Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Ellen and the thousand ships

Yesterday, William Wright posted, "Ellen DeGeneres, the face that launched a thousand ships, Cartman's hairy a**hole, and Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?" As you can see in the title, he takes a short-haired not-very-feminine celebrity named Ellen and links her to Helen of Troy and to the famous line from Doctor Faustus about how Helen's was "the face that launched a thousand ships."

A couple of weeks ago, I ran across this on /x/. I won't link the thread, since I don't want my Australian readers to go to prison for reading it, but it's easy enough to look up on 4plebs.

That's Ellen Page, who now calls herself Elliot and claims to be a man. The post says that Page, who used to be quite pretty before she was sacrificed, "should have launched a thousand battle-ready ships" -- referencing the same Marlowe line that Bill had used in connection with another short-haired lesbian celebrity Ellen.

Notice the roller skates in the picture:

Roller skates have been a major theme on Bill's blogs. And his Ellen post even mentions a hurricane that recently "rolled up Florida."

Bill's post also mentions Carmen Sandiego, who came up because of an error; he had dreamed about the South Park character Eric Cartman but thought his last name was Carmen. (Interestingly, the only real use of of carmen as a common noun in English is in the phrase "a carmen and an error.") This reminded me of the old shareware game Where in Hell is Carmen Santiago, which was both a parody of Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego and a no-joke introduction to the layout of Dante's Inferno.

I guess if you have a Carmen and an error, you end up with Carmen in hell. Carmen's name was changed to Santiago for copyright reasons, and that name just showed up in my dreams ("James, Santiago, Eru, and Charles Wallace").


Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Posting this here, as I’m not usually able to comment on Bill’s blog. Eric Cartman’s a-hole has come up here before. In the ManBearPig episode, Cartman eats a hidden treasure (like Patrick) and then craps it out.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

I’m currently reading Warren’s Paradise Found, which argues that the ancients believed the southern hemisphere to be the underworld. Cartman in South Park = Carmen in hell.

William Wright (WW) said...

The website itself won't let you comment?

I totally forgot about that clip - I do now remember watching that when you first shared it , so I guess I wasn't quite accurate in my post when I said I hadn't watched South Park in recent memory.

The fact that Cartman is crapping 'Treasure" out of his a-hole actually fits in pretty well with where I landed on the interpretation of that strange reference in my dream. I've concluded that the a-hole must refer to the Rose Stone. In my story, that is potentially the source of the 'hidden treasures', or at least some of them, that are meant to be shared with Peter, or 'played for Patrick'.

William Wright (WW) said...

On South Park = Hell, that is where I landed as well, though I just called it our Earth, with Park meaning an enclosed or fenced in area.

The dominion of Satan, basically, or the prison that we are currently trapped in.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

I can only comment if I sign in to Google, which for some reason I am often unable to do (only for commenting; I’m still signed in for email, my own blog, etc.). The old blog had a name/url option for commenting without signing in, but the new one doesn’t.

William Wright (WW) said...

That is weird. I double checked and I have the setting as anyone can comment, even anonymous (and no moderation), and on my machine I see google account option, as well as anonymous and name/URL. Maybe there is something else I have to check.

Leo said...

I had the same issue. On desktop it was an ad blocker setting on the browser I'm using that prevented signing in. Once I turned that off I could comment. On mobile I still can't get it to work, however.

William Wright (WW) said...

Hmm - I just tried on my mobile and initially had the same issue where it required Google sign in, but then it gave me an option to accept blogger cookies, and now it lets me comment with url, unanimous, or google account.

Ellen and the thousand ships

Yesterday, William Wright posted, " Ellen DeGeneres, the face that launched a thousand ships, Cartman's hairy a**hole, and Where in...