Thursday, March 20, 2025

Black Men and Old Ones

In yesterday's "Patrick, Pennywise, and 27," I linked to Galahad Eridanus's November 2024 post "Modulation and Idolatry," and the link text was "an old one," meaning an old post of his, in contrast to a newer post I had just mentioned. As indicated by the title of my own post, I was interested in his discussion of "a sync involving a character named Patrick, Pennywise the Clown, and the number 27" -- but there was actually a third character that he linked to the number 27. Besides the Bret Easton Ellis character Patrick Bateman (27 years old) and Stephen King's Pennywise (hibernates for 27 years), there's this fellow in Lovecraft who "had risen up out of the blackness of twenty-seven centuries":

This character didn't have any sync resonances yesterday, so I didn't mention him. Today, though, Andrew Anglin did one of those posts he does from time to time where he reports news about Black people in Black dialect -- très offensive, I'm sure, but also sometimes very funny (somewhat reminiscent of those "Women dey get angrier? Why e be like dis?" articles from the BBC). This was some news I'd already seen -- that South African research team in the Antarctic where one of the members has gone crazy and started raping his colleagues, and no one can escape from him because they're in the Antarctic. The post is called "They Niggas Akshadentlly Wake Dem Elder Ones," the premise being that this sudden violent behavior is being caused by an eldritch horror the researchers unwittingly awakened. It ends with these sage words of advice:

Niggas gots to thank firs, and be think if dey doin’ good when dey be do dey research ifn dey shad been woke dem elder ones. Them muthafukas be creeby as hell an aint never done nothin fo no nigga.

But a nigga dees days, he be thinkin “mights well woke dem bitches up, see what dey got goin on.” Next thang, niggas be wilin like a mf, dey trap wit dem elder ass bitches, make dey ass gone goofy.

Folks gots to understan that we needs to be have a concern fo da community. If you did a research, you seen dem elders in dat ice, you leave da muthofucka on ice. Aint wake his ass up. Think fo yo keeds, bitch. Folks gon be callin in da angent casmic horror return da earf, aint nothin go right wit dat.

This of course made me think of the Lovecraftian horror I had read about on Eridanus's blog yesterday -- and the fact that, with no Lovecraft pun intended, I had linked to it as "an old one." This is of course another term for Dem Elder Ones them niggas been wake up in da Angargtic.

I went back to Eridanus's post to find the name of the specific Lovecraft character he had mentioned -- Nyarlathotep -- and then proceeded to look him up on Wikipedia and /x/.

Nyarlathotep has many names and titles, but the one Wikipedia chose to highlight in the sidebar, with the very illustration borrowed by Eridanus for his post, was "the Black Man":

That's a bit of a coincidence, right? The Lovecraftian horror I read about yesterday just happens to be the one known as the Black Man, and then the next day I read a story about Blacks awakening one of the Elder Ones.

Searching /x/ for nyarlahotep turned up an even more direct link to the Anglin story:

The Anglin story is about the niggas waking up an eldritch horror. Pennywise also wakes up after 27 years, which is what ties him to Nyarlathotep. That reminds me of my dream "Kanye West with Aunt Nancy's coffin," in which the Black man was supposed to wake up Aunt Nancy at 5:00. I posted the dream on, of course, the 27th of October.


Ra1119bee said...

Copy and paste:
In alchemy, nigredo, or blackness, means putrefaction
or decomposition. Many alchemists believed
that as a first step in the pathway to the
philosopher's stone, all alchemical ingredients
had to be cleansed and cooked extensively
to a uniform black matter.

In analytical psychology, the term became a metaphor
for "the dark night of the soul, when an individual
confronts the shadow within."
The alchemical Nigredo is the very first step towards
the Philosophers Stone which is why the Nigredo was used
in chattel slavery in the beginnings of the Alchemical experiment
we now call America. E. Pluribus Unum.

The Nigredo ( and/or a dog (DOGE) symbolic of Sirius ),
has always been used symbolically to usher in something that is
going to dramatically change.
That's why Musk ( a South African-American ) wears all black
and calls himself the DARK MAGA.

Why do you think the c-OVID 19 chaos was created?
The Raven and the Crow are Black.

The George Floyd hoax (happening during c- OVID)
was a PSYOP to usher in Black Lives Matter
which BLM was used to create more division of the races
and create CHAOS in the economy.
BLM was used to create DEI ( again another divide and conquer
tactic) which 5 years later DEI is being 'purged' which will create
even more chaos.

Ordo ab Chao

Niggas ain't just for cheap labor and entertainment
and laughing at, no?
Because what that's quote about those who laugh last?

Leo said...

Back in 2020 when I was deep in my exploration of the Tolkien-Mormonism connection, I had a waking vision, one of only a few in my life. It was brief but as I was working on my computer and waiting for a white screen to load, my sight was met instead with a being that looked an awful lot like your Nyarlathotep above. His eyes glowed in much the same manner, however his skin was shriveled and gray like a very old zombie type. In fact some piece of his flesh seemed to fall off him as we stared into each other’s eyes. I had the sense he was seeing me as I was seeing him. And then it was gone. At the time I thought of him as Pharazon but now I don’t know. I do know seeing that picture on your post made me think of him.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Leo, by “he was seeing me as I was seeing him” do you mean that he also saw you as a zombie with glowing eyes, or just that you saw each other at the same time?

Ogres for ogres' sake

Very occasionally -- but only occasionally since the demise of Denis Dutton -- I check in with Arts & Letters Daily for old times' ...