Thursday, February 11, 2021

The birdemic death toll may have been slightly overestimated (by a mere 1667%)

Reports of my death are greatly exaggerated.
-- Mark Twain

See the full report here: PDF. It's even peer reviewed, which makes it not just science but the science.

Not that it matters of course. Totalitarianism is justified if it saves even one life.

1 comment:

Francis Berger said...

The official birdemic slogans here in Hungary are:

A - "We're taking care of one another!"
B - "Every life matters!"

Needless to say, the vast majority of hospitalizations and deaths have occurred in the 70+ age category.

As of now, the country has 13,444 deaths official birdemic deaths. But if we regard the info above, then the death toll is probably more like 800 and change.

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