Sunday, February 14, 2021

Biden finally gets more likes than dislikes!

Of the 77 videos uploaded to the White House's official YouTube channel so far, one of them has finally managed to get more likes than dislikes (by a 2.2-to-1 ratio). It's a video of the Fake President and the Fake Doctor against a Fake Chinese backdrop, wishing everyone a happy Lunar New Year (they conspicuously avoid saying the word "Chinese") and taking a stand against the scourge of racism against Asian Americans -- you know, the only demographic in the U.S. to be richer and more successful than whites -- and, uh, Pacific Islanders. Gotta stop hating on those Pacific Islanders.

Somehow, without actually saying the word China, he manages ever so subtly to convey a pro-China message. I believe this is what is known in the trade as a "dog whistle."

Unfortunately for Biden, YouTube is banned within the borders of China itself, or else he could have gotten an even better ratio.

Also unfortunately for Biden, his Chinese fans have a short attention span. Here are the like/dislike numbers for the videos just before and just after the Asian-and-Pacific-Islander New Year message.

That's more like his usual numbers: dislikes predominate by ratios of 20-to-1 and 10-to-1.

When I visited YouTube to check the White House channel and, as is my patriotic duty, downvote any new videos, this was one of the first videos YouTube recommended that I watch. It's a scene from the 2014 Christopher Nolan film Interstellar, which I saw and enjoyed back when it came out but haven't really thought of since then.

This caught my attention because a few months ago I had written (here) of the Rider-Waite Judgement card, "And what's that in the background? Mountains -- or an approaching tsunami?"

I wrote all of the above several hours ago but have just now come back to finish it off and post it. What was I doing in the interim? Well, my wife called me downstairs to watch a movie with her on TV. And the movie she had chosen just happened to be Interstellar.


Bruce Charlton said...

Insofar as racism and xenophobia (or misogynony, or any of the other racial sexual 'phobias') are real problems, they are less so in the modern West than at any time or place in human history.

The degree to which modern culture ignores real and vast problems to focus in small or non-existent problems is something that beggars belief; and is evidence of profound mental derangement.

e.g. To talk seriously of how to address micro-aggressions at a national/ international level in a world being systematically enslaved and a civilization being deliberately destroyed is utterly bizarre to the point of monstrously evil.

Yet invisibly so.

Brief Outlines said...

It's all so clearly fake that it is difficult to even muster the will to oppose it, and yet you have done so with humour and eloquence. Many thanks!

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

They "strain at a gnat and swallow a camel," to coin a phrase.

The first time I heard the word microaggression, I assumed it had been coined as a joke by Steve Sailer or someone like that -- but no, people are using it in earnest!

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

It occurs to me to connect the waves-or-tsunami thing with the RHCP lyrics I quoted a few posts back:

And tidal waves couldn't save the world from Californication

No Longer Reading said...

Before reading this post, I was thinking about the phrase,
"After me, the deluge." I looked it up and saw that the original person to say it was Louis XV. Then I remembered that a comment your wrote about how Methusaleh died in the year of the flood, so who more appropriate than he to make such a statement?

No Longer Reading said...

Something else along these lines:

I recently read a news story ( about a 117 year old nun, Sister Andre Randon who got the birdemic and recovered. Actually, she didn't even have any symptoms and said:

"Asked if she was scared of COVID, Sister Andre told France's BFM television, 'No, I wasn't scared because I wasn't scared to die... I'm happy to be with you, but I would wish to be somewhere else – join my big brother and my grandfather and my grandmother.' "

The article also said that she was the 2nd oldest person in the world, the oldest being Kane Tanaka of Japan.

I looked up Tanaka, in connection with Methusaleh and was thinking about Genesis 6:3

"And God said: My spirit shall not remain in man for ever, because he is flesh, and his days shall be a hundred and twenty years."

Interestingly enough, Tanaka was born on January 2, 1903, converted to Christianity after WWII and said she wants to live to 120. So, maybe 2023 is a year to watch for ...

Neither aliens nor animals are biological robots, and we shouldn’t be, either.

Yesterday I bought and started reading the Kindle edition of Whitley Strieber’s latest book, The Fourth Mind. On page 47, he criticizes thos...