Thanks to Andy Thomas, whoever you are and however I got on your mailing list, for sharing this with me.
Tam multa, ut puta genera linguarum sunt in hoc mundo: et nihil sine voce est.
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A Lassie-like library lion, and a ceiling fan on Mars
The Animalia illustration of lions in a library, one of them with Lassie Come Home in its mouth, recently reentered the sync-stream in ...

Disclaimer: My terms are borrowed (by way of Terry Boardman and Bruce Charlton) from Rudolf Steiner, but I cannot claim to be using them in ...
Following up on the idea that the pecked are no longer alone in their bodies , reader Ben Pratt has brought to my attention these remarks by...
I’ve been sailing all my life now Never harbor or port have I known The wide universe is the ocean I travel And the earth is my blue boat ho...
I don't doubt that this kind of legalized killing stuff is planned, on the cards, as well as already happening - but I find this video set-off all kinds of alarm bells as being an Establishment product. I would guess that this is (by its ultimate intent, not necessarily the intent of all the specific individuals involved) one of those Project Fear type PSYOPS - something intended to induce helpless despair among the godless-materialist masses.
Could be. It didn't induce helpless despair in me, but I can't speak for the godless materialist masses.
IMO,the big picture connection and elephant in the room
is and has always been Artificial Intelligence, as the rise
and perfection of A I is the reason
why our 'opponents no longer need our human labor.
This MAID final frontier has been in play for a very long time.
Our opponents have always been proponents of eugenics and
depopulation as we (the 99 percent of us) are deemed to be
parasites on Mother Gaia because we're not bloodline.
However, 'they" needed us to build the empires for their comfort,
and now that the empire is built, our human labor is no longer needed,
which is why, and IMHO, they have used Divide and Conquer so
that we will 'get rid of' each other.
The Tiny House movement, stack and pack apartments,
smart cars and electric cars,
the15 minute cities, male vs female
( and vice versa) the rise (especially in cinema)
of the 'Boss Babe" i.e the bad ass woman, as opposed to the
Mary ( i.e. the nurturing mother female ) are all
integral components of a very big agenda.
The experiment of the rise of the boss babe began
in the 1950's or so when in America and under
the Urban Renewal Project was a pivotal time especially
for Black people as the new housing projects ( HUD)
did not allow the father to live in the newly built apartments
with his family which in turn led to the single mother
and not long after, the ushering in of the Thug
Culture in the 'hood'.
Our opponents know that if you cut off the head, the body dies.
In the mid 1960's the singer Aretha Franklin's lyrics were targeted
to the new (Black) inner city single mom , usually with the theme
of the songs being: " not needing a man".
What most of those Black women didn't connect and understand
was the plan all along was to replace the "father/head
of household" with Uncle Sam as wards of the state.
The Black woman was used as the Nigredo but more
importantly as the first experimental test subjects
as part of a much bigger picture, The Great Reset.
Not soon after in the early 1970's, NOW ( National Organization
for Women) and the Feminist Movement really started gaining
momentum which the spin off were single mom TV shows
like the Black tv series Good Times, and the Mary Tyler
Moore Show marketing to the White new " Boss Babe' women.
I believe that boomers will be next on the MAID hit list
because as The Great Reset changes the landscape to where it is unrecognizable, the new narrative requires a complete erasing
of 'the old narrative' and us Boomers still
remember the old narrative, which makes us a liability.
Also as mentioned on the video ( link below)
with Steve Forbes about the Obama's Health Care
initiative : Quality -Adjusted Life Years, the writing
as least to me, is on the wall as far as why the push
for euthanasia.
If we're not an asset, we are a liability ( which will apply
to ALL demographics, not just Black people and Boomers)
and that includes those who choose not to take the mark.
Which and IMHO, the mark explains why Musk-Stang is on the World
Stage ( Gates too ).
A very interesting and thought provoking perspective regarding
the changing of the narrative to usher in a Great Reset is
presented in the link below titled; The Fire Narrative.
Check it out.
Are Medical Death Panels Coming To America?
The Fire Narrative
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