Monday, March 17, 2025

All Star music video sync

Yesterday, someone posted on /x/ about vulture bees, claiming they were a Mandela (a.k.a. Mandrill) Effect  phenomenon:

One of the replies, mocking the assumption that anything you hadn't heard of must never have existed in your timeline, sarcastically claimed that the 1999 movie Mystery Men had also been Mandrilled into existence by CERN:

A reply to this pointed out that Mystery Men was actually a well known movie, due to the fact that the "Smash mouth all star music video was filmed for this movie."

Jarring indeed. My own timeline has carrion-eating bees -- they even appear in the Bible, nesting in the carcass of a lion -- but definitely not Mystery Men. In fact, I have very vivid memories of wondering why no one had ever made a superhero movie called Mystery Men, which clearly would have been impossible had such a movie actually existed. An annoying song called "All Star" exists in my timeline but definitely isn't by Smash Mouth, which is a ska band best known for "Fuck It Let's Rock." What exactly have they doing at CERN?

Just after perusing the above thread on /x/, I went on YouTube, and for some unfathomable reason it recommended a video called "i sang one word of all star every day for a year":

The top comment at the time (it's since changed) was "this is the best shrek 5 promo of all time." Wikipedia confirms that in the present accursed timeline, the song is associated with Shrek (recently brought up by Bill in connection with the Mandrill Effect):

The song became ubiquitous in popular culture following multiple appearances in films, such as in Mystery Men, Digimon: The Movie, and most notably in DreamWorks Animation's 2001 film Shrek. It received renewed popularity in the 2010s as an internet meme, largely due to its association with Shrek, and has ranked as one of the most-streamed rock songs from 2017 to 2021 in the United States. It is generally considered to be Smash Mouth’s signature song.

Their signature song? Why would CERN do that? Are they trying to drive the Smash Mouth guys to suicide?

1 comment:

Laeth said...

never heard of these bees, but this is a strange sync for me, as it relates quite strikingly with a book i am writing. there is a mandela part as well. since i started the book i have researched animals who eat rotten meat, and never came across this species. how that's possible i don't know. it is quite jarring for me to find this now.

Patrick, Pennywise, and 27

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