Monday, May 24, 2021

Keeping us safe

The Chinese says, translating loosely, "Due to the birdemic, this hiking trail is closed for the time being." Yes, this little hiking trail in the middle of nowhere, where you can hike all day and meet maybe five or six other people. Real super-spreader potential there!

(Did we pay any attention to the sign? I guess the safest answer to that question -- which different people will, very conveniently, interpret differently -- is, "Is the Pope Catholic?")

Taiwan is now under Level 3 restrictions -- meaning, among other things, that "All people must wear masks at all times when going out." And yes, that means even in your own car. Fortunately, "city and county governments agree that people not wearing masks in public should first be 'persuaded' before being fined. . . . If a person fails to heed the directive to wear a mask, the fine will then be imposed." In other words, just keep a mask handy to put on in case a cop directly asks you to do so; otherwise, you're good. Even this half-assed degree of civil disobedience is beyond the pale for most Taiwanese, though; everyone, with vanishingly few exceptions, wears a mask all the time now.

And with good reason! Check out the latest birdemic stats.

Last time I posted a chart like this, the number of people affected by the birdemic was so tiny that the chart just looked like a featureless blue circle -- but no longer! If you look very closely at the 12:00 position, you'll see a little hairline fracture of not-blue-ness. It's hard to say what color it is exactly, but it's definitely not blue, and that means the situation is worse.


Francis Berger said...

I had hoped Taiwan would escape the global tyranny of none are safe until all are safe.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

I had hoped so, too — but the logic of NASUAAS means there can be no exceptions.

Bruce Charlton said...

@Wm - I'm sorry to say I knew for sure that you would not be left out - nobody will.

What is weird about the world is that in early 2020 everything we knew about viral respiratory infections, based on a century of medical practice and experience (e.g. what Knut M. Wittkowski says), was suddenly forgotten; and hypothestiocal conjectures by mediocre researchers was suddenly given the status of unchallengable and eternal truth (an eternal truth which had the convenient property of tacking political expediency on a week by week basis).

I was going over the past 16 or so months in my mind, and I realized that absolutely Everything of importance we have been officially told about the birdemic was grossly dishonest - that it is a Big Lie constructed from Nothing But misrepresentation and propaganda.

The birdemic is about as pure nonsense as anything ever could be in this world - among with the rest of the mandatory modern Litmus Tests. Who of thunk the Whole World could be subjugated by such extreme nothing?

Consequently it is, of course, disproof-proof - because those who believe it cannot possibly accept that they have been manipulated into believing So Many lies on the basis of nothing.

In other words, it was probably inevitable and necessary that the triumph of Satan would be based on sheer smoke and mirrors; in the sense that to live by and from lies - and by/from nothing but lies - is a pretty good definition of hell.

Neither aliens nor animals are biological robots, and we shouldn’t be, either.

Yesterday I bought and started reading the Kindle edition of Whitley Strieber’s latest book, The Fourth Mind. On page 47, he criticizes thos...