Monday, May 17, 2021

Hey, Suzy, where you been today?

After a break of several months, the synchronicity fairies are suddenly back into politics again. I do apologize.

In "The Trumpiest trump," my recent post at The Magician's Table, I revisited the Judgment card of the Tarot as a prediction of Trump's winning the 2020 election and discussed how John Opsopaus has connected that trump with the number 45 -- a number that Trump, the 45th president, has recently begun to emphasize in his branding.

In the post I mentioned that "trump occurs only twice in the King James Bible (1 Cor. 15:52 and 1 Thes. 4:16), and both instances refer to the scene depicted on the card." This reminded me that I had also found the string biden in the Bible, in 2 Chronicles 25:29.

Thou sayest, Lo, thou hast smitten the Edomites; and thine heart lifteth thee up to boast: abide now at home; why shouldest thou meddle to thine hurt, that thou shouldest fall, even thou, and Judah with thee?

At the time, my interpretation was that "Edom means 'red' in Hebrew, so the Edomites are the Republican." Today, though, a more specific meaning of Edom struck me: Edom = aleph daleth mem = 1 + 4 + 40 = 45. "Lo, thou hast smitten the 45-ites!"

Today, YouTube Music autoplay served up a Weezer song I had never heard before, "The End Of The Game" (2019).

It didn't do much for me musically, at least on the first listen, but the music video got my attention because of its many very specific references to the 1989 Philippe Mora film Communion, starring Christopher Walken as Whitley Strieber, with a score composed by Eric Clapton (who, incidentally, was recently in the news for anti-peck statements). (I still can't entirely believe that such a movie really exists! It sounds too much like something I would dream up in a fantasy!) Anyway, it held my interest long enough to make me look up the lyrics. They begin like this:

Hey, Suzy, where you been today?
I'm looking for you every way
No sign of you when I wake up
I'm on an island with no sun

I feel like I've known you my whole life
You got me crying like when Aslan died
Now you're gone

For the significance of "Suzy," see my January 13 post "Wake up, little Susie." For Trump as Aslan, see my January 11 post "Hush my darling, be still my darling, the lion's on the phone." For Trump as the Sun, see my November 9, 2020, post "The other Trump trump."

Aslan, of course, represents Jesus Christ and as such comes back to life after being killed -- so "crying like when Aslan died" implies crying over a disaster that is soon to be reversed in a eucatastrophe.

The "island with no sun" also makes me think of the solar eclipse in the Tintin book Prisoners of the Sun -- a scan of which was emailed to me this year on (by complete coincidence!) the precise anniversary (and even the same day of the week) of its original publication. See "St. George, stake for the sun, and inevitable 'miracles.'"

Although I should definitely know better by now than to discuss specific future dates, let me just say for the record that various lines of synchronistic "evidence" are currently pointing at Sunday, August 1.


A said...

That UFO theme popping up too again.

My take would be it symbolizes the transcendent/spiritual real invading the material world. The material minded might literally interpret it as UFOs though.

No Longer Reading said...

Interesting that "The End of the Game" was released in late 2019, which was the end of the game, in a sense.

A said...

Mr. Wright went pretty heavy on the UFO themes recently too.

A said...

This popped up today. Fiction film from 2014 discussing the idea of using birdemics and pecks to reduce population to 500 million. "The pecks could be used to sterilize... no that would never happen, they wouldn't wait 2 generations"

Neither aliens nor animals are biological robots, and we shouldn’t be, either.

Yesterday I bought and started reading the Kindle edition of Whitley Strieber’s latest book, The Fourth Mind. On page 47, he criticizes thos...