Friday, December 15, 2023

Go out, believe out. Go in, believe in.

This was spoken to me in a dream last night. The meaning is that when we enter or leave a particular environment, we change not only our outer behavior but also our beliefs. In an environment where a certain thing is believed, you will find yourself believing it, too, to a non-trivial extent. This happens automatically, and the best way to safeguard against it is to be consciously aware of it.

In the dream, I caught some bees -- plucking them from the air with my fingers like Daniel-san with his chopsticks -- and placed them around the edges of doorways, where they obediently stayed.

"Do those bees live in the doorway?" someone asked. "Is their hive there?"

"No, not yet," I said. "It's just a few bees for now, but I hope they will build hives soon."

"But I don't like bees."

"Well, you'd better get used to them. They're our friends."

I meant that they were our friends because the proximity of stinging insects would make people more alert and nervous as they passed through doorways, raising their consciousness and making them less susceptible to the belief-altering effects of entering and leaving places.


Ra1119bee said...


Deborah the Bee........buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

To Bee or not to Bee?
The Bitter (the sting) and the Sweet (the honey) i.e.
the darkness (Black ) and the light/sun (Yellow).
Colors of the Bee.

You wrote :
"Well, you'd better get used to them. They're our friends."

Didn't Rudolf Steiner give many lectures about the significance of the Bee??

If you recall I shared several interesting dreams on your blog about Rudolf Steiner.
Keep in mind that I did NOT know about Rudolf Steiner BEFORE the dreams.

One dream in particular that I had in 2011,
which I titled:Fama Fraternitatis---You Guys are from Germany !

In the Fama dream, I dreamt that I was in a beautiful old theater.
Everything was a plush velvet red. The seats, the carpeting and the curtains
on the stage were all red.

I was sitting with another person ( I don't know who that person was ).
We were sitting in the middle of the auditorium and there was nobody else
in the theater.
However, I felt that someone (from behind ) was staring at me.

I became uncomfortable and looked back and sure enough, there was a man (White)
sitting in the last row by the door that led into the lobby.

I got up and walked up the aisle and into the lobby and the man followed.
In the lobby a small group of people (who were all White) had formed a circle.
I felt as if they had been looking for me for a long time.

I then found myself in the middle of the circle. I levitated to show the people
that I was not afraid of them. I then returned to the floor and said: Who are you?!!!

They then handed me a white sheet of paper and in the letterhead I saw an illustration
of two lions. There was writing on the letterhead as well with a long word that
begin with an F.
I then said : You Guys are from Germany???

At that point they all laid on the floor still in a circle and holding hands.
They began chanting.
At one point they all got up and ran down a basement.
I woke up.

After I woke up , I googled something like (I don't recall the exact tag words) :
Germany, lion, long word beginning with the letter F, the esoteric.

Do note that in the dream when I asked the people if they were from Germany, in real
life I did NOT at that time (nor do I know now) how to speak or read German.
So it was odd that in the dream I would 'know' that the long word that begin
with the letter F was German.

During the research
Lo and behold I found something called the Fama Fraternitatis. Which I DID NOT
know about the Fama before the dream.

Keep in mind the dream was in 2011.
A couple of years ago however when re-visiting research about Steiner and the Rosy's
once again, and lo and behold I came upon images and information about Steiner's Goetheanum.

I was shocked!! The Goetheanum was the theater in my dream.


John Goes said...

Thanks for this post, William! I needed to read this post today, I think.

Neither aliens nor animals are biological robots, and we shouldn’t be, either.

Yesterday I bought and started reading the Kindle edition of Whitley Strieber’s latest book, The Fourth Mind. On page 47, he criticizes thos...