Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Patrick, Pennywise, and 27

This Saint Patrick’s Day, I read a post by Bruce that mentioned “King’s Bollege, Bambridge,” which I assumed was a reference to the Monty Python sketch where the man can pronounce K but not C and mentions “Keble Bollege, Oxford.” Actually, there’s another version (linked by Bruce, though I didn’t notice it until later) in which he says “King’s Bollege, Bambridge” instead. Looking up the original sketch somehow led me to a Facebook group for Python fans, where one of the members had randomly posted that “penny wise, pound foolish” is a once common phrase that you never really hear anymore.

Also on Patrick’s Day, I posted “All Star music video sync,” in which, in the context of tongue-in-cheek Mandela Effect claims, I wrote:

An annoying song called "All Star" exists in my timeline but definitely isn't by Smash Mouth

I originally wrote that I was pretty sure “All Star” was by “Twenty-Seven Pilots or some group like that” but ended up deleting that bit before posting.

Today, a new post by Galahad Eridanus linked me back to 
an old one I’d never read. In that post, he discusses a sync involving a character named Patrick, Pennywise the Clown, and the number 27. The day before reading it I had, on Patrick’s feast day, come across a random “penny wise” reference and then randomly modified a band name so as to include the number 27.

My Monty Python searching had turned up some Tim the Enchanter references, too, so I’m inclined to see these Patrick syncs as relating not to the Irish saint or the American psycho but to Tim and Patrick who abducted William Alizio.

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