Monday, February 22, 2021

Three recent sync themes united

From a magazine for Taiwanese students of English. One of my adult students asked me about this article this morning.

Here are the bits I've highlighted:
  • "1.8" -- the date of the Battle of New Orleans
  • "foxes put the flowers on their feet to hide the sound of their footsteps" -- which makes them fox socks, not gloves
  • "it is very easy to get the amount wrong" -- proper dosage = temperance
Update: Less than an hour after posting this, I checked a young student's writing and found that he had misspelt "horses" as "hoses" -- "Do hoses run fast? Yes, they do."

This is another link to Fox in Socks: "Nose hose goes some, crow's rose grows some." In this post, I connect the nose in "nose hose" with rhino ("nose" in Greek) and mention that the rhino "belongs to the same order of mammals (Perissodactyla) as the donkey" -- and, though I did not mention it before, the horse.

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