Monday, March 24, 2025

New World Island - Bible Study

For those who haven't seen it already on Bruce's blog, David Earle, who runs the New World Island Romantic Christian blog aggregator, has a very clean, easy-to-use searchable Bible and Book of Mormon (King James Version and current LDS edition, respectively). This is extremely helpful, since there aren't really a lot of sites that let you search both books simultaneously, other than the official CJCLDS website, whose search function is terrible. Your work is much appreciated, David.


David Earle said...

Thanks William, glad you're finding it to be useful!

You can now search for multiple words/phrases by adding a plus (+) symbol to the query:

I've also added pagination so that you can view all search results now.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Thanks, David. You're a mensch.

One more request: Is it possible to have search results sorted according to the order in which they appear in the Bible/BoM (i.e., Genesis first, then Exodus, etc.)? Currently, it appears to sort the books alphabetically (1 Chronicles, then 1 Corinthians, etc.).

David Earle said...

Yes that's a good idea. I went ahead and made the change. If you think of anything else, I will check back here.

There are many more search customizations I could add, which I may at some point, but my main intention is to keep everything as simple and lite as possible right now. Maybe a little "advanced search" dropdown...

Leo said...

David, nice tool! I wonder if it's on your roadmap to include the early versions of the BOM? I would find that very useful although there may not be others that would care that much.

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