Monday, October 21, 2024

DF and recycling

On October 19, Bruce Charlton posted "Americans are *mental*, when it comes to politics," in which he for some reason repeatedly referred to Donald Trump as "DF." When I asked in a comment why he was calling him that (and guessed that it might be some kind of "Literally Hitler" joke), Bruce didn't explain, but just said he was changing it to "DT" instead.

The next day, October 20, he posted "The Texas Sharpshooter rides again...," several paragraphs of which are devoted to criticizing modern pseudo-environmentalism in general and the recycling craze in particular. The post ends with a footnote saying, "This applies to politics, as well," with a link back to the October 19 "DF" post. So the two posts are linked both by proximity in time and with a literal hyperlink.

This morning, October 21, I was taking a walk down an unfamiliar road in a small town when I passed this facility.

Next to the DF logo, it says "Da Feng Environmental Protection," and under that it says "We recycle iron, paper, hardware, plastic, household appliances, cars, and motorcycles."


Ra1119bee said...

Part 1
You wrote : "We recycle*** iron **, paper, hardware, plastic,
household appliances, cars, and motorcycles."
My response : Recall my many comments about the shifting of ages.
From The Industrial ( IRON ) Age to the Silicon ( Data) Age
and metaphysically from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius
aka The Great Reset Globally and in the US, the ushering in
of The New Atlantis.

I believe that humanity is on the precipice of the
"recycling i.e Great Reset".

Do note that on the World Stage Donald Trump has played
the Joker Card 'coincidently on Oct 19 ( actual date was
yesterday Oct 20 but keep in mind the Law of the Three ) ( see link).

Recall my comments about the number 19.
In Gematria 19 is Chaos.
And speaking of numbers, the McDonalds
where The Don worked is located in Latrobe, PA.
Latrobe's coordinates are 40°18′54″N 79°22′52″W.

Recall my many comments about the significance of not only
the Ley Lines, 40th parallel north, but also the significance
of the 77 meridian west.
Latrobe's long is 79, but again allow for the Law of the Three.

McDonalds' colors are yellow , red and black.
Recall my many comments about the Maritime International
Signal Flags and O for Oscar which means Man Overboard.
Oscar's flag colors are yellow and red.
The colors yellow and red when mixed produces the color Orange.

Recall all the social media memes and Trump being : Orange Man
Note in the video of the Don working at McDonalds.
Trump as well as the employees are wearing the black,
red and yellow uniform.
Black and yellow are colors of the bee.

Interestingly (coincidently?) the tropical storm Oscar is now active
in the Caribbean. ( see link )
Cuba and The Bahamas are on the 77th Meridian West .
Oscar is not forecasted to hit the US, although it will be very interesting
indeed if Oscar takes a turn and heads our (the US) way.

Cuba recent (albeit ongoing) troubles
is that the electrical grid on 90 percent of the island is down.
Oscar's storm perhaps being the salt in the wound.

Ra1119bee said...

Part 2

Of course I know that you know this, but the Joker
is an EXTREMELY significant archetype in humanity's
collective consciousness.

The Joker/Trickster/ Clown is NO JOKE.
Recall I shared my Trickster dream that I had in 2003,
which my Trickster dream
along with the other gazillion dreams and esoteric experiences
I've had in my lifetime provoked me to go to the Monroe Insitute in 2005.

The Trickster has crossed my path
a time or two in my lifetime and I don't take him lightly.
I have respected the lessons he has brought my way.

I found this description about the Joker which I believe is "spot on."
Note the 'hearts' connection. Didn't you have several
heart syncs a few months ago?
copy and paste: ( link below )
"The Joker is one of the most iconic and enigmatic cards
in a deck of playing cards. Joker symbolism in playing cards
carries deep meaning often tied to chaos, unpredictability,
and potential. This card often plays a crucial role in many games,
including the classic card game Hearts."

Do note that the comet Atlas has been in our 'mist' as of late.
Τhe comet C/2023 A3 having its perihelion on 27 September 2024.
Sept 27 is when Hurricane Helene hit Florida and into
North Carolina, Georgia and Tennessee.

Note all of the historic flooding that is happening globally.

I also found the following information about Atlas interesting especially
where it concerns the Serpent and Caput ( beheading perhaps?)
copy and paste:
"The position of comet C/2023 A3 in October 2024.
The comet is located in the southernmost tip of the constellation
Leo about ten degrees south
of the ecliptic and moves in the first half of the month with decreasing apparent brightness across the constellation Virgo.
It then moves into the western head of the
*** constellation Serpens Caput****,
and then moves across the constellation Ophiuchus.

By the end of the month, the comet reaches
a northern ecliptic latitude of just over 27 degrees of arc.
Therefore, in the second half
of October the comet should be well visible on the
western horizon after sunset."
Comets are harbingers. As was Halley's and Hale Bopp.
Recall what happened 4 years after Hale Bopp in 1997 in NYC.
'Coincidently' on the 40th' parallel north and 77 meridian west.

We are living in very interesting times.

Donald Trump works at McDonald's while on campaign trail

Ra1119bee said...


Here is a recent update about Oscar and Cuba.

Huge humanitarian crisis': Cuba hit by hurricane amid island-wide power outage

Ra1119bee said...

I just noticed the numbers (592) in the DF logo sign.
In numerology and counting from right to left, 2+9=11
making the 'hidden' number 511.
Five 11's of course totals 55, a master 'twin' number.

Five (alphabet E) being the Penta and the number of change.

Of course when something is reset or recycled means it's
changed/transformed much like the Phoenix.

I found the following information interesting
about the Law of the Fives, especially as it to relates to not
only the number five but also to discord
which I believe humanity is on the precipice of a Great Upheaval
in this duality dimension which the Past Life Reader said
to me in 1974.( note 4+7 also equals 11).
copy and paste: link below
"The "five-fingered hand of Eris" is one of several symbols used in Discordianism.
Discordianism is a belief system based around Eris,
the Greek goddess of strife and discord..."
Maybe the Peace sign V, Roman numeral 5, hidden symbolism
is about discord and upheaval i.e chaos ( Ordo ab Chao ),
and has nothing to do whatsoever with peace at least not
the peace I personally believe in.

V for Victory ?
Perhaps, however it begs the question, at least to me,
victory for Whom and more importantly Why?

Remember the Victor always writes the history.

Keep in mind that all power sources, especially
knowledge, in this duality dimension,
have both positive AND negative energy.

DF and recycling

On October 19, Bruce Charlton posted " Americans are *mental*, when it comes to politics ," in which he for some reason repeatedly...