Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Jesse Eisenberg: the connecting link between Chipmunks and Bigfoot

Chipmunks and Chip Monks have been a major theme lately, especially over at Bill's blog, so when I happened to check Clickhole today (which I don't do very often, since it long ago crossed that fine line), this caught my eye:

The article itself is stupid and unfunny, but it does confirm that the rodent perched on Eisenberg's shoulder is in fact "his roommate Chipmunk."

I was only vaguely aware of Mr. Eisenberg's existence. I correctly guessed that he was the guy who played Zuck in that one biopic. As I scrolled through his filmography on Wikipedia, the role that jumped out at me was this one:

That's right, one of Eisenberg's latest gigs has been playing a male sasquatch in a movie called Sasquatch Sunset.

Reading the summary of Sasquatch Sunset, I gather that it's just about as charming and witty as that Clickhole article with the chipmunk. But it's just weird that such a movie exists.

Then I checked Bill's blog. His latest post, "Joseph retracing down this first crafted star of stone," pursues the idea, introduced a few posts before, of mapping the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to the Chip Monks. The main difficulty there is that there are four Turtles but only three Chip Monks. The post ends with this paragraph:

I mentioned the Chipmunk Christmas special above, which I thought of earlier in relation to Raphael and the fourth Turtle-Chipmunk.  Although there are three chipmunks like usual, the group actually gains a fourth 'chipmunk' at the end of the movie, when Tommy (who I already identified with Joseph) joins them on stage at Carnegie Hall and plays his Golden Echo Harmonica alongside Alvin.  For some reason this seemed to further support the idea of Joseph as Raphael in my mind.  In addition, Tommy was a human boy, whereas the Chipmunks are, in fact, rodents.  This might also speak to the idea or concept that Joseph, as this fourth non-Chipmunk, was and is in another form or state of Being than the other three Chip Monks who had to take on hairy animal bodies as part of their role in the plan.

Here Bill introduces the idea that the reason the Chip Monks are portrayed as chipmunks -- furry rodents -- is that they are higher beings of some kind (Elves or Angels or whatever) who have had to incarnate as human beings -- which, from their point of view, means having to "take on hairy animal bodies."

The more usual symbol on Bill's blog for a higher being taking on a coarse primate body is, you guessed it, Bigfoot.


William Wright (WW) said...

In the post I just wrote, I felt like I should mention sasquatch (that term specifically) as something I was going to write about, even though it wasn't going to be in that particular post. And then I came over here and saw the sasquatch connections with Jesse Eisenberg.

There is another interesting connection between Jesse Eisenberg and Joseph that might suggest you are on to something here.

Eisenberg means "Iron Mountain". In my words from Nov. 9, 2019, there was mention of Joseph (one day of only two in total for all of 2019 and 2020) in the specific context of an iron mountain:

"Only Joseph can draw. . . iron hills/ mountains"

No idea what it means, but that last phrase is a direct interpretation of Eisenberg. In the notes I captured and related in a post where I mentioned this, I had even written " 'iron mountains' doesn't make much sense."

Also, the fact that the Eisenberg article title had a 'missing acorn' is also a pretty direct hit with respect to Joseph. In this other story, Joseph was in search of his missing Stone, which has also been compared with a seed.

William Wright (WW) said...

The fact that Eisenberg played Zuckerberg makes the connection even stronger to Joseph here.

Zuckerberg started Facebook, which had been called The Facebook previously. In my post covering all sorts of things from Cartman's you-know-what to Helen of Troy, I guessed that "Face" applies to the Rose Stone because because very root of Face mean "To look, see, vision" etc., and then made the link to the capabilities of the Stone as a Seer Stone.

Basically, Face Book = Seer Stone (specifically Joseph's Rose Stone), in this word game, since the Stone itself has been many times called or referred to as a Book that one "Faces".

And don't even get me started on Mark Zuckerberg's name...

Jesse Eisenberg: the connecting link between Chipmunks and Bigfoot

Chipmunks and Chip Monks have been a major theme lately, especially over at Bill's blog, so when I happened to check Clickhole today (wh...