Wednesday, December 13, 2023

The Philosopher's Pupil and the eclipse

In my October 23 post "Jesus is my librarian," I describe what brought Iris Murdoch's novel The Philosopher's Pupil to my attention:

One of the other books on the shelf caught my eye, though: The Philosopher's Pupil, a book I bought right around the time I was outgrowing Iris Murdoch and never ended up reading. It made me think of the ending of a poem that features in the Eridanus videos:

Ascend, O moon
Into the sun
Eclipse's eye
Thy will be done.
Lo, Abraxas!
To thy pupil cometh sight,
For from thy shadow shineth light!

It's a little surprising, given that the author's name is Iris and all, that I'd never thought of the ocular sense of pupil in connection with Murdoch's book; I'd always assumed it referred to a philosopher's student and never considered any other possible meaning. Seeing the title printed on a black background, though, with that poem in the back of my mind, I made the connection. Now I suppose I'll have to read it to see if Murdoch does the same.

I've very nearly finished The Philosopher's Pupil, and, no, the "pupil" as part of the eye never comes up. The original synchronistic context, though, was of the dark "pupil" at the center of a solar eclipse. This is the "pupil" image from the Galahad Eridanus video:

This image has no relevance for the vast majority of Murdoch's novel, but right near the end it shows up:

Only the sun, blazing through the misty light, had changed or was changing. It was no longer round but was becoming shaped like a star with long jagged mobile points which kept flowing in and out, and each time they flowed they became of a dazzling burning intensity. The star was very near, too near. It went on flaming and burning, a vast catastrophic conflagration in the evening sky, emitting its long jets of flame. And as it burnt with dazzling pointed rays a dark circle began to grow in its center, making the star look like a sunflower. George thought, I'll look at the dark part, then I shall be all right. As he watched, the dark part was growing so that now it almost covered the central orb of the sun, leaving only the long burning petals of flame which were darting out on every side. The dark part was black, black, and the petals were a painful shimmering electric gold (pp. 556-557).

This hallucinatory episode, which also includes a flying saucer, ends with George losing consciousness. When he comes to, he asks, "Was there an eclipse of the sun?" and is told that there was not.

The parallels with Galahad Eridanus's "eclipse" -- which was also a hallucinatory vision rather than a literal astronomical event -- are quite close.

The sunflower angle is interesting, too, as that flower has been in the sync-stream recently, particularly in some of William Wright's recent posts. I had not previously made the connection that if a sunflower resembles a solar disc, it is an eclipsed solar disk, a dark circle surrounded by a fiery corona.

Note added 1:50 p.m.: Looking back at the "Jesus is my librarian" post, I see it had a photo of Murdoch's book on my shelf, very close to an English translation of Baudelaire's Les Fleurs du mal. Here is Odilon Redon's illustration for the latter book:


Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

I see I missed the anniversary of Galahad Eridanus's eclipse -- December 14 -- by a day.

Ra1119bee said...


Part 1 of 2

I think you may find this information interesting about the 19 year Metonic Moon and the Major Standstill and how it connects to much of the puzzle pieces that I've shared
here on your blog, particularly what I have predicted about the Future.

Also keep in mind my July2 014 Moon River dream and ( what I believe to be ) its possible connection to this

Pay particular attention to the years of the Major Standstills.
Several Major Standstills of the Moon proceed a volatile time in history especially where
it concerns economics.
The year 1931 preceded the Great Depression.

Also 1987 ( specifically Oct 19 1987 ) and Black Monday's Stock Market crash in the US.

The year 2006 preceding the Great Recession in the US.

And the upcoming year 2025, which I now believe ( after today ( 12-16 2023) finding
this information about the Metonic Moon) will be when the Great Reset will
be fully implemented.

I believe the year 2024 is going to be a VERY VERY volatile
year GLOBALLY as things begin to unravel.
This information also connects to the Shifting of Ages.

The Major Standstill

The Moon reaches its most maximum declination of 29 degrees N and S when in the appropriate signs. Since it takes 14 days between the maximum northern and southern points, the Moon's daily changes in position are quite dramatic at this time. It will reach its maximum declination for 2 - 5 days twice a month for about 3 years around the time of the major standstill. Once or twice it will reach its very maximum declination, and this is set off by eclipses. It will rise and set noticeably more north and south than usual, and will attain its greatest height (north) and lowest position (south) in the sky. In fact, at in far north latitudes, the Moon is circumpolar at the major standstill. The greatest declination occurs when the moon's nodes are at O degrees of Aries.

Major Standstill Dates from 1900 – 2050 are:

The Minor Standstill

Ra1119bee said...


Part 2

Do note the paragraph which I 'starred'(******)

Nine years later, the Moon reaches its minor standstill. It follows exactly the same monthly motion pattern, however now it only reaches a maximum of 18 degrees declination for the 3 year period when the nodes reach O degrees Libra. Its monthly and daily swings are far less dramatic. It must be stressed that the Minor Standstill is not very noticeable or visually interesting except as a way to compare the more extreme swings. The Minor Standstill dates are 1941, 1959, 1978, 1997, 2015, 2034 and 2052.

The years in between, the Moon reaches ever increasing or decreasing monthly declinations as it moves between one standstill and the next. The most recent Minor Standstill was 2015. In June 2020, the Moon’s declination will finally reach the Sun’s maximum 23.25 degrees. After that, the Moon will begin to move beyond the Sun’s declination; a position called “Out of Bounds.(2)” We are moving towards a Major Standstill in 2025.

********Major standstills affect tides and weather conditions and probably other lunar related phenomenon such as birth rates, public reaction, real estate and the stock market (more volatile during Major Standstill) as well as the economy. Since the Moon repeatedly goes OOB, there may be an overly zealous public response. The further OOB, the stronger the response. There is a maverick quality. Reactions and perceptions are extreme and not as controlled. The environment is not very stable. At Minor Standstills, reaction is more controlled and action is taken.*****

Moon Swings - The Lunar Standstill Cycle

Ra1119bee said...


I forgot to add this about the significance of the number 19
and the Metonic Moon cycle.
If you recall I shared with you my belief that I am (my soul)
is paying back a number 19 Karmic debt.

The word chaos in gematria equals 19.
Also the word 'sound' in gematria equals 19.

In Herbert Hoover's iconic speech on Oct 25, 1929 before the stock market crash,
Hoover assures the American people that the 'economy' was SOUND.
Fast forward to 2023 when Janet Yellen and Jerome Powell both announce
that the banking industry and the economy is 'SOUND'.

Which in Hoover's case, Yellen and Powel the economy was/is anything but.

In the Netflix movie Leave the World Behind, SOUND is extremely significant
as is the Schumann Resonance.

Don't know if you're familiar with : Operation Paper Clip ,
the SS German Winifred Otto Schumann, Dayton Ohio, Wright Pat,
Miamisburg Mound, The Dayton and Manhattan Project, Binaural Beats (remote viewing
and the Monroe Institiute).... but it all connects.

A I = 19

There were 19 hijackers on 911.

All of this a Coincidence??

Neither aliens nor animals are biological robots, and we shouldn’t be, either.

Yesterday I bought and started reading the Kindle edition of Whitley Strieber’s latest book, The Fourth Mind. On page 47, he criticizes thos...