Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Trump with a sword again

The image seems to be in the air. (See also the trump/sword link here.) On a whim I got on Google News (something I haven't done in a good long time) and clicked the third link it served up -- a goofy op-ed piece about Impeachment Two by someone called Matthew Walther (the name sounds familiar but I can't quite place him).

From a legal perspective Trump's refusal to testify is a no-brainer. But for the American people it's nothing short of a tragedy. Why not turn the Senate phase of impeachment into a massive O.J. Simpson trial-like spectacle, complete with celebrity lawyers and some kind of instantly memorable and hilarious prop (for some reason I picture Trump carrying a sword, or perhaps an eagle)? Instead of something that journalists will tweet about, a Senate trial in which Trump answered questions from Wacky Jacky and Pat "No Tariffs" Toomey and Corrupt Kaine would be a genuine cultural and political event drawing hundreds of millions of viewers to cable television, which is almost certainly on the edge of a massive ratings cliff.

Note: The verdict of "goofy" may be premature. Having found what the sync fairies sent me there for, I didn't read any further than the quoted paragraph. I mean, really, who reads this stuff?

1 comment:

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Ah, I was thinking of Walter Matthau, the actor.

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