Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Burying the lede: Australia makes it a federal crime to ACCESS "violent extremist material" on the Internet

It's all over the news that Australia has decided to outlaw the public display of the symbols of some German political party from a hundred years ago. As bonkers as that would be just by itself, the real story here isn't getting nearly as much press. Included in the new law is a provision that makes it a crime to access "violent extremist material" using a "carriage service" (meaning the Internet). You don't need to produce this material or even possess it; just clicking a link and seeing it is enough. If the US will put you in prison for sharing a meme, Australia will now put you in prison for looking at a meme. Forget the "public display" of anything; so much as lurk on /pol/ in the privacy of your own home, regardless of your own political views, and you're flirting with five years behind bars.

This is just insanely over-the-top tyrannical. I might compare it to something, but I wouldn't want any of my Aussie readers to go to prison for reading the analogy!


WanderingGondola said...

Local talking heads have reported on the symbol-banning thing for months, but I don't recall anything being said about that provision! The question now is how much it'll be enforced, and whether a VPN may be useful.

Sigh, this country doesn't get called "nanny state" for nothing. I suppose the tyranny state really reared its head during the birdemic, but it's been lurking since Port Arthur at least. That fake pennant still gets invoked for relevant law-tightening...

Ra1119bee said...

Bonkers you say???

You ain't seen nothing yet William.

The Shifting of Ages aka Great Reset is right on time.

Connect the dots/puzzle pieces and... and IMHO, BUCKLE UP.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

WG, that’s what I mean by “burying the lede.” Bans on “hate speech” are old news, but it’s something else entirely when the speak-no-hate monkey’s two brothers join the party.

Ra1119bee said...


Mea culpa, I meant to say that WE (humanity collectively ) not you individually,
ain't seen nothing yet.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Up to 12 months for larping as a 20th-century German, but FIVE YEARS for browsing /pol/. And somehow the former is the big story!

Ra1119bee said...


Part 1 or 2

I found yet another very intriguing puzzle piece which I think you may find

On Jan 3 of this year (2024) I had a intriguing dream that I titled: Obama
and I in Vermont.

First let me stress the fact that I DO NOT support nor do I think,
in anyway shape or form, that Obama is a 'good guy 'and an advocate for the people.
As a matter of fact I think he is just the complete opposite.

I believe Obama works and is part and parcel with the 'Hidden Hand' and is going to be a major player in the alchemical transformation of America ushering in The New Atlantis
during the Shifting of Ages aka The Great Reset, which I believe we are on the
precipice of.

I absolutely think that Obama is part of the Negative Polarity and it has nothing
to do whatsoever with his skin color.
I shared my perspective about this several times here on your blog so I won't repeat
it here.

Beginning after 2008, I've had several years about Obama and I.
I won't share the details of those dreams or this recent dream,
but let's just say they all have the same 'theme'.

However, I will share this part of the dream as it has significance
to the connection of the bigger picture.

At one part of in the dream Obama and I were at a BUS station .
I was going back home to my family and he to his.

I only had a quarter in my purse which of course was not enough to buy a bus ticket,
so I asked Obama for money and he gave me only a few dollars he had folded up in his wallet.

In the dream I recall asking a White woman what time the bus would arrive to take me
to downtown Dayton. She laughed loudly and I realized why.
I then said : 'I mean what time does the bus arrive to take me to downtown VERMONT."
I felt as if the woman laughed because we were not in Ohio.
I woke up.

If you recall I shared my ideas about the symbolism of a Bus, which a Bus played a significant role in my Moon River Dream.

Also what's interesting in the dream is a reference to a quarter.
Of course a quarter is 4 parts of a whole.
Recall my recent comments about the number 4, the Dalet( letter D ) and the door.

Another interesting connection to 4 is we have been told
that Barack Obama was born on Aug 4th 1962.
I personally believe that Obama was born in Chicago in 1959.
My mother actually passed over into spirit on Aug 4, 2002.

Ra1119bee said...


Part 2

In the last several days I've been researching Vermont and found some very
interesting connections.
I won't go into detail of all of those findings but those Vermont connections
1. The movie: I am Legend with Will Smith, especially the ending of
the movie ( see link ).
IMO Will Smith was created as the Magical Negro for popular culture
(i.e the collective ) so as to be an archetype of Barack Obama.

2. Burlington Vermont is on the Total Eclipse Path of April 8, 2024. Do recall my
previous comments and what I believe the significance of the 3 eclipses to this time
in history.
Dayton Ohio is also on that path.

3. Barack and Michelle's production company: Higher Ground' has begun production
on the Barney and Betty Hill UFO abduction.
Vermont's connection is that Vermont was once a part of New Hampshire
which is where Barney and Betty lived and where the UFO 'abduction' took place
on Sept 19,1961.

Recall my recent comments about
the Obama's connection with the recent Netflix movie : Leave the World Behind.

4. Vermont also have some very intriguing cave and stone structures (see link )

5.and last but not least,( and I DID NOT KNOW this before the dream ... but of course
you do ) Windsor County Vermont was the home of Joseph Smith.

Woodstock Vermont (which is in Windsor County) moto is : WE ARE ONE.

Also Carbondale Illinois along with Cairo Ill, is in Southern Illinois,
which is known as Little Egypt.
Both Carbondale and Cairo were not only on the path of the 2017
total solar eclipse but will cross again (SEVEN years later)
with the April 8 eclipse to form an X.
Do note that the St. Madrid Fault in in this area as well.

Of course you know the significance of Carthage Illinois regarding Joseph Smith.

In the movie I Am Legend, Bethel Vermont is the location of the "Safe Colony".
( in the link below, note this is NOT a very good film)

ALSO AND PLEASE NOTE: Although I've seen the movie I am Legend many years ago,
I haven't seen it recently (by recently I mean in the last 7 or 8 years or so ),
nor have I read anything about I am Legend recently.
My point being, I don't think all of this is a coincidence.

Everything is connected, no?

Ra1119bee said...


I meant to say that the clip of the ending of I am Legend is not a very good clip.

I actually enjoyed the movie very much and after my Vermont dream, I think I'll give
the movie another look to see if there are any more hidden messages/symbolism.

Modern "environmentalism" encapsulated in a single headline

They're taking environmental protection just as seriously as they were taking public health a few years ago: