After a second, I made the connection. The thread was started with an image of a Quetzalcoatlus. In Dinotopia: The World Beneath (subject of a 2023 sync post), Quetzalcoatlus is referred to by the name skybax, and in Dinotopian drama "The skybax represents the silent observer."
One of my email correspondents (who also comments here under a different name) uses the pseudonym quietobserver64, so I had connected the skybax (Quetzalcoatlus) with this person. Now we have a 64 link as well.
Looking up this giant bird, Pelagornis sandersi, I found that the oldest known specimen was found in the Antarctic, which is a link to yesterday's "Black Men and Old Ones," which was about Black people awakening an eldritch horror in the Antarctic.
As confirmation of that link, note the date of the article screenshotted above: October 27. Yesterday's post ended with a reference to a dream, emphasizing the date: "I posted the dream on, of course, the 27th of October."
My last post used that term "eldritch horror" a couple of times because I think of it as a Lovecraftian expression. (I've never actually read Lovecraft.) Later I realized that was a potential "Black Man" tie-in as well, since the most famous person named Eldridge is undoubtedly this chap (a Mormon, incidentally):
Soul on Ice. To quote the Anglin version of that Antarctic story:
If you did a research, you seen dem elders in dat ice, you leave da muthofucka on ice. Aint wake his ass up.
The Lovecraftian entity I focused on in that post was Nyarlathotep -- specifically identified in the closing sentence of "Nyarlathotep" as a soul:
And through this revolting graveyard of the universe the muffled, maddening beating of drums, and thin, monotonous whine of blasphemous flutes from inconceivable, unlighted chambers beyond Time; the detestable pounding and piping whereunto dance slowly, awkwardly, and absurdly the gigantic, tenebrous ultimate gods -- the blind, voiceless, mindless gargoyles whose soul is Nyarlathotep.
Besides Lovecraft and Cleaver, my other main association with the word eldritch is the old (1976) D&D manual Eldritch Wizardry -- which I somehow possessed as a True Blue Mormon teen despite its overtly "demonic" content and the nekkid lady on the cover.
The title page gives special credit to "Elder Steve Marsh," reinforcing the link between eldritch and "dem elders in dat ice." (The name Marsh is also interesting.)
It is in Eldritch Wizardry that the mandrill-headed demon lord Demogorgon -- recently featured in "When only the goblins are out" -- is first introduced.
Besides the baboon/mandrill reference, I've highlighted the bit about how Demogorgon can "turn sticks to snakes," something I've posted about before ("They shall take up serpents").
If you run an image search for demogorgon, what comes up is not the D&D creature but rather its namesake from some TV show called Stranger Things.
What is Stranger Things' Demogorgon? One of Dem Elder Ones, obviously.
Note added: I just remembered I’ve encountered a reference to the show Stranger Things once before — in the context of, what else, an n-word joke.
Best comment: “Them shoes white, they can’t be sayin that shit.”
Further note added: The South African Antarctic research team that been woke up dem elders is called SANAE 64.
With Eldritch, you have another reference to Elves, as well, since one version of the name means something like "Elf Ruler" or "Elf Like", usually pointing to something otherworldly.
The reference to leaving "elders on ice" is also pretty interesting in another context. I've imagined the ancient Numenoreans (including what are called the Black Numenoreans) and their world as being encrusted in ice since the Great Wave, and that part of the the restoration of Numenor will be freeing it from that ice. My view is that this is an important and necessary thing, yet here in your thread we have warnings about freeing or awakening old souls in ice.
"Elder" is also a very similar word to Tolkien's word for the Elves - Eldar.
Though thinking about it more just now after posting, the warning may have been something in the past, specifically for those earlier Black Numenoreans and the horror they awoke on Numenor, leading to the events that ultimately destroyed their world and put it 'on ice'.
In my story, the Numenoreans became really, really sick, and it could be this horror that they woke up that caused this.
I’m not familiar with “Black Numenoreans.” Is that something from Tolkien, or Doug, or somewhere else?
Tolkien, but also Doug. Another name for the the the King's Men on Numenor is the Black Numenoreans. They were the ones who turned away from the Valar and the Elves and began worshipping Melkor, Sauron, and doing really bad stuff.
In Tolkien's writings, the name is usually applied to the the King's Men after the drowning of Numenor, meaning the survivors on Middle-earth. They continued to worship Sauron and participate in the dark arts. Here is a link about them:
I've been in the habit of just calling the King's Men on Numenor the Black Numenoreans, however, and Doug has also used the term in context of Pharazon and the assault on Eressea in his books. For example, he called 3 of the Nazgul who joined Pharazon on his assault on Eressea "black Numenoreans" - basically 3 of the King's Men who had become Nazgul.
The black feather that showed up on your doorstep a couple years ago, and that we also explored on Bezos' ball-less rocket ship, is something that I've always connected with these Black Numenoreans, and why I brought it up back then.
Anyway, after they built their "Great Tower" at the bidding of Sauron in their bid for eternal life and in preparation to reach Heaven, Pharazon and these Black Numenoreans began practicing human sacrifices in that temple. They did this over a great fire in the temple, where they had first burned Nimloth the Tree. To my eyes, this is the very clear link to the image you posted here of the naked woman lying on the alter with the fire - her pose brings to mind the depiction of Abraham lying on the alter ready to be sacrificed in Joseph Smith's facsimiles in the PofGP.
Interestingly, in Doug's story, Izilba (who is Eowyn-Ilmare) was to be among the first, if not the first, sacrificed in that temple. It was said they were going to kill her and bleed her out over the fires of Nimloth. Izilba-Eowyn has often been depicted as naked, both in Doug's writings (going completely naked except for a swarm of bees covering her) and in symbols that have appeared even on your blog, as well as her association with Eve (also well known for being naked originally). And here we have a naked woman with all the symbols of that sacrifice, even lying on what would appear to be an altar made of wood, like a tree.
There is an interesting personal link from this morning and last night that has me thinking the Izilba-Eowyn connection in the last comment is perhaps correct.
My kids got me turned on to a little while ago and I like to hop on and play when I have a few extra moments. Last night, I played someone with the kind of funny name of Bee_Otch (just sound it out...). This player made an inexplicable mistake during the end game of leaving his Queen open for me to take, which ultimately cost him the game.
I played a few more games this morning - well, I actually intended to only play 1 or 2. These are rapid games, with 10 minute time limits per player. But my opponents were screwing up so badly and then resigning that I ended up playing 6 games in total this morning. In each of these 6 games, the exact same mistake was made: leaving their Queen for me to take.
I am not a grandmaster chess player, or even a great one, but I am not a bad one either, and lines you up with players of similar ratings. Meaning, these were good chess players I was playing, and just one of them leaving their queens like they were (or in some cases moving them into danger) would have been surprising. I mean, if you saw the replay of these games, you would think it impossible for any of these to actually happen. But going back to last night, it happened literally 7 times in a row!
Izilba is the Queen associated with bees, and the one I saw in your picture here of the woman as explained above, so it seemed fitting that the first of these seven games in which Queens were just completely hanging was against an opponent named Bee_Otch.
In the description about the Demogorgon
( which you underlined in red ) many of the attributes
listed are the Siddhis powers, including levitation and clairvoyance
which I've commented
about numerous times here on your blog.
The Siddhis powers are associated with the El's (11's).
In the Netflix series Stranger Things, the young girl who possessed
the Siddhis powers name was Eleven ( EL ).
Jesus in the Bible was an EL who possessed Siddhis powers
as was Deborah.
As I'm sure you know many Egyptian, Greek, Norse, Roman deities
were El's who possessed Siddhis powers.
Which begs the question: were those El's demons or deities,
or perhaps both ya think? Kinda like Black and White, Sun
and Moon. Can't have one without the other.
Also all of those El's had a dual nature which the
double headed Janus Demogorgon
is perhaps symbolic of, as perhaps so is the double
headed Eagle.
Copy and Paste about the double headed Eagle ( link below ):
"This unique image has carried profound meaning,
representing notions of empire, duality, power,
and spiritual significance.
While its exact origins are debated,
the double-headed eagle has become
inextricably linked with certain historical dynasties,
nations, and religious organizations,
each imbuing it with their own unique interpretations.
It is a symbol that resonates with authority and complex
layered symbolism."
Regarding Antarctica,
Some believe that Antarctica was said to be one of several entrances
to the Hollow Earth which according to some accounts,
Hitler's SS knew of
as did the United States which was the reason for
Operation High Jump led by Admiral Byrd.
Interestingly another Byrd connection, no?
Bill if you are looking for games, download Polytopia and friend me if you do so we can play. There are no queens to capture but the premise of the game is to take over an island floating in space. It has a very “gentiles taking over the promised land” vibe to it. But mostly it’s just a fun game.
I just found this information about Rear Admiral Byrd
and Operation HighJump and thought it interesting
because it connects with my puzzle pieces regarding
my 2014 Moon River dream and the direction NORTH
and the Bears (BR)... The name Byrd is a BR.
Copy and paste ( link below)
"Richard.E Byrd supplied much of the equipment
which was designated for use in his own planned
privately funded expedition.
The expedition was hastily planned with Byrd
being given only 4 months to plan.
The expedition begun in late 1939
when 125 men departed on the ships
****** Bear of Oakland*****
and the USMS ****North Star*****.
I'm sure you are aware of the North Star in Norse Mythology
Wasn't Odin one of the North Wind deities?
And speaking of Blacks and birds and byrds and North Winds,
Oh My! check out the photo of the black pottery and image
of the god of the North Wind Boreas,
blowing Odysseus across the sea.
Interestingly Boreas, created in black, has a protruding derriere
and peppercorn hair! Oh my!
Also interesting is Boreas has wings like most shamans,
indicating they had the power of the bird which simply means
having FORSIGHT i.e clairvoyance in other words:
able to see beyond.
Boreas also possesses Neptune's Trident much like Admiral Byrd
who was an Aviator and a Navigator. Both having DUAL Nature
of the sky and of the sea(see).
Correction it's Odysseus who has the large derriere with peppercorn hair
being blown by Boreas who appears on the upper right hand side
of the pottery. Boreas also seems to have peppercorn hair as well
and a round nose.
Hmmm.. Very interesting indeed.
Debbie, I linked the skybax with the north wind back here:
Part 1 or 2
Very VERY interesting!! Thank you for sharing that link to your post.
The reason why I've commented about the North Wind deities
is because of my recent private email to you regarding another blog
I sent you which has connections to my puzzle
pieces and Norse Mythology.
In your May 23 2023 Syncs: At the Back of the North Wind,
post I immediately noted several of my puzzle pieces .
The most notable was not only my 2014 Moon River dream
which (in the dream) I made a frantic attempt to go North
(during the chaos that was happing because the moon
had fallen into a huge river in Yellow Springs, Ohio).
Note that in real life there is not a huge river in Yellow Springs.
In the dream I frantically asked several people :
"Are you going North? I have to go North!"
as I felt that North was the direction home.
Of course I've shared all of this before and even recently
in my private email about the direction North
and my connection to Hale-Bopp and Norse Mythology.
I also found in your North Wind post the ruby crystal
which interestingly a crystal connects with my March 24, 1997
Hale-Bopp dream which in the dream the spaceman gave
me a milky crystal to ingest in order to stay' human'.
Also "coincidently", my mother's astrological sign was Cancer,
which is in the month of July. July's birthstone is the ruby.
Ringo Starr of the Beatles was also born an astrological
Cancer. Ringo is also a starr.
The plot of the Beatles' 1965 movie Help! was about an Eastern
cult trying to steal Ringo's ruby ring as the ring was needed and
used in human sacrifices. (see trailer link)
Of course, a RING is symbolic of Saturn.
Part 2
Also the movie Help! was released in theaters on Aug 6, 1965.
As I shared with you the time around Aug 4---11th has very
significant meaning to me. My mother passed over into
spirit on Aug4th. Marshall and my very close cousin share
Aug 11 birthdates ( not same year).
Also in late July through about Aug 12-13 is the time
of the Perseid meteor showers.
Also a couple of other interesting connections in your post with
my personal puzzle pieces was this:
Copy and paste:
"At the foot of the stair North Wind stood still,
and Diamond, hearing a great growl, started in terror,
and there, instead of North Wind, was a huge**** wolf*****
by his side.
On your blog and on my recent private email
recall I shared that in 2003 or so I attended (randomly)
a Unitarian Church near Cincy and the minister
told me that I had 2 wolves by my side who travels
with me.
Interestingly in the mythological story of the founding
of Rome the wolves Romulus and Remus play
a significant part as does Geri and Freki two wolves
who travel by Odin's side in Norse Mythology.
Of course I didn't know any of this previously before spending
a gazillion hours and years of research.
Also' coincidently' in my childhood my best friend's name
was Geraldine (Geri).
And last but not least, and circling back to my puzzle pieces
about the BR (Bears)... check this out! Recall I shared
that I have 2 BR's in my birthname.
Copy and paste: ( link below)
"Geri and Freki also inspired wolf warrior bands
during the Viking age. These groups of pagan warriors
used wolf skin for protection and called themselves
Ulfhednar. Ulfhednar are commonly associated
with ****Berserkers, who wore bearskins**** into battle."
In your North Wind post is reference to a diamond
which I've commented many times about the
hand gesture Rhombus aka the Merkle-Raute
The Rhombus is also called The Diamond
or the Triangle of Power.
Donald Trump and Elon does the Rhombus aka Merkle-Raute
Everything is connected, no?
Help! - Trailer
My own guess is that your "North" dream and the need to get there has to do with this evacuation theme that has been highlighted a few times, and which also has to do with symbolic descending of the Moon (in the form of what is on the Ithil or Moon Stone).
For my own part, I have had dreams of standing in front of a door that was simply labelled with the word "North" on it, knowing that this door led to where I needed to go, but the door was closed. The time to open it hadn't yet come.
In my dream, and in other things, this concept of North has also been associated with Ice. Joseph Smith recorded some things relative to the Last Days in what is now D&C 133:
"And they who are in the north countries shall come in remembrance before the Lord; and their prophets shall hear his voice, and shall no longer stay themselves; and they shall smite the rocks, and the ice shall flow down at their presence.
"And an highway shall be cast up in the midst of the great deep.
"Their enemies shall become a prey unto them..."
I will check it out. How funny it involves floating islands in space.
Part 1 of 2
Thank you very much for your insight.
I absolutely agree with you about the direction North
I too believe it means some type of evaluation or exiting.
If you've read a few of my comments over these past several years
you'll recall that my March 24 1997 Hale-Bopp dream and
the 2014 Moon Dream and my 1974 past life reading all
connects with that same theme of leaving.
Especially so my 1974 past life reading when the reader told me
about my levitation dreams ( which he absolutely did NOT
know me nor I him). I started having the recurring
levitation dreams starting at 10 years old after my grandmother
Sarah passed over in 1965.
The reader told me that in one incarnation I was in Atlantis
and about to be sacrificed. At one point I broke free
and began running, he said.
He said that the people chasing me were wearing white robes.
He did not say of the peoples' ethnicity or their age.
However, I never felt that the people were children, nor was I
although I was 10 when I first started having the dreams.
Also I never had the sense that the people in the dreams
chasing me were Black nor did the reader say they were.
As the reader continued the reading he said that at one point
as I was running, I began levitating to escape the people.
When he told me that I was shocked and started crying
as there was no way he would have known that.
He also told me of an incarnation in Tibet as a Monk which
again since an early age I've always been attracted to that
part of the world after seeing a performance of Chinese
acrobats on the Ed Sullivan tv show.
The reader told me of several other incarnations but I've forgotten
them now. He made a cassette recording but I lost it
a long time ago.
However the most significance thing he said was this: " Your
soul has always been incarnated on Earth during times
of great upheavals. You were at the crucifixion of Christ
and it scares me that you are here now'.
Part 2
Of course, in 1974 I didn't know what to think nor did I want
to hear that. I had no clue whatsoever what or how that
could be true but after all the lifetime of esoteric experiences
and dreams (many premonition) telepathy, remote viewing
and synchronicities I've had especially my 11;11 dream in 2003
and my Tweed dream in 2003 (which in the Tweed dream
a White man(someone whom I didn't know) was following
me in cave holding a teacup and saucer. He was wearing
a brown tweed jacket.
I approached him and asked why he was following me and he said
that he would be with me for 9 more years which I did not like
the man and didn't want to hear that.
When I woke up from that dream in 2003 I googled,
teacup and saucer, tweed jacket
cave etc. and didn't really find much information
however, that was in 2003 and the internet wasn't
anything like it is now.
You Tube wasn't launched until 2005.
I then added 2003 + 9 and lo and behold I hit the jackpot!
I had NO clue Whatsoever about 2012 before the dream
but there were a gazillion hits on google.
Now after all these years and gazillion hours of research
I think 2012 was a significant time as I think it was a time
when humanity was at a cross roads.
Of course, in my March 24, 1997, Hale-Bopp dream
when the spaceman firmly told me that it was time to go
and gave me a milky white crystal
in a white Styrofoam cup to ingest in order to remain human,
I believe that was a huge exit puzzle piece as well .
I had NO CLUE whatsoever as far
as Hale-Bopp. Yes, I recall hearing about comet on the news but
I wasn't interested in any of that. Also there was no mention of
a comet nor did I see a comet in the dream. I did see
a space ship.
It wasn't until 2 days later when I was getting ready
for work did I just happen to hear
on Good Morning America about a mass suicide in California
and a cult named Heavens's Gate.
When I saw that news report I was shocked
and immediately said to myself : I was supposed to be on that ship!
I felt that strongly.
Also a dream I had 11/22/2018 I titled Oscar was also a
huge puzzle piece and just last night while I was researching
the North Wind deities I stumbled upon a blog and
I was shocked! The first image of the man walking away
( see link ) looks very similar to a 'scene'
in my Oscar dream and I won't go into detail
of the dream here as I have shared my Oscar dream before on
this blog. However I will say this the gazillion hours of
research after the Oscar dream led me to Switzerland.
I apologize for being so lengthy but everything that
I've experienced and researched a gazillion hours
and connected the puzzle pieces to find the WHYs, I've
come to believe that humanity is on the precipice
of a Great Shifting or perhaps at the doorway ( as in
your dream theme of the North Door, perhaps a Gate which
a gate was very significant in my Hale-Bopp dream as well)
Doors ( Delta and Dalet) and gates, windows and bridges are
all portals to the other side.
Isn't the Northern Gateway significant in Norse Mythology?
Thank you again for your insight. Very Interesting indeed!
This post is dated Friday, March 21, 2025. Here in Green Country, I had no inkling of it until this morning, Saturday the 22nd. A remarkable synchronicity for me personally is associated therewith. Referencing the front cover image of the edition of Eldridge Cleaver's Soul on Ice that shows itself in the original post, you'll notice a quotation from a fellow by the name of Richard Gilman. It is apparently an excerpt from a somewhat controversial (to certain conservatives, at least) response to "Soul" and/or Cleaver on the part of Gilman (a Yale professor back in the day, it would seem) that has been purposed to serve as a sort of blurb. Before this morning, I had never heard of Prof. Gilman. According to Wikipedia, Gilman was a Jew of the atheist variety who converted to Catholicism, though he subsequently lapsed. Through it all, he of course remained faithful to the liberal persuasion and was an early proponent of identity politics vis a vis America's blacks (thus the controversy).
Last night, around 11 p.m., I was watching an episode of the old Perry Mason tv show. One of the characters therein was named Richard Gilman. He begins as a shadowy figure whose name or vocation we don't at all know, but who is trying to pass along clues to Mason anonymously--clues that will assist the defense of Mason's client. At one point, Perry receives a clue-imparting phone call from this figure who wishes to remain anonymous while he (Mason) is having lunch at a local restaurant. Immediately afterwards, Perry realizes that no one but his tablemates know he's dining there. This leads him to speculate that the mystery man must be nearby. Perry rushes out to the parking lot, where he queries the attendant whether he's seen anyone using the phone booth a short time ago. The attendant replies enthusiastically in the affirmative, points out the man's car and tells Mason that the fellow in question had in the meantime entered a next-door shop. Perry goes to the man's auto and proceeds to undertake a search of its interior, where he finds an insurance verification (or some such), containing the man's personal info--his name is "Richard Gilman".
So that's why I was quite naturally struck to see this name repeat itself the very next day in a completely unrelated context. As to the synch's meaning... I think it intends to bring this book of Cleaver's, "Soul on Ice", to my attention. I must admit that any "spiritual and intellectual autobiography" does tend to intrigue me much. That fact, coupled with the meaningful coincidence, may entice me to read the memoir...
P.S. Given Prof. Gilman's conversion to Catholicism, I meant (but forgot) to include a mildly interesting tidbit from the IMDB site pertaining to this episode of Perry Mason. Under the heading, "Revealing mistakes" we find: "The word 'Convertable' on the car's registration document should be spelled 'Convertible'."
Wade McKenzie,
You weren't addressing me, but after reading your comment
about Perry Mason I just had to add my 2 cents!!
I absolutely love Perry Mason.
I have the entire collection , 9 seasons, on DVD.
Being a boomer I recall hearing the Perry
Mason theme song playing in the background on TV
in the late 1950's early 1960's as my mother loved
Perry Mason too.
I watch an entire disc ( about 4 or 5 episodes ) almost
every other night or so and I've seen each episode
a gazillion times.
I don't know if you've noticed this or not but
there is quite a few hidden symbolism in the Perry Mason series.
The first being Perry's last name of course, but also in Perry's office.
Also starting in the 3rd season , in the courthouse windows
very prominently are several 8 point stars ( the Union Jack, i.e.
The Eight point star of Ishtar. ( see link)
In some episodes the 8 point star appears on the 'gate' i.e
the bar in the court room.
That particular episode you mentioned :
The Case of the Mythical Monkeys I haven't seen in a while,
I think I'll watch it tonight ;-)
Sorry my bad, in my comment I wrote evaluation and should be evacuation.
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