Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Aesop's fable of the Lion, the Mouse, and the Blue Butterfly

On December 22, I posted "Happy 85th birthday, Jerry Pinkney," a post which was occasioned by my discovery of that artist's version of Aesop's fable of the Lion and the Mouse. This was in the middle of a flurry of blue-butterfly syncs, which began on December 1 -- see "Synchronicity, symmetry, and Menelaus blue morpho (and blue Mormon) butterflies" -- and is still going strong.

This morning I was asked to read an English story to children at a local preschool. The school would provide the book. When I arrived, I found that it was Aesop's fable of the Lion and the Mouse. In this version of the story, the lion spends most of his time on the plains but sometimes goes to his cave in the jungle to sleep. The mouse explores the cave at a time when he thinks the lion will be out on the plains, but the lion returns earlier than expected and catches him.

The page that introduces the lion's cave prominently features a blue butterfly -- not biologically accurate enough to be any particular species, I think, but certainly suggestive of a morpho.

In addition to the fable itself and the blue butterfly, the cave got my attention. Back in June of last year, as recounted in "Étude brute?," I had a vision in which I was in a cavern with the Holy Family and then passed into a larger cavern that was full of books. In a second post the same day, "This episode is brought to you by the letters G and L," I linked this vision with the L page in Graeme Base's Animalia, which has two lions in a library, since my vision had also featured two large golden animals and a "library" in the form of a cave full of books.

I had actually just been revisiting that vision just hours before reading the story to the preschoolers. I've just started reading Denver Snuffer's book The Second Comforter, which is supposed to be a sort of how-to manual for receiving a personal visitation from Jesus Christ in the flesh. On p. 4, Snuffer writes:

This involves having the heavens open to you, just as they have opened to others before you. It is the culminating part of Christ's Gospel, in which Christ ministers to you as He has ministered to others before.

That "heavens open" was a major red flag for me, a suggestion that the "visitation" might not be as literal as advertised. In my July 14 post "Visions as irruptions of dreaming consciousness into waking life," inspired largely by my cave vision of the month before, I had written:

The language about the heavens opening and closing never had any specific meaning for me before, but now I recognize it as a very natural way of describing visions like my own. There is a sense that the visual field "opens up," as if one is seeing behind a backdrop, and when I read Smith and Cowdery's language [in D&C 110] about a veil being taken away and the heavens opening, it seemed to me that they had to be describing the same kind of experience.

In other words, I was recognizing that Smith and Cowdery were reporting a vision, not a literal visitation by Elijah and company. I concluded the post with this:

I'm not discounting dreams and visions, of course, but vision is not reality. I mean, I myself have had a vision of the Holy Family, but I would never presume to say that I have seen Jesus Christ with my own eyes or anything like that.

Visions need to be clearly distinguished from actual events. Visions are symbolic. 

So Snuffer's language about "having the heavens open" made me suspect that he had after all just had a vision of Jesus, perhaps not qualitatively different from my own. Of course I'll keep reading and see if that suspicion if borne out. Anyway, the point is that his language had brought back the memory of that cave vision.

I read the "heavens open" reference last night. Then just this morning, before going to the preschool, I read this on p. 28 of Snuffer's book:

In contrast with those who have seen God through their obedience to Him, there is no example of anyone who has used their reasoning to bring them face to face with God. Since no one has returned from the library and reported they met God there, we won't attempt that course.

This made me smile, since my own vision -- which I had already hypothesized might be the same sort of thing Snuffer is writing about -- had involved a "library" in a cave and had also taken place, in terms of real-world location, in my own personal study, or library.

And really, Denver, don't be so quick to assume where people can and cannot come face to face with God! Maybe read some Edna St. Vincent Millay sometime.

There were no lions in my vision, but I had almost immediately associated it with Base's "lions lounging in a library," and so the lion in the cave seemed significant, especially when accompanied by the syncs of the Aesop fable and the blue butterfly.

I went and got my copy of Animalia, intending to look at the L picture again, but I didn't get past the cover. The front cover, which I have already posted about in "The horrible hairy homeward-hurrying hogs of Hieronymus" (which also features Dürer's picture of St. Jerome, Jerry to his friends), has lots of different animals on it, but the lion is by far the most prominent:

And what's that by the lion's right front paw?

I'd never specially noticed the back cover of Animalia before, but it sure got my attention today:

Many things are indeed "of a kind," but I think I lost track of the score long ago.


Ra1119bee said...

As the poem reads, maybe we 'find' those thousand things,
maybe more, when we are 'open' ( like the blue butterfly )
to a vast spectrum of ideologies,
not just one worn path.

Finding valuable information from not only that which
'soars above us' ( birds)
but also the beast which walks among us, including the lowly mouse.

In other words: the good, the bad and the ugly.

Maybe that inner battle to find 'truth' becomes
a heavy burden ( especially when we are forced
to confront our shadow), and perhaps
that's why they call it the blues.

Elton John - I Guess That's Why They Call It The Blues

Ra1119bee said...

Part 1
I also wanted to add this very interesting video called
The Wicked Truth of The Wizard of Oz & Why It Matters.( see link )

Interestingly the information, the beautiful graphics
and the symbolism throughout this video connects with many
of your sync streams recently especially my perspective
regarding my belief that your soul is
trying to get your attention with the 'message' being transformation.

Note that in the video, the archetype of the Everyman wears blue,
as in 'blue collar'.
The emerald green of Oz is interesting and once
again perhaps connects with your green door syncs.
Oz is where the illusions are spun. I'm sure you are aware
of the Green Language aka The Language of the Birds.. ( see link )

Of course the dark forest, the wicked witch and her
black clothing and black rim Saturn hat representing
the nigredo/shadow and time which time and the shadow
are fear based in a duality dimension. Because, who really wants
to grow old?

The Scarecrow, Tin Man and Lion all represent the archetype
of who we have the 'potential' to be but because of
fear and the ego , we don't pursue and go the distance.

The Scarecrow is also the Nigredo however
he plays the fool as opposed
to his hidden power which is being the
beginning of the transformation process.

The lion is a coward with all bark and no bite and
doesn't live up to what his true nature is, which is to be a leader.

The canine Toto walking side by side Dorothy as her loyal
companion helping her to get back to om which is the tone
or the Bon ( as in Bourbon, explained below ).
Etymology of Bon meaning of course 'something good'.
Many hidden symbolic Easter eggs are in this video including
the steering wheel i.e The Eight Point Star of Ishtar.
At abt marker/frame 13:00—13:05 note the image
of the 'wizard' looking from behind the green curtain.

To the left of the wizard is a tin man and at the solar plexus
of the tin man is an Eight Point Wheel perhaps
suggesting who is at the helm controlling
the tin man's 'will power',

The solar plexus in the 7 chakra's represents our 'free will power/
determination/going the distance/ standing on our own two feet.
The solar plexus color is Yellow/golden .

Ra1119bee said...

Part 2

Also abt marker/frame 1:45-1:50 in the video
as the narrator discusses L. Frank Baum,
note the glass of bourbon.
Interestingly that bourbon is in the collective consciousness
of Americans after the New Years Eve tragic event in New Orleans.

The French word for bourbon is interesting considering the bees
and male drones connection . The drones also being in the
collective consciousness of late as are the 3 lightening strikes
on New Years Eve, striking The Washington Monument,
The Capitol Building, and the Empire State Building. (see link)

Do note that the F1-50 Lightening Truck is the vehicle used in
the event on Bourbon street. Bourbon and Kentucky
is also symbolic in the 2017 movie The Kingsmen-The Golden Circle
and interestingly bourbon is in the
2023 Netflix movie Leave the World Behind.
And speaking of Leave the World Behind,
coincidently, the name Barack means Lightening.
Bourbon is also the color of Honey.

In the clip of The Kingsmen video note the top of the dome of
the Kentucky Kingsmen headquarters is yet another Eight
Point Star!
Wherever there is a 'power source'.
the Eight Point Star is there or near.

I don't know if you've ever seen The Kingsmen - Golden Circle
movie but there is a butterfly connection as well as a drone
All of the Kingsmen possess the Siddhis ( Übermensch ) powers
which I've commented about Siddhis many times.

The British Kingsmen are Tailors and their clothing store's
address in London is number 11. Their 'logo' is
the letter K.

And yet another 11connection( in particular an 11:11 connection)
is in the story about L. Frank Baum's niece Dorothy's gravestone.
( see link )

The Wicked Truth of The Wizard of Oz

Kingsman: The Golden Circle | Official Trailer

Kingsman Meets Statesman


Modern "environmentalism" encapsulated in a single headline

They're taking environmental protection just as seriously as they were taking public health a few years ago: