Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Women dey angrier, by a margin of six percentage points

Did you know that BBC News Pidgin is a thing?

It’s an amazing combination of, uh, BBC News and Pidgin, producing wording like this:

According to one BBC analysis of 10 years of data from di Gallup World Poll, women dey get angrier.

and this:

Wen e come to anger and stress however, di gap wit men dey get wider. For 2012 both genders report anger and stress at similar levels. Nine years later women dey angrier - by a margin of six percentage points - and more stressed too. And e get one particular divergence around di time of di pandemic.

As a linguist, I refuse to believe that this corresponds to the language used by any real person. There are people who prefer to get the news in Pidgin, and there are people who understand BBCese, and there can’t be much overlap between the two sets. Anyone who understands “particular divergence” and “margin of six percentage points” is also going to understand if you just go ahead and write “the” instead of “di.”


jason said...

They didn't even spell the words right. Do os dey rilly think pidjin peeple spellz tym as time? or end words with r's? Blymi gobna! De wimin dey be gittin angrya an mo strse'd.

ben said...

tales from mouse utopia

epic lol, seriously

Bruce Charlton said...

@Wm - I had no idea that such a thing outside of an Ali G sketch. Glad to know that my TV license fee (£159 per year) is supporting such a vital public service.

I grew up watching this kind of comedy on BBC Welsh language TV news, when half the words - e.g. all the proper names and technical terms - were in English; and much of the Welsh had been invented in the previous few decades.

ben said...

For both this post, and the post preceding it, the first comment was posted at 1:33.

Ra1119bee said...



.... I am the Walrus, goo goo a'joob

et. al.

As we all know, all tribes have their 'secret' hand gestures and coded language.

Newspeak and Babel, ain't new.

"Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!" from MARY POPPINS on Broadway

Francis Berger said...

I first encountered this about a year ago. As with you now, I didn't quite know what to make of it then.

On a side note, I imagine the women are angrier because, like Bruce, they just discovered where the money from their TV license fees is going.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Debbie ben suggest say dey be tok for di secret code? Why e be like dis?

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

By the way, I saw this story earlier, in English, and wanted to look it up again due to the meme potential. When I put women getting angrier into Google News search, the Pidgin article was the very first result!

Poppop said...

I _strongly_ suspect, mohn, dat di content all be algorithmic mangling of the queen's English.

Joel Chandler Harris, thou shouldst be living at dis hour...

Ra1119bee said...


You wrote; "Debbie ben suggest say dey be tok for di secret code? Why e be like dis?"

My response;

First of all if you and/or Ben are insinuating that all Black people think and speak alike, please note that I disagree with your assumptions.

However, and also as stated, and IMO, all tribes have within their 'rank and file' coded communications between each other, including Secret Societies who rule this duality dimension as I'm sure you are well aware of.

Isn't Poetry (including modern Rap) a form of 'coded' communication, as is the Bible, as is Shakespear as is the Druids?

Isn't Liverpudlian Scouse a form of 'coded' communication?

Fortunately or Unfortunately (depends on ones perspective) I don't think we'll hear:
""Tis"": the Season to be Jolly, emanating from the hood anytime soon.

Even our nightly Dreams are 'spoken' in another language which is the Universal Language of Symbolism, Numerology, Archetypes.

Just because we don't understand a language, doesn't mean that particular language is insignificant, wouldn't you agree?

What about: OMG, IMO, WTF? U(meaning You), FUBAR ?
While these may not be 'coded' communications per se', they are communications nevertheless are they not?

The" Dis Be" tribe's vernacular (especially its "boys and girls i.e. Youth") is extremely coded as they no longer wish to participate in The King's Language, which is why in the last several decades many Black people (especially in America) have given their offspring names like Lateshia, Shantay, etc.
Biblical names like Deborah, Ruth, Mary, Sharon are considered The King's Language.

Many many popular culture phrases originated in the Black community and have been assimilated through White Americans communities as well (especially the youth).

MoFo is one.
Jive Turkey, Keepin' it Real, the hood, the crib, 'Sup',lit, Fire, my bad, old school, etc, ( link about Black vernacular below)

I sent you the video of Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious'.
Please tell me, what 'tribe' do you think our Opponents ( who are masters of code) was targeting in the good ole 1960's?

Teenagers perhaps?

Now ask yourself ; Why?

Although it may appear to you and ben that I's be Woke, I disagree and submit
that Code ain't no joke, as I'm sure Samuel F.B. Morse and Alan Turing would agree.

......Just sayin' ;--)))))

Ra1119bee said...


I found this interesting Ted Talk on the topic of Code-Switching.

The Cost of Code Switching | Chandra Arthur | TEDxOrlando

Ra1119bee said...


I just wanted to share this YouTuber's funny take on Code-Switching in the Black community.

The youtuber ( KillakayTV ) performs short comedy skits mostly about popular culture
and life especially from the Black community's perspective.

Killakay plays multiple character roles in his skits. In this video the scene where Killakay wears a scarf he is indicating that he is playing the part of a woman, in this case a Black woman.

As I'm sure you would agree, comedy (the Joker's venue) is a very powerful form of communication as much of comedy is cloaked in truth which as a 'polite society' we would rather not (or perhaps are forbidden) to speak of that 'truth' publicly.

How Black People Code Switch

How Black People Code Switch

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...


The article is supposed to be in Nigerian Pidgin. Of course I know most black people don't talk that way. What I found humorous was not the idea of Pidgin itself, but the BBC's rather perfunctory attempt at "translation," throwing a few deys and disses into what is otherwise standard and rather formal English. Only people who understand standard English would understand the article, which defeats the whole purpose of having a Pidgin version!

Also, Pidgin is a spoken language with no standard written form, so I doubt if many people are interested in reading the news in Pidgin. In my missionary days, I found there was basically zero demand for Navajo translations of the Bible and Book of Mormon, because no Navajo could read Navajo; those who were literate knew English.

ben said...

Early this morning, when the big hand was at 6 and the little hand was at 5, the choo-choo went crash! bang! whallop! and collided with another choo-choo that was parked at the station due to delays caused by another day of strike action. Tragically, there were 4 fatalities and many more scores of boo-boos.

The Secretary of State for Transport is being very naughty! and has thus far declined to comment.

Ra1119bee said...


I understand thank you for explaining.

However, my lengthy comment was just my response to your question to me
which was :
"Debbie ben suggest say dey be tok for di secret code? Why e be like dis?"

That comment appears to be asking me to explain : " di secret code thang
and why 'e' (?? ) be like dis, which in my response I attempted to offer by perspective.

Urban Ebonics is real, I don't deny that, but as we all know (as far as changes in
cultures and societies):
We ain't in Kansas No Mo, ToTo.
On that, I'm sure we both would agree. ;-))

ben said...


I'm just a humble 33 salesmohn

Ra1119bee said...

@ ben,

The fact that water freezes at 32 degrees fahrenheit suggests that frozen "becomes free"
at 33.

I too have been intrigued by the trinity of the 3's.
The 36 parallel North served as a demarcation boundary for the Sun Belt and the Slave Trade and also known as the Missouri Compromise in America.

The Serpent Mound in Ohio is on the 39th degree parallel ( the target being 36 and factoring in the Law of 3. 3 before and 3 after )

The Island of Rhodes, the historic capital of Greece is on the 36-degree parallel.

The southern states below the 36 latitudes were slave states, and esoterically the 33 Degree parallel's Ley Line was used for many major sacrifices throughout history.

I'm sure you know this but ,Charleston SC is on the 33 and was a beach head for the Slave Trade. The first Freemason Masonic Lodge is in Charleston.

Major cities with 33 Degree mysteries/connections are Los Angeles (Michael Jackson in Bel Air, Heaven Gate Cult in Rancho Santa Fe, Robert Kennedy at the Ambassador Hotel ),
Roswell NM, Phoenix, DFW ( Dallas Fort Worth) and the JFK assassination , Alamogordo, New Mexico, Golan Heights, the 33rd parallel north acts as a junction of two rivers, the Tigris and Euphrates, Nagasaki, Bagdad, Tibet, the Wuhan Province, Cape Town, Syndey Australia.

Thirty Three, very intriguing indeed.

ben said...

"The fact that water freezes at 32 degrees fahrenheit suggests that frozen "becomes free"
at 33."

That's pretty neat, hadn't thought of that.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Now every thing that Russell did, he did his best to hasten,
And one day he decided that he'd like to be a Mason.
But nothing else would suit him and nothing less would please
But he must take and all at once the thirty-three degrees.
Well, he rode the--oh, that is, he--really, I can't tell.
You either mustn't know at all, or else know very well.
He dived into--well, never mind. It only need be said
That somewhere, in the last degree, poor Russell dropped down dead.
They arrested all the Masons and they stayed in durance vile,
Till the jury found them "Guilty" when the judge said with a smile,
"I'm forced to let the prisoners go, for I can find," said he,
"No penalty for murder in the thirty-third degree!"

-- Edmund Vance Cooke

Ra1119bee said...


Word Up! Right On, This right there ( Urban Black slang)
which means: you hit the nail on the head, which means; Absolutely correct.

I absolutely agree with Edmund Vance Cooke's' hidden/cloaked/coded

Especially this part right here ;
"You either mustn't know at all, or else know very well."

Thank you for sharing this!

Ra1119bee said...


I forgot to add to my comment regarding: those" who know very well " which is this:
Dubya says:
You're either with us (an asset)
or you're against us (a liability).

You and I both know what our Opponents do to 'liabilities'.

No Longer Reading said...

That's a clever poem.

Here's an interesting fact about Theosophist Henry Steel Olcott (

"While working as Associate Agricultural Editor of the New York Tribune, he was American correspondent of the Mark Lane Express, London. In 1859, while reporting the hanging of John Brown, the abolitionist, for the Tribune, Olcott was arrested as a spy and condemned to death. However, he was released upon his appeal to his captors under the seal of confidence as a Freemason."

drizzz said...

Jar Jar Binks immediately came to mind.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

There is -- of course! -- a Pidgin Bible, too, which is about what you would expect:

More lions and doves

My last post explored the theme of one active lion, two "lazy" or stationary lions, and pigeons or doves. Another painting with t...