary published by the Church:

  • Humanitarian Aid and Welfare
  • Education
  • Race Relations
  • The LGBTQ Community
  • The Washington D.C. Temple

There you have it: an overview of the mission and work of the Nelson-era CJCLDS.


Bruce Charlton said...

Just like the Church of England - a near identical (but much accelerated) pattern of step-by-step, top-down-led convergence.

As of 2022, I don't see how any church can be engaged with The World and avoid lethal corruption - especially internationally.

Meeting the globalist totalitarian bureaucracy halfway is a condition of being allowed to administer large budgets and workforces, do large construction projects; and participating in the agendas of healthism/ bribery/ antiracism/ advancing the sexual revolution - and get not-hostile coverage from the mass media.

Anonymous said...

They want to remain in the running to become the one world religion of the one world government. All the major churches are auditioning for the same role.

xxxx said...

I am positive that Pope Francis is taking notes.

Signed: A Catholic

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

"They want to remain in the running to become the one world religion of the one world government. All the major churches are auditioning for the same role."

Well, they need to step up their game. How could they have omitted to mention global warming?

a_probst said...

What's needed is a global worming.

Neither aliens nor animals are biological robots, and we shouldn’t be, either.

Yesterday I bought and started reading the Kindle edition of Whitley Strieber’s latest book, The Fourth Mind. On page 47, he criticizes thos...