Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Flying saucer cockpit

I had a dream last night which I hadn’t planned on posting about, but the sync fairies had other ideas.

In the dream, I had been attacked by an unseen aircraft while parasailing over a lake on “the eleventh” (the date was mentioned several times) and had gone back to the lake the next day (which would be the twelfth) to investigate. On this second visit I saw what I described in my dream notes as “a 1950s-vintage flying saucer, the kind with a dome-shaped cockpit on top.”

The afternoon after the dream, I found this in a weekly meme post:

That’s a saucer of the exact type I was trying to describe in my notes, accompanied by the number 12 and the word cockpit.

The saucer in the dream, by the way, turned out to be carrying perfectly ordinary-looking White people in their thirties, in business garb, who later came out of the saucer and chatted with one another about politics and fashion. They spoke with American accents but had odd word choice and always used were instead of was. For example, one woman commented on a man’s clothing by saying, “His garb were unsightly.” This same woman later apologized for not saying thee and thou more often, saying she found it a bit much, and it was my impression that they were making a deliberate effort to use archaic North-of-England speech patterns, though delivered in an American accent.


Ra1119bee said...


Speaking of Cock a doodle doos,
domes oms homes moms and dames,
shoes and what to dos, Oh My!,
Check this out: ( note the upside down BLUE spaceship
and the end of the video)

Cock a Doodle Doo Nursery Rhyme with Lyrics

You wrote: "In the dream, I had been attacked by an unseen aircraft
while parasailing over a lake on “the eleventh”
the date was mentioned several times)"
The number 11 (El's ) are the visionaries who can see beyond
the 10.
The 10 (roman numeral X ) meaning the illusion.

With our two arms and hands with 5 fingers each ( total 10 )
when stretched out is as far as we can reach and control
and therefore manifest in this duality dimension.

However the 11's can see beyond the illusion.

In the nursery rhyme Cock a doodle do,
the dame loses her shoe.
The dame is the dome. The dome
being a female's womb.
In the illustration,
the rooster/cock ( male' ) on fire in the dome(cockpit)
is interesting indeed.

The number 12 when reduced to a single digit is 3.
Three is the creation.

To be barefooted means we are limited to how far we can walk,
hence the old school phrase : Keep a woman barefoot
and pregnant.
Slaves were often times barefooted as well.

I also found it interesting that you referenced the space ship
as a flying saucer.
Copy and paste from etymology: (little stars mine)
saucer (n.)
"Figurative of large, round eyes (as of a ghost or a person
frightened by one) from 14c. (13c. in Anglo-French)
and thus originally a reference to the condiment dish."

from Late Latin salsarium, neuter of salsarius
"of or for ****salted**** things," from Latin salsus (see sauce
Short for flying saucer by 1947; hence saucerman, saucerian, etc.
You wrote: "The saucer in the dream, by the way,
turned out to be carrying perfectly ordinary-looking White people
in their thirties, in business garb, who later came out
of the saucer and chatted with one another
about politics and fashion."
My response; And speaking of salt,
isn't it interesting that these 'salt of the earth,
business garbed/professional people' in the saucer,
used improper grammar?

And more importantly ask yourself,
why did you make note of it ?

P.S. said...

Greetings from the Black Iron Prison.

Last night I had a peculiar dream about you and Doc Charlton. In the dream, you and he were sitting in two simply constructed wooden chairs, both of which possessed a curious honey brown hue, & you were preparing to Livestream your attempt to contact the spirit of St. John via the Estes Method. The Doc looked like a young, lean, long-headed man wearing an undercut (the sides shaved with the part to right held firm with gel, good old fashioned 20s style like). His skin was colored a strange golden green and he sat motionless yet poised, burgeoning with energy.

You were the one wearing the Estes gear and were blindfolded. You said emphatically: "Whatever happens, it'll be magic" and as you said magic you broke into laughter and I woke up.

Your Friendly Neighborhood Iantromantis,

(The Inestimable)
Potato Salad

A Lassie-like library lion, and a ceiling fan on Mars

The Animalia  illustration of lions in a library, one of them with Lassie Come Home  in its mouth, recently reentered the sync-stream in ...