Thursday, December 14, 2023

The "waters" of outer space

I’ve been sailing all my life now
Never harbor or port have I known
The wide universe is the ocean I travel
And the earth is my blue boat home. 

-- Peter Mayer, "Blue Boat Home"

Praise ye the Lord from the heavens:
    praise him in the heights.
Praise ye him, all his angels:
    praise ye him, all his hosts.
Praise ye him, sun and moon:
    praise him, all ye stars of light.
Praise him, ye heavens of heavens,
    and ye waters that be above the heavens.
-- Psalm 148:1-4

The lines from Psalm 148 quoted above use the typical Hebrew poetic device of parallelism, where each line is followed by one that parallels it -- either a paraphrase or a similar idea. In the first two couplets quoted, the two lines are more-or-less synonymous; "the heavens" and "the heights" probably mean about the same thing, as do "his angels" and "his hosts." In the third couplet, the lines are not synonymous -- the sun and moon are not considered to be "stars" in the Bible -- but are obviously thematically related.

What about the fourth couplet? I propose that the two lines are synonymous there, too. The "heaven of heavens" and the "waters that be above the heavens" refer to the same thing -- namely, outer space. (The standard reading, that "waters above the heavens" refers to clouds, strikes me as ridiculous.) In Genesis 1, the "heaven" is the atmosphere, the place where birds fly, and the "waters" are "above" that -- outer space. Outer space is the heaven of heavens in a fairly literal sense, since many different "heavens" -- i.e., the atmospheres of many different planets -- are contained in it. Space is called "waters" simply because that's a metaphor that comes very naturally, as seen in the Peter Mayer song.

If "waters" can mean space, then the story of the City of Enoch floating away into space and Atlantis sinking beneath the waters could be variants of the same original story.


William Wright (WW) said...

Yes, exactly.

With the added nuance that to fly away or rise into that sea is perhaps not the same thing as to sink into it. Meaning, in both cases it involves going away into space, but under different circumstances, different state of affairs, and different destinations.

In the Tolkien-esque stories, Aman-Valinor and half of Eressea were said to rise or be taken up into that sea, where-as the other half of Eressea and all of Numenor was said to sink or be buried by or into it (in the case of Numenor, as by a wave).

One implication, then, is that the City of Enoch is not the same thing as Atlantis (so not the same story), though both went away into space.

Ra1119bee said...


Ahhhhh, once again the Eight Point Star connects to the big picture.
The Union Jack, the Octagon.

Navigators and Aviators are one and the same, no?
Everything is connected.

You may find interesting this recent post from a blog titled End Times Descending

This recent post found here is very intriguing:

I found this End Times Descending blog only several years ago after
revisiting and deep dive researching my Hale Bopp dream which
I had in March of 1997. Recall I shared my Hale Bopp dream
on your blog a year or so ago.

The author of this blog does an excellent job of connecting the dots to events
happening now on the World Stage and many of his
puzzle pieces connects with mine.

Isn't it interesting that because our Soul transcends time and space, the puzzle pieces
we were given ( through esoteric experiences, dreams, syncs etc. )
many years ago or months ago or perhaps only minutes ago all have significance
and helps us to see the big picture that affects not only our personal lives
but humanity collectively. Especially now at the shifting of ages.

The author of this blog also offers very interesting perspective
about the three eclipses and if you recall I shared my perspective as to the Whys
of the formation of the Aleph and the three eclipses in Oct of this year.

As I'm sure you know, America is a very significant player
in the Shifting of Ages.

Plato, the navigator John Dee, Francis Bacon, Manly P. Hall ,
all Rosy's who believed that The New
Atlantis was on the 77th Meridian West.

I believe that The Great Reset has begun.

Connect the dots....

Please do check out my recent comment about the movie Leave the World Behind.
It's chockful of intriguing symbolism and signs about a very
probable and precarious future
that I personally believe we are on the precipice of.

We live in very interesting times.

iasa said...

For it to be literal water is the only way rocketa could work. Shooting gas out your hind ens won't propel you in a vacuum because there is nothing to displace to cause propulsion. So either space travel is completely fake or they're hiding that its water up there.

In the scifi show Farscape they have biological ships called Leviathans. Now obviously Leviathan is a sea creature and nothing biological could live in a vaccuum so the cabal is admitting space is water.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

A rocket doesn’t have to displace anything. It works by conservation of linear momentum, and would actually work better in a vacuum than anywhere else.

HomeStadter said...

I'm assuming you are also toying with the idea that the Jaredites and Nephites actually went to another planet?

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Bill's ideas about that certainly influenced my reading of Psalms, yes.

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