Sunday, December 26, 2021

Greek letters

Various people have noticed that Delta Omicron is an anagram of media control.

The Vigilant Citizen notices a further fact about these two letters:

Weird fact: Omicron originates from the Phoenician letter ayin which means “eye”. The symbol representing Delta is a triangle. The combination of the two = the ultimate symbol of the occult elite.

Once that connection has been made, one notices that Delta Omicron is also an anagram of triad monocle. A triad is a group of three, which may be represented as a triangle, and also happens to be the name given to certain Chinese organized crime syndicates that use the triangle as their emblem. Monocle, though today it refers to an eyeglass, was originally an adjective meaning "one-eyed."

The first "variant" was of course called Alpha. If Omicron ends up being the last, then we will have a distorted version of "Alpha and Omega" -- with Omega ("great O") being replaced by Omicron ("little O"). Not with a bang but a whimper.

1 comment:

Ra1119bee said...


Very interesting...

You wrote; "Omicron originates from the Phoenician letter ayin which means “eye”. The symbol representing Delta is a triangle. The combination of the two = the ultimate symbol of the occult elite."
end quote
As stated before, I believe the One Eye, is symbolic of A Eye =AI (Artificial Intelligence)
A =1 and the letter I= 9. AI =19
The number 9 is the God head. The number 6 represents Man because its'head' is below.
" As Above (9) so Below (6) ..

Check out Jimi Hendrix's song in the 1960's; What if 6 turns out to be 9.

I believe that Transhumanism/Ubermensch via Artificial Intelligence has ALWAYS been our Opponents (the EL's ( Elites, ELEVENS etc.) FINAL Destination, globally but especially
America(The New Atlantis)

According to Plato the Atlanteans
had already mastered Transhumanism.
Maybe the Divine Hand intervened and brought Hell with High Water to Atlantis via
the Deluge?

Check out the recent (Nov2021) interview on 60 minutes with Yuval Noah Harari and Anderson Cooper.

What is the connection of the One Eye on the Pyramid's Capstone and Greenland?

Check out the movie 2001 A Space Odyssey.
Note in the beginning of the movie the Apes are dancing around the Black Cube/ Monolith.
IMO, The Black Monolith looks just like a PC Tower and the Super Computers.

Note the ending of the movie where Hal9000 (the A I device represented with a RED EYE ) asks Dave (the Human Astronaut) ; ' But will I dream Dave?

If I were Dave, my response would have been ; No Hal, you won't dream because you don't have a Soul.

Connect Hal's question about dreaming (and consciousness) with Yuval Noah Harari's interview with Anderson Cooper about A I.

As stated before on your Blog, I believe that our Soul (which I personally believe is connected to God) has always been our Opponents Final Frontier.

So, and in my opinion, I personally don't believe Omicron will go out with a whimper.
Factor into Pluto's Return beginning in Feb22, and the 2022 Super Shemitah, the Red Heifer turning 3 in August2021,and the Third Temple, and, and IMO I believe we are on the precipice of some very interesting times indeed.

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