Thursday, January 9, 2025

Time travel dream, and a "tasty local butterfly joint" in Moab

I dreamed that I was temporarily living in a large house owned by someone else, who also lived there. One day I came downstairs and found a box of hand-painted 15th-century Italian Tarot cards sitting on the kitchen counter. It looked exactly like a box of such cards I owned and kept in a room on the fifth floor, so I wasn't sure if my housemate had found them and brought them downstairs or if he had bought a similar set of cards of his own.

I decided to go up to the fifth floor and check if my cards were still there. I hadn't been up there in ages, and it was totally dark on the upper floors. Before I had reached the fifth floor, I became too scared of the dark to continue, and I came back down.

I found my housemate there with the box of cards. He was outraged that he had found such a thing in his house. He had also found a bag of potpourri (which he thought was "incense") and a set of swizzle sticks made to look like ancient Chinese polearms. (None of this is anything I own in real life) I tried to explain why none of this stuff was dangerous or offensive, but he insisted he was going to throw it all out.

"Look," I said, "do you realize that these are some of the oldest surviving Tarot cards in the world? You can't just throw away a historical treasure like that. Anyway, they're my property. If you want me to get them out of your house, fine, but you can't just  confiscate them."

He reluctantly agreed to this compromise. I decided I would take them to my school and store them somewhere there, and my main concern was whether I had enough time to take them there before my first class of the morning, which was at a different school.

I got the cards and the other offending items and went outside, but it was so dark outside I wasn't sure I could find my car. Then suddenly, it was daylight, having changed so instantaneously that it left me disoriented, with a sense of "missing time."

I decided that since the weather was nice, I would ride my motorcycle instead of driving. I now had the idea that I was going to take the cards to Moab, Utah, rather than to my school, and I would need GPS to get there. I took out my phone, only to find that it was a non-"smart" model from some 20 years ago and didn't have any of the functions I needed.

"What happened to my phone?" I said. "It looks ancient, like it's from 2005 or something."

One of the neighbors heard me and said sarcastically, "Wow, last year's model. So ancient!"

I immediately understood that I had somehow gone back to 2006, probably at the moment the night had suddenly become daylight. I accepted this readily, with no sense that it was unbelievable, and the others around me were equally ready to accept that I was from 2025. I hurriedly began filling them in on what was going to happen in the next two decades, mentioning the election of Trump in 2016 (someone responded with "Donald Trump, baby! I knew it!") and describing the 2020 hysteria and fraud in vague and indirect terms, almost as if I were still in the 2020s, trying to avoid getting dinged for hatespeak. Everyone accepted what I said with mild interest, without showing any particular curiosity or incredulity.

I asked my housemate if he had GPS so I could find my way to Moab. He said he didn't, but he knew the way without it and could drive me there in his dune buggy. He didn't seem angry at all, presumably because we were back in 2006 now, well before he had discovered the offensive cards, potpourri, and swizzle sticks.

He drove his dune buggy and towed me behind him in a smaller dune buggy. He turned on the radio, and it was playing the B-52s song "Love Shack," except that "love shack" and certain key words had been replaced with Moab. I particularly remember the lines "I'm headin' down that old Moab highway" and the refrain "Moab is a little old place were / We can get together."

I'm not sure where it fit into the rest of the dream in terms of chronology, but at some point I went to sleep and had a dream-within-a-dream in which I found some little kittens that had been adopted by a tortoise, which they considered to be their mother. Then, after I "woke up" (but was in fact still dreaming), I encountered a real tortoise that had adopted a litter of kittens and commented on how the dream had been precognitive.

After waking up for real, I found that the dream had left me unexpectedly "homesick" for Moab, where I lived for five months back in 1998, when I had just started as a Mormon missionary. I found myself wondering whether a little diner there called Milt's Stop-N-Eat was still around. I ran a Google search, and -- well, it seems I still can't escape from butterflies!

"Tasty local butterfly joint"? I thought this might be some sort of slang I wasn't familiar with, but scouring the Internet only confirmed what I already thought: that butterfly joint refers only to an actual joint used in woodworking and would never be used to refer to a diner. I did find one cafĂ© in San Francisco called the Butterfly Joint, but it's called that because it's also a woodworking studio, and the logo is a joiner's butterfly joint. So that's clearly a woodworking pun, not an example of butterfly joint being used in a non-woodworking sense. A Google search for "local butterfly joint" returns zero results.

My best guess is that the reviewer meant to write burger joint, and that some sort of autocorrect/autosuggest software is responsible for the butterfly error. Even that's a little strange, though. R and G are both adjacent to T on a keyboard, so mistyping burger as something like butter is certainly possible. Wouldn't the software just go with butter, though, especially coming so soon after the word tasty? Butterfly joint still seems like a very low-probability error.

("What the hey?" is Moab. "Oh my heck!" is Utah Valley.)


Ra1119bee said...

Part 1
And speaking of sands, Sandy and Sandras, and
the sands of time, and blue
butterflies and bourbon and EMBERS IN January, Oh My!
Do check this out:

Below I've copied and pasted parts of your dream and IMHO
an interpretation of same..

And yet again, and IMO, another transformation dream?

You wrote:" I dreamed that I was temporarily living in a large house
owned by someone else, who also lived there"

My response: When we dream of a particular setting in our dreams
as being 'temporary', it means : that which may be separate
but is still an important " a part of us'.
Often times, in our dreams, the setting may be
an actual APART-ment.

The fact that in your dream the large house was owned by someone
else I think that someone else is A PART of YOU.
Much like the duality of the Ego and the Soul.
Same but different.

You wrote:
"I decided to go up to the fifth floor and check if my cards
were still there. I hadn't been up there in ages, and it was totally dark
on the upper floors. Before I had reached the fifth floor,
I became too scared of the dark to continue, and I came back down."

My response: Anytime we 'ascend up' in a dream,
as opposed to going down, the symbolic meaning of course
is tapping into our higher selves
as opposed to our physical 'lower' bodies.
An example being a dream setting of an attic
as opposed to a basement.

An attic is where we store things, mostly things that are not heavy
or in the metaphysical sense, not burdensome.
An attic, because it's above our living quarters,
can be a sunny lofty place.

A basement storage is usually something stored
that is heavy and for long term storage that we
don't need in our everyday lives.
A basement is always dark.

Interestingly in your dream you wrote that you didn't want to 'ascend'
up to the fifth floor because you were afraid of the dark.
Recall my many comments about the number 5 meaning penta
and change which of course is transformation.
This symbolism in your dream suggests,
at least IMHO, a fear of the unknown i.e. the Dark
part of transformation.

You wrote:
"I found my housemate there with the box of cards.
He was outraged that he had found such a thing in his house."

My response: I think your housemate is You. That outward part
of you i.e. your large house, that you 'show' to the public.
You even wrote that the large house was 'owned' by someone else.
Those someone elses being society, friends, family ect.
The mask that we wear for others to see.
Our Ego controls the outside 'part' of our house/SELF
which is also known as our temple.

You wrote:
"You can't just throw away a historical treasure like that.
Anyway, they're my property.
If you want me to get them out of your house, fine,
but you can't just confiscate them."

My response: IMHO, this part of your dream suggests that your
Shadow is fighting for something that you truly believe in,
whether your ego approves or believes it or not.
It's your property that you own and perhaps have earned,
in other words, it's Your truth.
Recall my previous comments about my perspective of you
being the Black woman in the middle of your parents
in the photo.

In that dream you were also in a 'house' owned by
someone else (your parents).

Ra1119bee said...

Part 2 of 3 parts

When we think alternatively we become the Black Sheep.
As you know, many people believe that the metaphysical
i.e. the occult ( like the Tarot ) is demonic, so it would
stand to reason why your big house owner wouldn't
want the occult in his house, because he believes
(because he was told) that the hidden
is demonic. Which to be honest
all power sources in this duality dimension
have the duality nature and potential
to be either/or.

You wrote:
"I got the cards and the other offending items
and went outside, but it was so dark outside I wasn't sure
I could find my car. Then suddenly, it was daylight,
having changed so instantaneously that it left me disoriented,
with a sense of "missing time."

My response : In order to get to the light, we must go through
the dark which the light is our reward for going the distance .
Recall my recent comments about the 1989 movie: Field of Dreams.

IMO, it's through the dark( via our pineal gland which I believe
houses our Soul and is where our dreams, intuition, telepathy
etc. is sourced) is where we transcend LINEAR TIME, which
may explain in your dream
your feeling of being 'disoriented and 'missing time'.

You wrote :
"I asked my housemate if he had GPS so I could find my way to Moab.
He said he didn't, but he knew the way without it
and could drive me there in his dune buggy."
My response : IMHO, if your housemate is symbolic of your ego self
would explain why your ego self didn't have directions.
Only your soul (your higher self) knows the way home.

I found it interesting that the origination of a dune buggy was
a vehicle that could move through SAND.
Recall my previous comments about the symbolic meaning
of sand in an hourglass and time.

And last but not least, yet another butterfly joint!!!
I don't think it's a coincidence that you" found " a butterfly
in a place where a butterfly wouldn't normally be. In
this case a: Tasty local butterfly joint.

You wrote:" My best guess is that the reviewer meant
to write burger joint, and that some sort of autocorrect/autosuggest
software is responsible for the butterfly error.
Even that's a little strange, though."

Ra1119bee said...

Part 3 of 3
My response: Once again, and IMHO, you are trying to make
logical sense ( which logic is an ego pursuit ) out of something
that deifies logic.

Isn't it interesting that while you were searching for meaning
you ran right smack into the butterfly again in a place
that makes no logical sense( a review of a burger joint)

The big picture for all of your syncs William,
seems as if , and IMHO is transformation.

And because many of your syncs have crossed with mine, including
the blue butterflies, I decided to google bourbon and butterflies.

If you read my previous comment about the significance of bourbon
especially with recent bourbon connection in New Orleans and
the bee and drone connection, then perhaps you'll understand why
I have added bourbon to my puzzle pieces as I think bourbon plays
a very integral part of the big picture.

If you recall several months ago, I commented on the 'ember'
connections, which ember is AMBER.
Amber, embers and fire and bourbon ( especially bourbon
when in the bottle and when the light shines through)
are all the same color,
which is the color of honey/gold.

Interestingly there is a lot of 'embers' sparking
in the apocalyptic fires in Los Angeles.

North of LA is San( Sand? ) Franciso and the
GOLDEN Gate Bridge.
Recall my many comments about my prediction
of the two Golden Gates.

Also in LA the Santa Ana ( aka Devil) Winds are being blamed
for the apocalyptic fires, but according to wiki Santa Ana
Winds traditionally occur in the FALL (ember/amber) months.

By googling Bourdon and Butterflies, lo and behold
I found this about a company called Blue Run Spirit Bourbon
with its logo of a butterfly and shown on their website,
blue butterflies.

I would think the Bourbon company's logo would
be a Monarch butterfly since a Monarch is more
of the color of Amber.
Copy and paste from Blue Run's website note the reference
to honey :
"Enjoy flavors of juicy orange, dry cinnamon, and honey,

And speaking of OVID's metamorphosis and Neo's Morpheus!
check out this copy and paste from Blue Run's website:
"A whiskey metamorphosis
Our signature butterfly medallion symbolizes the
metamorphosis of the world of whiskies as we introduce
our bourbons and ryes to a broader,
more diverse generation of spirits enthusiasts."
Isn't it interesting that Zuck (Zuckerberg) change of Facebook
to Meta as in metamorphosis.

I absolutely believe that everything is connected in the metaphysical,
and that our soul is our GPS (God Provided Soul).

I also believe that our soul always knows the way OM..

It behooves us to not let Dark Maga Musk and his
Neuralink destroy our GPS, no?

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Solid analysis, Debbie. Your comments have been very helpful recently.

Ra1119bee said...

Thank you William,
With the recent 'ember' events in LA,
keep an eye on the GOLDEN GATES.

You were given a gift for a reason.

Ra1119bee said...

You also might want to keep an eye on Greenland.
Wouldn't it be interesting to find out that the reason
why the embers are creating havoc in LA,is because of the clearing
of land for an IOT ( internet of things) 15 minute city
also known as the Jubilee,
(the return of property) via separating the wheat from the tares.

The Eights and the 11's, regard us ( that is, humans collectively
i.e. the masses who aren't bloodline ) as the 'tares'.

Perhaps the chaos in LA is a cover and justification
for the 1 percent to relocate to Greenland,
now home of The Dans( Tribe of Dan?)
and I believe Greenland is the home of the Eights,
aka the One Eye( the one percent OF the 1 percent)
Odin was a One Eye, no?

And speaking of Odin and the Eights, and the Green Language
aka The Language of the Birds, check out this wiki page.
Note the illustration of Odin with his two ravens
Huginn and Muninn. Note to the left of Odin
an Eight Point Star. ( see link below )

Greenland, with its northernmost top of the world position ,
(much like the One Eye of the capstone ) is a very strategic place
for the one percent (the 11's) to be until
The New Atlantis is ushered in
after the FALL of the American Empire which I believe we are
on the precipice of now.

And speaking of embers, fires and empires, Thule
and Huskies and Deers( didn't you make a reference
to a deer in your Elon dream? ) Bears and the BRs
Oh MY! check out the video below:


If you haven't already, you might want to check out the 2020
move Greenland as that movie 'hint's of this possible future
agenda as well.

Transformation indeed, no?

Greenland | Official Trailer

Greenland prime minister says he's ready to speak with Trump,
emphasizes desire for independence

A Lassie-like library lion, and a ceiling fan on Mars

The Animalia  illustration of lions in a library, one of them with Lassie Come Home  in its mouth, recently reentered the sync-stream in ...