Today I had the idea of searching for lion library just to see what would turn up. What I found was a 2006 children's book by Michelle Knudsen and Kevin Hawkes called Library Lion.
The story is that a lion shows up at a library one day and begins spending a lot of time there. Mr. McBee, who works at the circulation desk, doesn't want him there, but Miss Merriweather, the head librarian soon warms up to him (so long as he doesn't break any rules) and puts him to work dusting encyclopedias with his tail and that sort of thing.
Then one day Miss Merriweather falls while trying to reach a book from the top shelf. She sends the lion to get help, which he does by running to Mr. McBee and roaring at him.
In other words, the lion acts like Lassie! The one thing everyone knows about Lassie -- even if, like me, they've never read the book or watched the TV series -- is that when little Timmy falls down the well, he sends Lassie to get help, which she does by barking until someone follows her to the well and saves Timmy. That's who Lassie is: the dog who ran to get help for someone who had fallen.
I was trying to find a suitable picture of Timmy telling Lassie to go get help, but all I could find were various parodies. Eventually, I found this YouTube video claiming that this iconic episode never actually happened. Apparently it's some sort of Mandela Effect.
The video explaining that Timmy never fell down a well is from a channel called Ceiling Fan Man, and it begins with an image of a ceiling fan with Mars -- helpfully labeled -- in the background.
What brought my attention back to the lions in the library and Lassie Come Home was a painting of the Doge of Venice with the emblem of St. Mark -- a winged lion with a book -- above his throne. In the post I specially mentioned that Mark means "of Mars" and is thus a link to Elon Musk, who is obsessed with that planet.
The ceiling fan has a light attached, which is a link back to my 2023 post "Syncfest: Drowned boy, aliens, ceiling lights, finger of God, Michelangelo, Brother of Jared, Moria, and more." That post mentions the deseret, or honeybees, in the Book of Mormon. "Christopher, Columbus, and Elon Musk," the post that introduced the Doge of Venice painting, also mentions deseret and honeybees. One of the main characters in Library Lion is Mr. McBee.
Our friend Debbie also has a name that means "bee" -- and, oddly enough, her full name also includes a direct etymological link to Mars.
As for the ceiling fan itself, the main thing it reminds me of is the poltergeist attack of 2019.
Update: This is beyond insane. Ceiling Fan Man is based in the United States and joined YouTube on August 6, 2019. I just checked my old emails about the poltergeist, and it tore our ceiling fan off the ceiling on the morning of August 7, 2019, Taiwan time — which would still be August 6 in the US. That’s an absolutely impossible coincidence, but it can be verified by anyone who was in our email group back in 2019.
Update 2: Bill, whatever you do, don’t watch this Ceiling Fan Man video:
Part 1 of 2
And speaking of Mars and Musk and Lassie and Bees, OH MY!
I thought you might find this interesting:
First of all let me start my saying that I LOVED
the 1960's TV show Lassie. I recall on Sunday nights sitting
on the floor looking at Lassie on TV
and whenever Lassie got hurt or in danger, I would climb into
my grandfather's lap and cry. I was so sad.
I have always been a huge animal lover and have been in
awe of the powerful human animal bond for a very long time.
What's odd about all of this, is what just happened. As I was sleeping
this morning ( Mar3 ) I 'heard' our dog Jacob barking. If you recall
I shared with you in Aug 2024 that Jacob had died.
Since Marshall and I are getting on in years we decided at this time
to not rescue another dog , so Jacob's barking could not had
happened at least not ' normally'.
And no, it wasn't a dog from outside of our house,
because it was Jacob's 'bark' and as you may know,
dogs have different barks, kinda like a baby's cry.
We live out in the country and although we can hear dogs barking
in the distance, we don't hear dogs barking very often.
Plus as soon as I opened my eyes,
the barking immediately stopped.
Several more odd events involving Jacob has happened to me since he
passed over in July.
What's interesting about the bee connection is not only my name
Debra but also when Marshall and I first moved into our
new home in 1993 when, not soon after, there was a bee invasion
upstairs in my bathroom.
We live in a log house which unfortunately is not very well
We have two bathrooms, one upstairs and one down
which is Marshall's bathroom.
We had another bee invasion several years later near our
fireplace chimney in our living room. A beekeeper
came out to our house and we still have several jars
of delicious honey stored in our basement.
part 2
Anywho, and speaking of Mars and Musk and basebaal caps,
another interesting video came up on my YT feed yesterday.(Mar2)
It was another video from the 1960's TV show Outer Limits.
If you haven't already and if you get a chance do check out
the previous video I linked from Outer Limits called O.B.I.T.
This new episode of Outer Limits' (titled The Invisible Enemy)
I've never seen before. I do have Outer Limits on a DVD collection,
but I don't think that episode is on the DVD collection,
at least I don't recall watching it.
I'll have to sort through my DVD's and check to see if it's on
Anywho I clicked on the link which was just a clip ( see link of
both the clip and full episode on YT below ) and lo and behold
one of the astronauts who landed on Mars was wearing
an all-black long T-shirt and pants and a black baseball CAP!!
I immediately thought :What's the odds?!!
An astronaut on Mars wearing a baseball cap??!
What's really interesting however is the plot of the episode
and its title which is : THE INVISIBLE ENEMY
I don't want to spoil the show for you by sharing my perspective
in case you decide to watch the show, but I think it eerily connects
to what I've come to believe about who and especially Why
EL- on Muskrat is in the White House.
Also in The Invisible Enemy there is a 'sand' connection and I recall
and commented on a post you wrote regarding a sand/sandy sync
some months ago.
I find it interesting that not only is sand symbolic of time like
in an hourglass, but sand can also be deceptive and dangerous
like quicksand. If you recall I've commented many times
that I believe that IF Black Swan events happen at
the two Golden Gates, the chaos that will follow afterwards
will be extremely quick.
Also in the Invisible Enemy's plot there is a dragon hiding
in the quicksand. ( hence the invisible enemy)
Recall 2024 was the Chinese astrological year of the dragon
and 2025 the year of the serpent and isn't a dragon just
a large serpent?
Also I recall you had a sand/sandy sync several months ago
that you posted about.
Also, one of the producers and writers of Outer Limit's
was Leslie Stevens. Stevens was born in DC and him and his father
had Military backgrounds. (see link)
I can't find this particular info on Stevens' wiki page
, but some years ago I read an article that Stevens based
a lot of his work on info having to do with him
and his father's military background, which would explain
the OBIT episode.
Keep in mind that the El's (11's ) who work in the industry
of media communications hide the Sacred Science
Knowledge in symbolism. Either through Sci-Fi or comedy
like the Simpsons.
I think we both would agree that the US Military
has been' involved' in the paranormal for a very long time. Roswell
being an example and my personal experience at the Monroe
Insititute which I attended in May of 2005 as I went there
trying to figure out the reason why all of my esoteric experiences
and dreams ( many premonition )
I think I linked you the documentary about Remote Viewing titled
Third Eye Spies ( see re-link below )
The 2009 movie: The Men who Stare at Goats starring George
Clooney was based on the Military's connection with remote viewing
and the Monroe Insitute. George Clooney's character was a composite
of several military people one being Skip Atwater who was at
many of the sessions when I was at Monroe.
Everything is connected, no?
An Enemy On Mars | The Outer Limits ( the clip )
The Invisible Enemy ( full episode)
Third Eye Spies ( trailer)
The Men Who Stare at Goats (trailer)
Also I want to add this regarding the ceiling fan.
Of course a fan stirs up air. Musk is also known as the Rocket Man
and his Starlink satellites looks a whole lot like the photo you
posted from A Ceiling fan production.
Recall I commented about the T-Mobile's connectivity
Super Bowl commercial with Starlink
which will soon be through BCI (Brain Computer Interface)
which of course is a Nano Chip. Didn't you recent have a post
about Chips??
Check out the T-Mobile commercial ( link below)
. The scene of the Satellite above Earth looks very much
like a ceiling fan, at least to me.
A New Era in Connectivity – T-Mobile Starlink
One more thing about the Outer Limit's Invisible Enemy clip.
The Black Baseball cap wearing astronaut was a CAPTAIN.
His name was Captain Paul Lazzari.
I googled Lazzari in etymology
and thought this interesting:
Copy and paste
"filthy beggar, leper," c. 1300, from Medieval Latin
lazarus "leper," from Lazarus'
Interestingly Musk loves to 'leap'.
Here is another youtube video ( it's the short version
of the Trump Butler PA rally with Elon leaping and
introducing himself : Dark MAGA
and Musk tipping his Cap and throwing
the Rhombus hand gesture,
which I previously commented
I am Dark MAGA
Also this viral video
Elon Musk Nazi Salute | Elon Musk's Viral Dance
Another leaper is a lizard.
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