Saturday, October 5, 2024

Be careful around the fabric of reality, Garfeld

 I randomly ran into this this morning. It fits in with the old warp-and-woof black hole theme:

When I tried to find the original Garfield strip this is based on, my first searches just turned up countless variants on this "fabric of reality" meme, so I guess it's fairly popular, although I'd never seen it before.

I did eventually track down the original strip: March 2, 1979:

1 comment:

Ra1119bee said...


Ah Garfield, yet another orange and yellow connection.
The yellow being under Garfield's nose, perhaps his whiskers?

Also Garfield according to wiki was a Persian cat, and of course
Persia has a Tulip connection, no?

Hairy anatomical holes

So, uh, yeah. That’s the sync theme du jour. Don’t blame me. William Wright started this when he had a dream about Eric Cartman saying, &quo...