Monday, January 20, 2025

The 613 senses

On Saturday night I read Laeth's latest batch of aphorisms, "Wee Wisdom (2)." One of these was:

i'm very grateful for and to my senses. i love all six hundred and thirteen of them.

When I read this, I recognized 613 as the traditional number of commandments in the Torah, according to Maimonides and others, but I couldn't understand what Laeth was getting at in making it the number of his senses. My tentative interpretation was that, while we always think of the Ten Commandments and the five senses, in each case those who really pay attention will discover that the true number is much larger. Or something.

The next morning, I happened to listen to podcast, "Reincarnation in Mormon Theology: Joseph Smith and Kabbalah." At around the 47-minute mark, it quotes this article on reincarnation in Kabbalah:

Kabbalah explains that the soul is comprised of 613 channels, which parallel the 248 limbs and 365 blood Vessels of the body. These 613 channels attain eternal elevation when all 613 Mitzvot are fulfilled by a soul in its earthly descent.

So I suppose it was these "613 channels" of the soul that Laeth had in mind, and not the Mitzvot themselves. My own engagement with the Kabbalah has been quite superficial, and I had never encountered this idea before. It was quite a coincidence running into it by chance just hours after reading Laeth's allusion.


Laeth said...

to be very honest i didn't know the kabalistic implications. although i did have in mind the 613 commandments, i meant something like each of them addressing a specific part of us, and being an exercise for that development. either way, very interesting to see the kabalistic tie in. and indeed, quite a synchronic finding.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

That seems to be the idea behind the Kabbalistic concept, too. It makes sense as a general concept, but once you get into the details of the specific commandments -- for example, the second on Maimonides's list is "not to eat the sinew of the thigh" -- it's hard to really believe each is addressing a unique aspect of the soul.

Laeth said...

i think in theory it's possible to find the answer for each. am i going to do it? unlikely. i'd be content with a handful of insights into it.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

I'm sure it's been done already by a rabbi or two.

Ra1119bee said...

Although this isn't exactly on topic with this post,
but..... I just got to share this as it connects with a few of my predictions:
Trump just entered the Capitol( at noon) for the Inauguration and Lo and Behold he is wearing a purple tie symbolic of the Phoenix!
According to Wiki, the painter Friedrich Justin Bertuch painted
the Phoenix as purple in 1806 ( see wiki link below )
Copy and paste:
"That word is probably a borrowing from a West Semitic word
for madder, a red dye made from Rubia tinctorum.
The word Phoenician appears to be from the same root,
meaning "those who work with red dyes".
So phoenix also mean "the Phoenician bird" or "the purplish-red bird".

Recall I predicted that I F Kamala was selected, she would wear a purple
pant suit, which although Kamala wasn't selected she still wore a very dark
almost eggplant purple pant suit at the concession rally.( see link)

Melania is wearing a black and white suit with a black S A T U R N
Of course Musk is there, but interestingly behind J.D. Vance
(who is wearing a bright red tie) is Jeff Bezos. I said to Marshall
why in the hell would Bezos be on stage standing
with the people who have or had been in political power
in the Government??

Many many years ago after a gazillion hours
and years of research of my dreams synchronicities
and esoteric experiences and critically thinking
and connecting those puzzle pieces I began to form my
theory about America's End of Empire and a coup d'état
with the ushering in of
a Technocracy under a Triumvirate Government,
I initially thought
the tech bro would be either Gates or Bezos.

So, however it may play out, either/or Gates, Bezos or Musk
( or addition to ), I think a 'tech bro' is going to be
a Triumvir of The New Atlantis .

The Phoenix is rising~~~~

The shifting of ages is going to really get VERY interesting, no?

Ra1119bee said...


update: Mark Zuckerberg is there too and is back with his natural curly hair
( fro?)
Seems Zuck has 'ditched' the straight perm.

Ra1119bee said...


I found this interesting ( link below) about the color purple which
I'm sure you knew but I didn't know, however this information
supports my theory of why Trump would wear a purple tie at the Inauguration
symbolic of fallen empires and the rise of the Phoenix
and Melania wearing a Saturn Hat covering her eyes.( see link )

Lo and behold and once again, all Rhoades (Roads)
lead to Om( Rome, Home).
Copy and paste ( link below):
"Porphyry is an igneous rock similar in composition to granite.
Unlike common granites, pophyry has large, light-colored
crystals of quartz or feldspar floating in a red or purple
fine-grained matrix of smaller crystals.

The word “porphyry” comes from the Latin word for purple,
which was the color of nobility to the Romans."

A Lassie-like library lion, and a ceiling fan on Mars

The Animalia  illustration of lions in a library, one of them with Lassie Come Home  in its mouth, recently reentered the sync-stream in ...