I attacked all forms of piety, loyalty, and sentiment: marriage, love, God, patriotism, the Constitution, the founding fathers, concepts of right-wrong-good-evil, all forms of ritualized and conventional behavior. As I pranced about, club in hand, seeking new idols to smash, I encountered really for the first time in my life, with any seriousness, The Ogre, rising up before me in a mist. I discovered, with alarm, that The Ogre possessed a tremendous and dreadful power over me, and I didn't understand this power or why I was at its mercy. I tried to repudiate The Ogre, to root it out of my heart as I had done God, Constitution, principles, morals, values -- but The Ogre had its claws buried in the core of my being and refused to let go. I fought frantically to be free, but The Ogre only mocked me and sank its claws deeper into my soul. I knew then that I had found an important key, that if I conquered The Ogre and broke its power over me I would be free. But I also knew that it was a race against time and that if I did not win I would certainly be broken and destroyed. I, a black man, confronted The Ogre -- the white woman.
Rape was an insurrectionary act. It delighted me that I was defying and trampling upon the white man's law, upon his system of values, and that I was defiling his women . . . . I wanted to send waves of consternation throughout the white race. . . . I know that if I had not been apprehended I would have slit some white throats.
Interestingly, in Doug's story, Izilba (who is Eowyn-Ilmare) was to be among the first, if not the first, sacrificed in that temple. It was said they were going to kill her and bleed her out over the fires of Nimloth. Izilba-Eowyn has often been depicted as naked, both in Doug's writings (going completely naked except for a swarm of bees covering her) and in symbols that have appeared even on your blog, as well as her association with Eve (also well known for being naked originally). And here we have a naked woman with all the symbols of that sacrifice, even lying on what would appear to be an altar made of wood, like a tree.
Grey Izilba would often drape herself naked in a cloak of honey bees, sweet and yet full of sting.
"All you niggers are sick!" Butterfly spat out. "I don't like no stinking white woman. My grandma is a white woman and I don't even like her!"But it just so happened that Butterfly's crime partner was in the crowd, and after Butterfly had his say, his crime partner said, "Aw, sit down and quit that lying, lil o' chump. What about that gray girl in San Jose who had your nose wide open? Did you like her, or were you just running after her with your tongue hanging out of your head because you hated her?"
. . .
I ate dinner with Butterfly that evening and questioned him sharply about his attitude toward white women. And after an initial evasiveness he admitted that the white woman bugged him too. "It's a sickness," he said. "All our lives we've had the white woman dangled before our eyes like a carrot on a stick before a donkey: look but don't touch."
If the White woman is The Ogre, that donkey reference seems relevant. Shrek is an ogre, and his sidekick is a donkey named Donkey, voiced by a Black man (Eddie Murphy). According to Wikipedia, Donkey was modeled after a real donkey named Perry -- so another link to the name Perry Mason.
Update: Just after posting this, I checked Anglin’s site and found him making essentially the same joke as the Nazi dolphin article, except that the astronaut herself was the one being vandalized — with a swastika on her forehead, just like Charles Manson:
On the same site, I found this in the latest meme dump:
That’s H. P. Lovecraft on the bottom left, and on the right he, too, has become what he hates. (Lovecraft was a notorious racist and wrote a poem called “On the Creation of Niggers,” in which the nigger is an intermediate creation between man and beast.)
Further update: After writing about Elon's X and the swastika, I remembered a Seallion video on the theme: "Elon X Bowie X Norton." In it, he mentions David Bowie's fascist "Thin White Duke" persona, which seemed like a possible link to Lovecraft, who has a distinctly "thin" physiognomy. I went to the Wikipedia article on the Thin White Duke, where the "Controversy" section ends with this sentence:
Eventually, he began to see the Thin White Duke as "a nasty character indeed", and later, "an ogre".
I'm sure you know this, but doesn't X mean the unknown,
as in Malcom X ?
Copy and paste: ( link below)
"Why Is 'X' Used to Represent the Unknown?
In algebra, the letter 'x' is often used to represent
an unknown quantity or variable.
Similarly, in English, x represents the unknown,
as in X-rays, which baffled their discoverer,
and Malcolm X, who chose the symbol to
represent the forgotten name of his African ancestors."
Also and speaking of Masons' isn't X symbolic of Osiris' Rising?
I don't know much about Eldrige Cleaver but I wouldn't
be surprised to learn that Eldrige Cleaver was Controlled Opposition.
( Cleave meaning to cut or divide in half which is and IMO
why the 2016 Republican National Convention was held
in Cleveland Ohio) Donald Trump being given
the role as the 'great divider' by his critics.
I read a bit of Eldrige Cleaver's wiki page and it appears
that he left the United States at several times in his life,
which begs the question, at least to me, if he hated White people
so much why did he come back to fight the ogre?
Wouldn't be my choice.
I also think Malcom X might have been
Controlled Opposition too working with the Boule'.
Maybe Malcom changed his mind, and we know the rest of that story.
Michael Jackson, same story.
As you know I think Malcom X is Obama's father.
Controlled Opposition 'muddy the waters' and keeps the divide
and conquer in play. Michelle Obama would be a perfect example.
I don't think Prince took the role as Controlled Opposition,
however I absolutely believe Prince was Boule' used for
pushing the androgenous agenda. Prince too met the same
fate as his other bro's who wanted to escape but as they
say, once ONI always ONI. ( see JFK link before to decipher that
meaning )
Both Boule and Controlled Opposition
are two wings of the same bird and they both fly for
( work for and serve) the same
King i.e The One Eye i.e. The Eights .
Kayne' West , Diddy, Missy Elliott, Cardi B and many other
OG's creating and maintaining the thug culture and
keeping the N igga word in play
so as to provide a whipping boy for the upcoming civil chaos.
So yes, IMHO Osiris Rising is most definitely an agenda
and truth be told the majority of us ( the 99 percent of humanity)
ain't gonna be invited to the poppin' bottles partay.
Prince & The Revolution - Kiss ( note the many times Prince,
The Purple Reign, crosses himself. he also does the 611)
Oliver Stone JFK ..once ONI always ONI
Funny you should bring up ONI, Debbie. Today I learned that oni is the Japanese for “ogre.” The Wikipedia article for “Ogre” includes several oni in the “Gallery” section.
And the hits just keep on a comin'....
You beat me to it; my primary school Japanese classes usually brought up oni as part of the legend of Momotaro the Peach Boy. Wiki's notes on oni's etymological shifts are interesting, particularly the "does not want to reveal itself" bit. (I'll also point out a trope named for two common oni colours, though any further relevance is up to you: tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RedOniBlueOni)
As for Lovecraft, have another meme. https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/hp-lovecrafts-cat
In Chinese subtitles for American movies, the n-word is translated as heigui: the character for “black” followed by the same character the Japanese use for oni.
It is remarkable that Eldridge Cleaver was a Black Panther, with Panther giving us yet another Lion symbol (Panther is another name for Leopard, or Lion-Pard... and you know connects to our giraffe symbol as well). In conjunction with these other Nazi symbols, I can't help but also recall Leo's callout on his blog to his family story of Hitler's Black Lion.
I also hadn't noticed Cleaver's last name at all until you used it by itself in this post, and it immediately struck another chord and gave us another Pharazon/ Numenorean connection to this name and character (in addition, obviously, to all of the Ogre references you already cited).
In Doug's second book, the word Cleave is used twice, both times in describing events regarding Eressea and the Numenorean assault. For example:
"Next will we to tell of Thingol's finding, there outside the bounds of those islands, amidmost being the Lonely One, and how it was that lilies were burned in a consuming hunger and lust for never-dying, and that finding no hope now or return, Ki-Abroam did a deed to cleave as it were an epoch, by the swinging of a magic ax"
Although it was this Ki-Abroam (Abraham/ Aule/ Tom Bombadil) who split the island, it was Pharazon's invasion and the burning of the lilies on Eressea which made this a necessity. Ki-Abroam swung the ax, but Pharazon caused the cleaving.
Similar to how Eldridge Cleaver described his own motivations in doing his terrible deeds, the Numenoreans viewed their actions as a rebellion and insurrection against the laws of the "White" or shining ones - the Elves, and even the Gods - who they felt were unfairly condemning Men to die while they themselves were able to seemingly live forever.
I have another comment on the word Cleave or Cleaver in a follow-up to this....
Cleave is one of those funny English words that can literally mean the exact opposite thing depending on how it is used. As in the case above (and as with your ceiling fan), to cleave something means "to split, part, divide by force".
But cleave also means to join something together ("adhere, cling, stick") strangely.
Thus, a "Cleaver" can refer both to someone who splits things apart and also to someone who adheres or sticks them together.
I have imagined the Cleaver role in both senses for Pharazon.
You once wrote some things on Repentance that your fellow Romantic Christian bloggers really liked. I thought it was OK, but if I remember it well enough (and I may not, so I apologize if I mischaracterize things here), it missed the mark for me in at least one aspect. Your approach left out one of the most important and amazing things about Repentance, which is restitution, or the ability to make it all right again.
In this story of redemption, I think those who had to play a role in some bad things happening will have the opportunity to help make it all right again. A Cleaver, in the negative sense, can become a Cleaver in the much more positive sense. In this story, I have assumed that it is important for not only Numenor to be restored, but also Eressea to be rejoined, which is why I've imagined not only Pharazon but many others taking part in that effort.
If we imagine a story in which Jesus' servants, like Jesus himself, had to take upon themselves the sicknesses of others in order to know how to ultimately help and succor them (and not just being pretend sick, but actually having to become like them), then it seems that the story would be massively incomplete if those same people weren't healed and then allowed to take an active role in healing others and making it all right again.
On additional thing: Peter was explicitly referred to by Jesus as a Cleaver in both senses of the word in the accounts of the New Testament, being able to both bind (join) and "loose" (cut, divide) things on Earth and in Heaven.
You know it's interesting at least to me, why the n word
is still on the tip of our collective tongues in 2025.
Which begs the question, Why?
If in Chinese subtitles in American movies, the n word
is translated as heigui the character for 'black' and in Japanese use
for oni, and oni is Japanese for ogre and ogre means
a nasty character and a creation between men
and beast, than pray tell how does one determines Exactly
who is a half beast orge and who is not.?
Especially in Ameria.
Is Meghan (Prince Harry's wife) an orge because
of her one drop?
Is Meghan and Prince Harry's children ONE DROP orges
because according to One Drop, their children
would be 'nigga's too.
It's unfortunate, at least to me,
that we (humanity) are still at this fork in the road.
However I'm not surprised because I believe that
our Opponents are masters of their craft
of Divide and Conquer i.e cleaving us apart.
Also what exactly makes Black people a nasty character
i.e. orge.?
Because of their hair or skin? ( see above regarding Meghan Markle)
Or their dialect? Ask yourself: what if you were forced
and taken to another country and then forced to speak
the King's English by listening to
many different 'Massa's': Dutch , French, English, Irish, Turks
and most of them speaking broken English at best.
And you might argue that all the Europeans who came to
America as Indentured Servants were able
to learn and assimilate, and I would respond: because
they were allowed to read.
As stated, my family linage consists of European blood as
well as Black ) as is a large percentage of Black people
especially in America.
America and the American Negro were both Alchemical
Experiments. E. Pluribus Unum
I traced my family tree to the Netherlands, Ireland, the UK, Germany,
Scotland and yet my One Drop makes me an orge?
No.... it does not.
I'm not saying that you think that way William,
I'm just connecting the dots of what you've posted.
My personal belief is that we (humanity) are more than
our physical bodies and as long
as we ignore that fact and succumb to the illusion that's
has been created for us and allow ourselves to continue
to be controlled by our Opponents via our ego,
humanity will never evolve. IMHO.
I know you said that you are not subscribed to Netflix
but if you get a chance, do check out the series
titled 1899. Its message is what I'm saying here especially
about humanity losing our Soul and collective consciousness
i.e. our harmony with our fellow man/woman.
So is Our Souls on Ice?
True 'dat.
1899 | Official Teaser | Netflix ( in the trailer note the reference
to Wake Up, which is what the voice said to me in my
11:11 dream in 2003. note the white teacups.)
Hm, another thing from Wiki's oni page. The pop culture section says Trivium, a heavy metal band, used an oni mask in media for an album called Silence in the Snow. I gave its music videos a watch; only the last one appears to be maskless, though has other (probably band-related) symbolism going on.
Silence in the Snow - youtube.com/watch?v=PcIlZ3luYHc
Until the World Goes Cold - youtube.com/watch?v=pm-xlwkQ_qc
Dead and Gone - youtube.com/watch?v=00I-SYJaPjA
Blind Leading the Blind - youtube.com/watch?v=uVpU-OXrg1c
Terms ending in -gui (which in isolation means “ghost,” not “ogre”) aren’t as dehumanizing as you might assume. Lots of mild pejoratives (translatable as “coward,” “cheapskate,” “crybaby,” “wino,” etc., plus birdemic-era neologisms like “maskie” and “vaxxie”) are formed with the -gui suffix, with nothing about hideous subhuman monsters being implied. When a translation was needed for a foreign term meaning “black (pejorative),” heigui was the natural choice. It sounds quite mild in Chinese, leading many Chinese speakers to underestimate how taboo the English original is.
While I’m definitely a “racist” in the sense of believing that most racial stereotypes are statistically true, I think racial absolutism (as typified by “one-drop” thinking) is ridiculous, and I love and respect individuals of many different racial backgrounds.
You wrote:" Of all the personifications he could have chosen -- siren,
witch, demon, devil, vampire -- Cleaver decided on one that
typically refers to, in Wikipedia's words,
"a large, hideous, man-like being."
So orge and the gui suffix are not dehumanizing? Isn't a hideous
half beast definition dehumanizing?
It is, at least to me.
You're not addressing the big picture here William.
You can't see the forest for the trees.
The reason for my response to your post regarding Cleaver.
and IMHO, we ALL are being played by entities
who think ALL of us are 'beasts'/monkeys/mules
if we're not Bloodline.
To quote Orwell:" All animals are equal,
but some animals are more equal than others".
Recall I shared my perspective
before about the significance of Bloodline.
Cleaver, more likely than not was controlled opposition
and for all the reasons I listed in my previous comment.
And responding to your comment about racial stereotypes
being statistically true. Explain that exactly and I'll offer
my perspective as to why those statistics exist.
My previous comment about
the Indentured Servants being allowed to read
and the Black slaves could not is a good place to start
as far as WHY 'dem n iggs didn't assimilate.
That one reason alone of not being about to acquire knowledge
would explain a whole lot of racial stereotypes would it not?
Our opponents made sure the ogres didn't assimilate because
our opponents needed cheap labor to build the empire.
Cheap labor is why share cropping after chattel slavery existed
and then the Black Codes, and after that Jim Crow and after
that ( and because of prolific miscegenation i.e New Orleans
One Drop was enacted) and after One Drop Nixon's War on Drugs.
The peonage system has always existed
and still does to this very day.
Everything in this World is connected
and revolves around Sex, Power and Money
and that especially includes race.
Check out the infamous Kentucky slave trader
Lewis Robards and his mulatto, Fancy Girls.
Lewis Robards is in my family tree.
We humans (all of us who have a soul) are more
than our physical bodies and the real hideous monsters
are those who make sure we never learn that.
What do you think Brian Computer Interface and Neuralink
is for?
The real monsters are those we can't see.
Oops, my bad
should be Brain-Computer Interface not Brian
Debbie, Chinese and Japanese are completely different and indeed unrelated languages, although Japanese is written mostly with Chinese characters. Gui isn't the same as oni even though they're written the same. Anyway, I agree with your general point that Blacks (and various other groups) have often been dehumanized.
I understand the difference in languages but my point being that
the big picture and the underlying meaning that connects the words
nigger/black/negro/oni/Gui is, at least to me : something that is bad.
I absolutely believe that if we continue to run around in circles
and attack each other including attacking each other verbally
with words, humanity is not going to evolve because
as you and I both know, especially you in
your profession, that words are like swords.
And that's true for the younger generation in the Black community
too who have been sold( unbeknownst to them)
through the hip-hop thug culture that 'my nigga' is the new
vernacular and ok to use as a term of endearment. It's not.
Black people have been played (as they always have)
through the Boule' who work
for the hidden hand.
Who do you think controls the music industry?
I do admit that Black people (collectively NOT ALL)
are gullible which is why they are easy to control as
their Souls indeed have been put on ice by those
who knows the power of the soul.
And that A I iceberg is coming for all of humanity.
Black folks are just the canary in the coal mine as
they always have been.
Sorry for all these comments, but right after I sent
my very last comment, lo and behold Micheal Jackson's
video Stranger in Moscow came up
on my YT feed. Of course I've seen the video and heard
the song many times before, but I haven't seen it in about
a year or so .
The lyrics are what I just wrote about Black people's
Soul on Ice i.e Feeling Cold inside.
There are some recent syncs in the video as well:
the large bird wings, a X, a quarter ( symbolic of One fourth
4 meaning Doorway) , a white cup ,also a bee, and of course
the Nigredos and the Black and White.
'Dem sync Faires be real busy,no?
Michael Jackson - Stranger In Moscow
No need to apologize for leaving lots of comments, Debbie. I learn a lot from your perspectives on everything, and I'm sure the same is true for others who read here.
Debbie, that song means more to me than I can express in words. I will say, though, that loneliness and depression transcend race (I'm White, for the record).
Wandering Gondola,
I know Exactly what you mean. What I've learned is that when we think alternatively and able to see through the illusion it's a very lonely path
,much like Robert Frost's poem The Road Not Taken.
I've lost family members and friends because of my predictions
and perspectives about what is unfolding on the World Stage.
Much of the same content that I share here I shared
since 2015 on YouTube comments
( I've never had a youtube channel ) and I was unmercifully
vilified by other commentors especially
by some of the Black YouTube channels.
I was constantly receiving 'attacks like; Hey Ra1119Bee, are you White?
You sound White. One person wrote: Nobody wants to read all
that long ass dissertation dum dum.
Many comments read : Hey Ra what you smokin?
(For the record I've never 'smoked
anything or taken mind alternating substances
however can't say that's true for Marshall but for me it is ;-))
Even Marshall who has been with me
for over 30 years still thinks that my predictions
are too 'mumbo jumbo' and he's seen many of my predictions
coming true throughout the years.
YouTube banned me for life in 2020 for hate speech
and I NEVER Ever wrote anything derogatory about
anything or anybody. In my response I pleaded my case
and wrote : Who exactly do I hate??? Please tell me so
we'll both know. Of course I knew I was 'speaking'
to a chat bot.
I finally concluded that I must be real close to the fire
to get that much heat. Especially close to the 'political fire'.
YouTube recently reinstated me with: 'sorry' for the inconvenience"
and admitted that I didn't break policy. However I suspect that
they are shadow banning me which is fine, part of the territory
I've learned.
Thinking critically and differently and connecting
the dots especially about my esoteric experiences ( which
I have come to believe that everything is connected) has been
a lonely path indeed, but I feel very strongly there is a reason
why I was 'given' this information ( especially about the
esoteric) and I feel a responsibility to share it, because
I'm convinced that humanity is on a precarious precipice.
I feel very thankful for William for giving me a place to share
my perspectives.
You're not alone Wandering Gondola.
Thank you for the lovely compliment.
I've learned a lot from you guys too ;-))
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