Saturday, January 11, 2025

Blue butterflies are literally everywhere

So apparently the sync fairies are doing their own version of this meme now:

The other day I ran across a post on 4chan somewhere that said something like “YouTube is allowing straight-up softcore pr0n now. Just put in [this search term], and you’ll see.”

Wait, so you mean if you search for it, you can find pornography on the Internet? Stop the presses!

Nevertheless, being kind of stupid and reactive at times, I proceeded to go straight to YouTube and put in the search term given, I suppose with some vague excuse that I was doing it in the name of science. You know, just keeping up to date on the latest developments about what YouTube is and isn’t allowing, as any responsible citizen must.

At the very beginning of the very first video that came up, I found this:

That confounded blue butterfly again! There’s just no escape from it. And, I’m happy to report, it was just as effective as that bust of Trajan, making me snap out of it and realize that scholarly research into YouTube’s censorship or lack thereof is temporary, but the mysteries of synchronicity are forever.

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Modern "environmentalism" encapsulated in a single headline

They're taking environmental protection just as seriously as they were taking public health a few years ago: