Monday, December 11, 2023

The spider, the rat, and the poltergeist

William Wright's December 10 post "A Vampire's Weekend" discusses "Ya Hey" and "Step," the only two Vampire Weekend songs I know, both of which I have posted about before. He finds in them allusions to Tolkien's spider-demon Ungoliant and to a rat or mouse which he identifies with another Tolkien villain, Saruman.

So I guess it's time to talk about the poltergeist of July-August 2019.

The first thing that happened was that our phone line suddenly went dead in the middle of a call, and the phone wouldn't work after that. Eventually an electrician found the problem: A cable inside the wall had been snipped neatly in two, as if with a pair of shears. He said he couldn't understand how it had happened. He said sometimes mice will bite wires, but this was such a clean cut, and in a place that should have been inaccessible even to a mouse. And in any case we keep multiple cats, and mice are simply not an issue.

A day or two after that, an air conditioner, a water dispenser, and a television set all suddenly stopped working at the same time. In each case the technician found that a small but important component had mysteriously been cut neatly in two.

When a brass doorknob somehow spontaneously cut itself neatly in half, we began to get the feeling that something paranormal was involved.

Then classic "poltergeist" phenomena began. Strong odors, such as sulfur and camphor, would suddenly appear and disappear. Small objects, especially shoes, would suddenly jump up, fly across the room, or skitter across the floor. I had a very strong sense that I was being watched, and by something that was not human. I had a vague sense that it felt like "some kind of animal," while my wife had a much more specific apprehension of it as a spider. Sometimes a brief image of an enormous spider would suddenly flash across her mind. She began to be quite frightened and to press me to "do something" about it.

Since some sort of spiritual presence seemed to be involved, I had the bright idea of "interrogating" it with Tarot cards. "Who are you?" I asked, then shuffled my deck, and drew a card: The Devil. "What do you want?" Death.

My reaction to this was, "Oh, come on!" It was just too corny, too cartoonish, too much like something out of a bad horror movie, and it didn't seem to fit the phenomena themselves, which seemed more mischievous than evil. I refused to take it seriously. I wrote at the time, "I think we're dealing with the spiritual equivalent of a 12-year-old boy making prank calls."

The feeling that we were dealing with an "animal" presence of some kind persisted, leading me into this dangerous line of thinking:

So far I haven't tried any prayers or other exorcistic gestures because, to be honest, my hunch is that this entity has shown up at my house the same way animals in need of help always do, and that I should receive it in the same spirit. Of course, to help it I need to know what it needs or wants (besides "death," I mean!). . . . Is it foolhardy to think I might be able to housebreak this thing? My feeling is that as long as I resist the temptation to try to enslave it, I'm not in any real danger . . . .

It's hard for me to understand now how I could have thought that way even for a moment, but I did. Fortunately, I quickly came to my senses:

Here's my thinking. A devil's purpose is not to annoy or terrorize but to tempt, and I think the temptation in this case was to do precisely what I almost did: to welcome this thing, using compassion as an excuse, but in fact motivated by morbid curiosity and pride.

Obviously, anything that calls itself the Devil, and that sees ordinary Christian prayer as a hostile act, should be taken at face value and sent packing. The only thing that made me hesitate to do so was the interesting (but absurd and illusory) prospect of "taming" it, as if I were King Solomon or something, as if I had somehow become a magician just by reading books.  . . . evil seems to be required to explicitly identify itself as such -- and it doesn't get much more explicit than saying "I'm the Devil, and I want death." If I had responded with," Right, well make yourself at home, then," I would essentially have been in the position of Faust inviting the black poodle into his house (and it was perhaps this subconscious connection that made me think of it as being like a stray animal).

I began using prayer against the thing, starting with some prayers that were recommended by a pen friend who is an Anglican priest. Phenomena ceased for about a week, and then this happened:

In what was by now a familiar pattern, two solid steel components in the ceiling fan -- which should have been the strongest parts of the whole structure -- had snapped neatly in half for no apparent reason. The workers who installed the new light fixture said they had never heard of such a thing happening. My wife had been on the sofa nearby when it fell and narrowly escaped being hit.

This type of violence represented a serious escalation, and I stepped up my efforts to get rid of the thing once and for all. What ended up doing the trick was a Latin prayer to St. Michael, recommended by a Catholic friend. (This was my first experience praying in Latin, which is now something I do every day.) When I started the prayer, one of my cats went absolutely berserk, behaving as if it were possessed, but by the end of the prayer, everything was normal, and the poltergeist phenomena never came back. Later that evening, when the Taoist "ghostbuster" team I had called earlier arrived, they said the house was clean and there was nothing for them to do.

In going back through my old emails while writing this post, I found this comment from a friend:

Although it is currently a mystery; I'm pretty sure that, if you find a cure, you will find-out what it was all about at some time later - assuming you remain curious to learn.

I wouldn't say I've found that out yet -- I'm not yet at the point where "It was a character from a Tolkien novel" feels like a real explanation -- but my curiosity has been reignited. After some time, I had more or less set the whole thing aside, contenting myself, like Bartholomew Cubbins and King Derwin, with saying "it just 'happened to happen' and was not very likely to happen again." Now, like so many other things from my past, it's resurfacing and demanding to be made sense of.

After reading William Wright's post, I was going to listen to those Vampire Weekend songs again, but I somehow tapped the wrong thing and ended up instead listening to Denmark + Winter's strange reimagining of Johnny Cash (another "Man in Black" for you, Bill):

"I keep my eyes wide open all the time / I keep the ends out for the tie that binds / Because you're mine, I walk the line." Is it strange to imagine this being sung by an unblinking spider spinning its thread?

To end with a random sync wink: William Wright's introduced Ungoliant in his post "A familiar symbol, secret combinations, and Mama Ungoliant." The "familiar symbol" of the title is a circle inside, or sometimes overlapping with, a triangle. This morning, after writing most of the above but before posting it, I stopped in a clothing store to buy some socks and saw this on a T-shirt:


Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

One of the things destroyed by this "spidery" poltergeist was a light fixture, which seems like it might be relevant to "With spider's oil the lamps of Salem burn." If "oil" is taken to mean "what makes lamps burn," I wonder if "spider's oil" could refer to electricity, with the network of cables suggesting a spider's web.

Leo said...

My own dealings with Saruman were far more tame than yours (if your poltergeist is indeed Saruman). But the connection to a spider was unmistakable. When he showed up in Oct 2020 I took the approach of making a deal or trade with him since I had something he wanted and I wanted something from him. As part of the trade we made, he was offered a chance to turn aside from his dark ways and finally find redemption. The offer came through me but not from me, if that makes sense.

In the process of making this trade, which took a few weeks as I recall, one night I showed up to make the trade and found it difficult to communicate. I got very sleepy while I waited for things to open up. And then a giant wolf spider landed on my head which of course really freaked me out. I told Saruman it was a dick move. We did eventually make the trade and he moved on as far as I know, although I don't think he took the offer at redemption.

William Wright (WW) said...


Tolkien was very well known for his anti-industrial stance, and went so far as to call out electric lamps as having no place in any good fairy story in his famous essay "On Faery Stories", even calling them 'bad lamps'.

It's a good thing that the lamp-post that Lewis' included in the Chronicles of Narnia was based on gas lamps...


Don't make deals with the Devil! Only falling behind land wars in Asia among classic blunders to avoid.

Ra1119bee said...


Although what I am sharing today is somewhat off topic to this
particular post, I believe that the message however( which is a summation
of what I've shared with you for the last year or so) is very much
on point to a Big Picture especially regarding your posts about George.

On Dec 8, I watched a very intriguing foreboding apocalyptic psychological
thriller movie on Netflix titled; Leave the World Behind. (see trailer link)

What's intriguing about this movie, at least to me, is that this movie
addresses most of what I've come to believe and have predicted
(including sharing on your blog)
about a very probable future of humanity and events that I am convinced
will happen on the world stage in the not too distant future.

What's interesting is the character George H Scott
(who is Black played by Mahershala Ali).
Great Scott??

Why the character George H is interesting
is that he too is an Earth Tiller and if you recall
I just recently shared my perspective as to why I believe the Georges ( George
Floyd, George W. Bush, Prince George ect )... are all Earth Tillers being
very symbolic to the Shifting of Ages and this particular movie is just another
validation IMHO, of my theory considering that the movie's plot is about
an apocalyptic, transformed future.

Hidden symbolism in this movie is pervasive including the character's names.
Another interesting character is Rosy,the young girl who is an intuitive
(symbolic of the Rosicrucian's and the Sacred Knowledge perhaps?)

I think I shared my gazillion dreams about the Rosicrucians and the connecting
of the dots here on your blog.

What was eerie is that I had a dream that morning (Dec 8 ) having
to do with the loss of a tooth.
I watched the movie later that same night(the movie was just released
on Netflix on Dec 8 ) and lo and behold there is a scene
in the movie about teeth.

I don't want to spoil the plot if you decide to see the movie, so I won't
go into more detail, however if you do decide to watch it listen to George speak
(at the very end of the movie) about a coup d'état.

When you hear this, recall my predication about a Black Swan event
(in the not too distant future)
in America and Obama ushering in a Technocracy under a Triumvirate Government.

Most of the events and ideologies that are presented
in this movie, I've predicted many many years ago sparked by dreams,
and then the gazillion hours of research and then
the connecting of the dots aka puzzle pieces so as to see a very
probable big picture.

Also what's really creepy is that one of several producers
of this movie ( Leave the World Behind ) is produced by Michelle and Barack Obama's production company Higher Ground.
the movie.

Think all of this is a coincidence???

We live in VERY interesting times, no?

Leave The World Behind | Official Trailer | Netflix

Neither aliens nor animals are biological robots, and we shouldn’t be, either.

Yesterday I bought and started reading the Kindle edition of Whitley Strieber’s latest book, The Fourth Mind. On page 47, he criticizes thos...