Saturday, December 3, 2022

Sync: Archaic Revival and the serpents and birds of paradise

I'm normally reading several books at once. I'm still in the middle of Valentin Tomberg's Lazarus, Come Forth! but last night I randomly decided to start reading a book I'd picked up some time ago but never opened: Terence McKenna's The Archaic Revival (1992). I only read a few pages. Between the table of contents and the foreword was this full-page illustration by the German collage artist Wilfried Sätty.

A naked couple in a jungle with a huge snake -- a pretty obvious Garden of Eden reference, presumably chosen by McKenna because of the forbidden fruit's character as a "mind-altering plant." There are also a lot of birds in the picture -- vultures or cormorants or something, but also, by virtue of the setting in which they appear, "birds of paradise."

I didn't really think much about it until today, when I picked up Lazarus, Come Forth! again and read this:

The madness in which Nietzsche's great adventure ended was not personally deserved; nor was it brought about by addiction to a personal lust for power, position, and greatness. Nietzshce was a sacrifice to the superhuman force of the collective all-human subconscious, which came to a kind of volcanic eruption in him. And what broke through there was the archaic evolutionary drive itself, belonging to the most archaic layer of humanity's subconscious. Here lies the most general and most hidden drive working in the subconscious of man: this is the impulse and promise given by the serpent in Paradise.

Here again the word archaic and the idea of revival (one of the main themes of the book, as indicated by its title) are paired with the serpent in Paradise.

My decision to start reading a book by a drug guru was probably inspired in part by the experience recounted in my recent post "Nutmeg is a drug." In that post, I mentioned that nutmeg belongs to the same class of drugs as datura, and I told how I had tried in vain to track down a novel I had read as a child in which a bird became intoxicated by eating nutmegs. I had reached the tentative conclusion that it must be one of the many English versions of The Swiss Family Robinson, but Kevin McCall has discovered that it was actually 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. (Oddly, in the post I had mentioned dreams of the sort "where you wake up feeling as if you've been underwater.") Check out the context:

Some inoffensive serpents glided away from us. The birds of paradise fled at our approach, and truly I despaired of getting near one, when Conseil, who was walking in front, suddenly bent down, uttered a triumphant cry, and came back to me bringing a magnificent specimen.

"Ah! bravo, Conseil!"

"Master is very good."

"No, my boy; you have made an excellent stroke. Take one of these living birds, and carry it in your hand."

"If master will examine it, he will see that I have not deserved great merit."

"Why, Conseil?"

"Because this bird is as drunk as a quail."


"Yes, sir; drunk with the nutmegs that it devoured under the nutmeg-tree under which I found it. See, friend Ned, see the monstrous effects of intemperance!"

Another book I am reading at the moment is Divination in Ancient Israel by Frederick H. Cryer, a lot of which is devoted to preliminaries. (Not until p. 229 does the actual discussion of ancient Israel begin.) In a passage I read a few days ago, Cryer is commenting on the book Witchcraft, Oracles and Magic among the Azande by E. E. Evans-Pritchard and cites, of all the things to cite in this rather pedantic book, The Teachings of Don Juan.

[Evans-Pritchard's] distinction between "empirical reality" and "Zande explanations" of the same cannot ultimately be maintained. Just how meaningless the distinction in question can be may be illustrated by an event in the course of Carlos Castaneda's initiation at the hands of a Yaqui "man of power", Don Juan. Having been taught how to prepare the datura plant for a psychic excursion, Castaneda has an experience of being transformed into a bird and soaring above and away from his mentor. . . .

I've posted about this business of transforming into a bird before -- and no prizes for guessing what specific kind of bird! See my 2020 post "Whitley Strieber and the thing that turned into a bird of paradise."

I also note in passing that the Spanish don derives from Latin dominus, while Juan is the Spanish form of Iohannes. Both Latin words featured prominently in my recent post "What does 'do-re-mi' mean?" as they are the reason the scale begins with do and ends with si.


Ra1119bee said...


Traversing and slithering on the ground on our bellies in this duality dimension
feels indeed like Hell as far as the Soul is concern.

It stands to reason, at least to me, that maybe the beast is the serpent of man,
inside all of us and works part and parcel to unbalance us through our Ego tempting us to separate from source ( i.e our Soul, connected to God )

To 'see and soar'above and beyond the forest/wilderness is indeed paradise and only possible by flight.

I found the information below interesting from etymology online about the nutmeg.
I added asterisks to call attention to recent comments I've made which may connect
to your nutmeg.

nutmeg (n.)
"hard aromatic seed of the fruit of a tree found in the East Indies," used as a spice on cookery, c. 1300, note-mug, from Old North French or Anglo-French *noiz mugue, from Old French nois muguete, an unexplained alteration of nois muscade "nut smelling like musk," from nois "nut" (from Latin nux, from PIE *kneu- "nut;"********** see nucleus*******) + Latin muscada, fem. of muscat "musky" (see muscat).

nucleus (n.)
1704, "kernel of a nut;" 1708, ************"head of a comet;"*********** from Latin nucleus "kernel," from nucula "little nut," diminutive of nux (genitive nucis) "nut," from PIE *kneu- "nut" (source also of Middle Irish cnu, Welsh cneuen, Middle Breton knoen "nut," Old Norse hnot, Old English hnutu "nut").
hmmmm... interesting the word Comet appears again.

I also found this interesting connection:

American English colloquial *********wooden nutmeg "anything false or fraudulent"******** is from 1827; Connecticut is called the Nutmeg State "in allusion to the story that wooden nutmegs are there manufactured for exportation." [John Russell Bartlett, "Dictionary of Americanisms," 1859]

At last but not least another wooden nutmeg information regarding false and fraudulent,
which made me think of the great deceiver himself : The Serpent aka the Devil.

It would make sense, at least to me, that the Deceiver's Ballpark (this physical duality dimension) would be an illusion, no?

Here's a copy and paste. (Link below )
"At the time, America’s rural communities were connected by a network of itinerant peddlers, or “hucksters,” who sold household goods.

The peddlers were often associated with dishonest dealings (part of the definition of a “huckster” today), and the original “wooden nutmeg” was a euphemism for a general mistrust of such people."

Ra1119bee said...


2 parts

Part 1

I have another thought about the Serpent/Beast and its connection to my recent
sync experience with the 1970 song Vehicle by the Ides of March.

As I commented previously, maybe we(humans) make the choice to invite the Serpent into our Vehicle (our physical body) when we succumb to our Ego.

I believe we(humanity, collectively) are on the precipice of just that (i.e., succumbing to our Ego) via Transhumanism.

Do note that 'Musky'(Elon Musk) is working hard lately selling his NeuraLink to get us all 'in'.
In there, like swim wear.

Our Soul is our Opponents' final frontier.

I found it interesting that the etymology of nutmeg having connection to Musky which quite honestly, I didn't know before my recent research about nutmeg, but how interesting your nutmeg sync may have connections to what I've been predicting for a very long time.

From Etymology online:
an unexplained alteration of nois muscade *******"nut smelling like musk******," from nois "nut" (from Latin nux, from PIE *kneu- "nut;" see nucleus) + Latin muscada,****** fem. of muscat "musky" (see muscat)**********.

Also I found this information about the word Muscat interesting. copy and paste from Etymology:

muscat (n.)
*****type of strong and more or less sweet wine******, 1570s, from French, from Italian moscato, literally "musky-flavored," from Vulgar Latin *muscatus, from Latin muscus "musk" (see musk). Earlier muscadine (1540s) and compare muscatel.


capital of Oman, from Arabic Masqat,***** said to mean "hidden"***** (it is isolated from the interior by hills).

Entries linking to muscat
musk (n.)
odoriferous ******reddish-brown***** substance secreted by the male musk deer (dried and used in medicinal preparations and as a perfume), late 14c., from Old French musc (13c.) and directly from Medieval Latin muscus, from Late Greek moskhos, from Persian mushk, from Sanskrit muska-s "testicle," from mus "mouse" (so called, presumably, for resemblance; see muscle).


The Mustcat definition which is this:
*****type of strong and more or less sweet wine******
reminds me of my previous comments about ' Berry on the Vine,(Barack Obama) and Ganymede the cup pourer. Barack The Lion (Lying/Deceiver) King is a cat, no?
See Berry on the Vine ( link below )

Another interesting connection this definition about Mustcat:
capital of Oman, from Arabic Masqat,***** said to mean "hidden"***** (it is isolated from the interior by hills).

Maybe cool "cat" Barack's real purpose has been hidden, courtesy of the 'hills aka El's, eels, 11.

Ra1119bee said...


Part 2

Back to the song Vehicle and especially this line in the lyrics:
"I got pictures....I got candy I'm a lovable man
I'd like to take you to the nearest star"

Although I pretty well figured out the hidden meaning of the candy and the wording: the nearest star in the lyrics ( see my recent comments about same), however I was a bit stumped as to what and especially why the hidden meaning of the pictures.

I think it's this:

picture (n.)
early 15c., pictur, pictoure, pittour, pectur, "the process or art of drawing or painting," a sense now obsolete; also ******"a visual or graphic representation of a person, scene, object, etc.******" from Latin pictura "painting," from pictus, past participle of pingere "to make pictures, to paint, to embroider,"

I think the message in the song Vehicle is about the Negative Polarity(Serpent) having
the ability (with our help) to use our vehicles(phyiscal body) as transport to slither through this duality dimension so as to create chaos.

Pictures are an illusion.
And although the picture itself can be of a real object, landscape or person, but the actual picture/photo/drawing itself is NOT the object, landscape or person.
A picture is a resemblance of something.

I think the message in the song Vehicle is about the Negative Polarity (Serpent) having
the ability (and asking for help) to use our vehicles (physical body) as transport to slither through this duality dimension so as to create chaos.

Also interesting the musical scale Do Ra Fa and especially the song's lyrics in The Sound of Music, which I Loved that song and movie by the way.

Doe, a deer, a female deer
Ray, a drop of golden sun
Me, a name I call myself
Far, a long long way to run
Sew, a needle pulling thread
La, a note to follow so
Tea, a drink with jam and bread
That will bring us back to Do, oh oh oh
~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~

The Do( Don ) meaning Lord.
Don (substituting vowels) is also Den, Dan, Dun.
Interesting the phonic similarity of Don and Dawn. Isn't Lucifer "painted" an orange red and known as the Bringer of the Dawn?

Perhaps RE (Ray) is RA or RE the Egyptian Sun God, which the lyrics : ray of sun, suggests
in the song.
The name DebRA meaning Bees which the Bees produces the golden honey.
In Egyptian mythology RA's drops of tears were said to be bees.
The Bees are said to be RA's Followers.

To So (SOW ) is to scatter new seed.
To Sew is also the stitching together of pieces i.e. connecting the dots, to create
something new.
I recall way back in the day wondering why The Beatles (in the movie Help) would
make reference to Elias Howe ( see link )

A case can be made that the Beatles absolutely Sowed and Sewed a new cloth and a new age.
Keep in mind that the Beatles were a product of Tavastock.

Also interesting in the lyrics about TEA (TI)
In the lyrics are references to Jam and Bread.
There are conspiracy theories that TEA ( T ) is a code word for Tranny (Transgender).

Which the etymology of the word Jam may have an interesting connection.

jam (v.)
"to press tightly" (trans.), 1719; "to become wedged" (intrans.), 1706, of unknown origin, perhaps a variant of Middle English cham "to bite upon something; gnash the teeth.

Maybe the lyrics ; Jam and Bread has meaning to the Bread being the Wheat.
Everything is connected and hidden in plain sight.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...


Lots of interesting ideas there. Your mention of your own name in connection with the sol-fa notes made me realize that most of the letters of your name are musical notes. Suppose we convert them to sol-fa syllables, leaving the r unchanged.

C = do
D = re
E = mi
F = fa
G = sol
A = la
B = ti

DEBrA = remitirla

By a strange coincidence, this is an actual word in Spanish, meaning "send it" or "refer it" (where "it" has a feminine antecedent). Searching the Web for it mostly turns up such expressions as "to refer it to the committee" or "you can send it to the following e-mail address." Not the most inspiring thing for your name to secretly mean, but that it means anything at all is impressive enough!

Ra1119bee said...


Very interesting indeed!!
Thank you for sharing this with me.

What's odd is that everyone in my immediate family: my grandparents, mother, father, sister
and brother all have middle names, however I do not.

I asked my mother many years ago ( my mother passed over into spirit in 2002 ) why didn't she give me a middle name and she said that right after I was born, she was too sleepy
to think of a middle name!!

Also most Debras' are spelled Deborah, not that I think that's a big deal, but I do recall
being curious as to why my mother would spell my name differently.

Also of course in the 1950's the actress Debbie Reynolds was very popular which is why many of us Boomers are named Deborah. Interestingly, the actress 'Debbie Reynolds real name was Mary Francis Reynolds. Debbie (not Deborah) Reynolds was her stage name.
I'm not certain if my mother knew that or not.

My grandmother was very religious and read her Bible everyday and of course I'm aware of Deborah in the Bible, as I'm sure my grandmother was too.
However my mother didn't tell me if my grandmother suggested the name Deborah or not, because if she had, I'm certain my mother would have told me.

Ra1119bee said...


I just found this on etymology online about the word 'send'.

send (v.)
Middle English senden, from Old English sendan "dispatch (as a messenger, on an errand); order or cause to go or pass (from one place to another);" also "send forth, emit; throw, propel, cause to be delivered or conveyed."

The 'messenger' fits me exactly to a T.

I don't know how many times I've said that very same thing i.e : that I'm just a messenger to family and friends over the years, especially when I've shared my predictions
and especially predictions about the future, which makes many people a bit uncomfortable to hear or to contemplate, which I absolutely understand.

Not many people like messages of uncertainty. I told my best friend that she mistakes
foresight for fear, which I do not agree with that perspective.

Thank you again for sharing that information.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Since we’re doing fanciful etymologies . . . I’ll never forget the reaction of a British colleague of mine the first time he encountered the spelling Debra. “Debra?” he said. “What’s that, the next step after defrock?”

Ra1119bee said...


Again very interesting indeed!

William, you seam to always provide me with a thought-provoking puzzle
piece(which I have found to be extremely valuable) to connect up with my puzzle pieces that I've gathered over my lifetime.
So I wish to thank you again for your vast ocean of knowledge.

Of course after reading your comment about the spelling of Debra, I researched
the etymology for frock:

frock (n.)
mid-14c., from Old French froc **********"a monk's habit; clothing, dress"************ (12c.), which is of unknown origin; perhaps from Frankish *hrok or some other Germanic source (compare Old High German hroc "mantle, coat;" Old Norse rokkr, Old English rocc, Old Frisian rokk, German Rock "a coat, over-garment"). Another theory traces it to an alteration of Medieval Latin floccus, from Latin floccus "tuft of wool," a word of unknown origin. Meaning "outer garment for women or children" is from 1530s. Frock-coat attested by 1819.

I found this information very interesting as the 1974 Past Life reader told me of an incarnation in Tibet as a monk.
It would be fitting and make sense ( at least to me ) that when our Soul incarnates in physical body, we "don" many different cloaks of many different cloths.
So 'defrocking' one coat for another is quite understandable.
I believe that a physical body is just a cloak for our Soul.

**Which just now (and out of the blue when writing this) I just recalled that I had a dream many many years ago which I titled; Coat of Many Colors.

I'll have to search through my gazillion dream archives to find and re-read that dream.

The Sync Faries are always near and never disappoint, wouldn't you agree??

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...


You know, you can use html tags instead of all those asterisks, right?

Ra1119bee said...


Sorry, I ain't quite that computer savvy yet.;-(((

I'll research it a bit though and figure it out.

Ra1119bee said...


I just found the Coat of Many Colors dream. For some reason I thought I had the dream
many years ago, but its dated May 2020.

Coat of Many Colors


I had a strange dream today. The dream is as follows.
I recall that I had just bought a new home. I felt that I didn’t buy the home by myself
although I can’t say for certain if Marshall bought the home with me, or my mother or somebody else in the family bought the home with me.

Anywho, we hadn’t moved in and although I didn’t see the type of house, I had a feeling that it was an ordinary type house in a White suburb.
At one point I was in the basement which there was an area in the basement that was finished, and a room off by itself , much like a large room for storage or a pantry perhaps.

I was sitting at a table that was in that large room. For some reason a young teenaged blonde White girl came into the room to ‘welcome’ me to the neighborhood. She was pretty, looked like a cheerleader type. We talked about trivial things mostly about the neighborhood.
At one point her friends (who were also White) came to the house ,however there was a Biracial Guy with them, and he somewhat gave me an admiring eye, but I told him that I was not the same age as ‘they’ were (they, meaning the teenagers).

Also at one point the blonde girl went into another room which she had a key to that room.
I followed her into the room and saw a clothes rack full of beautiful vintage wool coats.
She told me that her and her friends were selling the vintage coats, and for some reason I got the impression that it was a secret.

She said that the previous owner of the house was also a part of the group of females selling the coats , which is why the coats were there.
I told her that I had always loved vintage clothing, and especially coats!!

I held one of the coats (a wool military green coat ) up to my body to get an idea of how long the coat would be on me. The coat was ankle length, which I never liked Midi type long coats.

Me and blonde girl talked and I told her that I didn’t care if she and the other girls wanted to keep the coats in the room, but I didn’t want her friends coming over to my house everyday.
At one point a Black girl carrying a really pretty Red wool coat( which was a 1960’s mod military type coat ) walked in the pantry room. She asked the blonde girl if I was going
to join the vintage coat thing.

I woke Up..

I also wrote the following below at the time of the dream.

***After having this dream I looked up the origination of the coat
and found a very interesting article in wiki.
Me, not being a Biblical Scholar had no clue about this, but the article states
that in the Hebrew Bible, Jacob gave his son Joseph. a coat of Many Colors which was a very special gift and symbolism meaning Royalty especially so if the Coat was of many colors and ANKLE LENGTH, which the coat gifted by Jacob to Joseph was ankle length.

Google Dolly Patron’s song : Coat of Many Colors.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...


You just put < b > before the text you want bolded and < / b > after -- but without spaces.

More lions and doves

My last post explored the theme of one active lion, two "lazy" or stationary lions, and pigeons or doves. Another painting with t...