Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Found poetry

I think this guy all of a sudden
could see time.
He can actually look into space and see
his movements from yesterday
and tomorrow.

When he tries to drink his coffee,
he picks up the one
from a couple of hours ago.

When he moves, time is shifted
in spontaneous ways so that there is no way to tell
the actual time.

His body and clothes are also
shifted throughout time, so his face
and pajamas are different when
he gets out of bed.


1 comment:

Bruce Charlton said...

Some would say that this type of 'poetry' is best left where it was found (i.e. as prose)!

But Hugh Macdiarmid published some of Glyn Jones prose (from a magazine) under his own name and without acknowledgment; and the result was admired:


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