Saturday, December 31, 2022

The mirror, the snake-bird, and the man who raped a cloud

My last post, "Tezcatlipoca and John Dee," cited "The Voynich Manuscript," the 12th chapter in Terence McKenna's book The Archaic Revival. The next chapter, called "Wasson's Literary Precursors," quotes Food for Centaurs, a Robert Graves book I had never read, so I looked it up. Also relevant here is my October 13 post "Parrhesia, Nephele, and the Sumerian Sphinx," in which the synchronicity fairies brought to my attention the story of how Ixion, intending to rape Hera, instead raped a cloud:

Today, in the concluding chapter of Histoire de la magie, I encountered a passing reference to Ixion and how he attempted to rape Hera but was tricked by Zeus into assaulting a fake Hera made from a cloud. Having only the vaguest recollection of this particular myth, I looked it up to get the details. The Hera-shaped cloud apparently became in some way a real woman who went on to bear children to both Ixion and Athamas, and this cloud-woman's name was Nephele (from nephos, "cloud").

I found this in Food for Centaurs:

The Wassons reproduce in their book the illustration I discovered for them in the late Professor A. B. Cook's Zeus: an Etruscan mirror-back dating from 500 B.C., which shows the Greek hero Ixion tied to a wheel. No one had previously noticed the mushroom growing at Ixion's feet . . . . In punishment for Ixion's attempt to rape the Goddess Hera, her husband the Almighty God Zeus soon sent him spinning through space, spread-eagled to a fiery wheel. Yet meanwhile Ixion had, in his delirium, mistaken a cloud for Hera, and begotten on it a son named Centaurus; which same Centaurus (an aberrant, rather than a delinquent) is said to have later fathered the Hippo-Centaurs -- half men and half stallions -- be debauching a herd of Magnesian mares.

Note that illustration of Ixion and the mushroom (understood by both Graves and McKenna to be a psychedelic species) is from a mirror-back -- and my previous post dealt with Tezcatlipoca, the Aztec god whose name means Smoking Mirror, and the obsidian Aztec mirror used by John Dee. In my posts about Tezcatlipoca, I have always discussed him together with his brother Quetzalcoatl -- typically glossed as "Feathered Serpent," but also "quetzal-serpent," the quetzal being a type of bird.

This is from the very next paragraph in Food for Centaurs:

Ixion is wearing a pair of wings, and the mirror's circular border is decorated with a length of ivy. The wings plainly refer to the famous erotic charm mentioned by Theocritus, which made a member of the opposite sex fall madly in love with whoever tied a live wryneck to a fire-wheel -- the fire-wheel being an instrument for kindling fire by friction -- and sent it whizzing giddily around. . . . The wryneck (a peculiar bird, which hisses like a serpent) was sacred to the erotic God Dionysus, and gave him the surname 'Iynges' ('of the wryneck').

The wryneck is identified as "a peculiar bird, which hisses like a serpent." I looked it up on Wikipedia to see if it was at all closely related to the quetzal; it isn't, but the article notes the following:

These birds get their English name from their ability to turn their heads almost 180°. When disturbed at the nest, they use this snake-like head twisting and hissing as a threat display. It has occasionally been called "snake-bird" for that reason. . . . Its sound is described as a repetition of the sounds que, que, que, many times in succession, rapid at first, but gradually slowing and in a continually falling key.

"Snake-bird" is pretty close to being a calque of Quetzalcoatl --  and its call apparently resembles the first syllable of that god's name. This also ties in with recent owl syncs; the ability to turn its head an improbable number of degrees is a classic owl trait, and que is a Spanish word cognate with English who. Several posts here have linked the Latin qui, "who," with the call of the owl.


Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

After posting this, I glanced at the Wikipedia page on “Mirrors in Mesoamerican culture.” The first sentence is: “The use of mirrors in Mesoamerican culture was associated with the idea that they served as portals to a realm that could be seen but not interacted with.”

Immediately after that, I opened up Omega Point (the Whitley Strieber novel in which two of the characters “are” in some sense Quetzalcoatl and Tezcatlipoca) and read this: “I have made a most interesting discovery about this room. It contains a time machine--not one that can enable physical time travel, but one that can facilitate the sort of seeing that Herbert Acton was so expert at. I think of it as a time telescope, and it stands on this desk, the Tiffany masterwork that is far more than a desk lamp.”

The lamp is decorated with images of ithyphallic satyrs, suggesting the Bacchic imagery Graves sees in the Etruscan mushroom mirror.

Ra1119bee said...


As I'm sure you know, we all see through this " third eye mirror" i.e. pineal gland ( shaped like a pine cone) every night in our REM sleep.
No mushrooms needed ;-))

Our challenges of this type of communication is that most people have forgotten the Universal Language.
Communication without understanding is somewhat useless.

Ra1119bee said...


I found this interesting article about pine cones

Here's a copy and paste;

This stunning sacred geometry was recognized and revered by ancient cultures. The Mexican god “Chicomecoatl” is sometimes depicted with an offering of pine cones in one hand, and an evergreen tree in the other.

Hindu deities are also often depicted holding a pine cone in outstretched hand. The Egyptian Staff of Osiris (1224 BC) depicts two spiraling snakes rising up to meet at a pine cone. And Ancient Assyrian palace carvings (713-716 BC) depict winged people holding pine cones.
All of these depictions seem to use the pine cone as a symbol of spiritual consciousness and enlightenment, awakening, or immortality."
~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

What's interesting in the copy and paste is the reference to the Assyrian palace and the 'winged people' holding pine cones, which is obvious, at least to me, of the power of the air/bird energy as opposed to crawling on ones' belly like a serpent.

I believe that we are Free when we are in the realm of air which includes our Soul's nightly 'escape'.

I believe that our Soul travels to another parallel dimension, void of the weight of gravity.

Ra1119bee said...


Another interesting article about Pine Cones.

Note this reference in the article especially regarding the peacocks which I previously commented about the alchemical peacock on your blog.
Here's the copy and paste :"Ancient Roman pigna (Italian for pine cone) sculpture shown below, a massive bronze pine cone is flanked by twin antithetical peacocks."

On a personal note, the previous owners of our house planted 200 Conifer Trees on this property! I have always loved Evergreen Trees, especially the smell.

jason said...

That Hera story sounds like the Gnostic creation story with Yaltabaoth trying to rape the reflection of Pistis Sophia in the water or something like that and this somehow creating humanity or something.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

The peacock is a symbol of Hera.

Someone posted a picture of Yaldabaoth on the “So Lucifer is Quetzalcoatl” thread.

Ra1119bee said...


Yes, I did read that about Hera when I was researching Alchemy and the flamboyant peacock
and what I believe is the connection to the rainbow agenda via Obama.

If you recall I made mention of Obama's White House portrait with the stark white background symbolic of the ALL ( which is Pan ) And the Void.

Again, I think
I shared my perspective about the alchemical rainbow connection in a previous comment.

Here's an interesting copy and paste:

"The peacock is well-known as a royal bird; in ancient times it was associated with the Greek goddess Hera. She was the one who gave the peacock’s tail its eyes.

Alchemists value the peacock for symbolism but not related to Greek legends. In alchemical terms, the ***peacock’s tail is respected for being multi-coloured****.

It is a known scientific fact that combining ****all the colours of the rainbow produces white light.*****

jason said...

I had strange dream this morning wherein some people were saying John Dee is the last or only Mormon to have gone to the moon or space...can't remember the details precisely, and others (who I perceived were Catholics) were saying John Dee did not to space. Since I only know the name John Dee from this blog its weird he ended up in a dream.

Neither aliens nor animals are biological robots, and we shouldn’t be, either.

Yesterday I bought and started reading the Kindle edition of Whitley Strieber’s latest book, The Fourth Mind. On page 47, he criticizes thos...