Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Thoughts on the return of God-Emperor Trump

Okay, I guess it's more of a "thought," singular.


Bruce Charlton said...

Yes, Kayfabe is a useful concept - I only discovered the word yesterday.

On the other hand, professional wrestling is obviously a real skill, requiring real strength and resilience - as this cheeky interviewer discovered when interviewing the legendary "Giant Haystacks":


Ra1119bee said...

The rise of the Phoenix wearing his color purple tie
while Melania holds the 'Bibles' nearby wearing
her black and white outfit with her black Saturn hat.

WATCH: Donald Trump Doesn't Place Hand On The Bible While Taking The Oath Of Office

Ra1119bee said...


Ooops My bad.
Melania's hat ( called a Boater's hat) and suit was NAVY blue, not black.

However given that I've shared my perspective about the steering wheel
of a ship ( the Eight Point Star ) and now Melania's boater ' hat
and the red and yellow color of O for Oscar
in the International Maritime Signal Flags meaning:
Man Overboard and my perspective about the FALL of the
American Empire, perhaps I'm not too far off the mark
regarding the WHY of the attire of both Trump and Meliana.

copy and paste: ( link below , little stars mine)
"Boaters were derived from the canotier straw hat worn
traditionally by gondoliers in the city of Venice.
The Venetian canotier has a ribbon that hangs freely off the back,
and they are frequently edged with a matching color ribbon.
Because of this, boaters were identified with boating or sailing,
hence the name.

Boaters were also identified more with**** sporting events***
and universities as well."

Sporting event indeed, but perhaps more like bread and circuses.

What Was Melania Trump Wearing for Donald’s Inauguration?


Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Debbie, the hat and tie are obviously nods to The Undertaker.


Ra1119bee said...

In response to your undertaker comment:
Yet another sign of the demise of the American Empire ya think?

This year is going to be VERY interesting...

Ra1119bee said...


If you haven't already please do read the entire wiki boater hat article.
Especially the information under the title : Straw Hat Day.

What caught my eye was the part in the article about the boater hat
and the tradition of the boater hat being destroyed
at the end of the summer season and the boater hat
being used for comedy effect which begs the question:
Are {{ they}}} laughing at us?

As we all know people who are on the world stage,
their entire persona is crafted and managed by a team of people,
especially their wardrobe.
Much like an actor on a stage.

In a ritual like the POTUS Inauguration nothing is done by chance,
especially the attire of the actors.

I think the boater's hat was purposely used and placed in a prominent position ( on top of Melania's head , and covering her eyes)
to signal to those who knows the signal.
Perhaps that signal being :
to prepare for a crash/FALL in the stock market.

WanderingGondola said...

I'll see your Undertaker and raise you Clint. I have it on decent authority Melania's outfit was a symbol of vengeance towards her family's enemies.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

I've already seen her hat compared to V for Vendetta, the Joker in The Killing Joke, Michael Jackson in Smooth Criminal, and the Hamburglar. Talk about a Rorschach test!

Leo said...

no, no. it was Carmen Sandiego https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTcmdO5-DS0s_Q_DV1Mw95hoGwwPpLxO5Cdk25ljt8PfQmgQf6-8Scj5mqRbQbvQc2HZV8&usqp=CAU

Anonymous said...

Once we've got the Panama Canal back, you'll see. You'll see.

Ra1119bee said...

"If something happens in politics, you can bet it was planned that way."---

"Always know what your opponents know"---Ra1119Bee


A Lassie-like library lion, and a ceiling fan on Mars

The Animalia  illustration of lions in a library, one of them with Lassie Come Home  in its mouth, recently reentered the sync-stream in ...