Saturday, December 18, 2021

Fritz food and pearly dewdrops

I was eating some Japanese snacks my wife bought, which are -- well, I'm not at all sure what they are, but they reminded me of something.

I was sure that these snacks looked just like something I had always wanted to eat as a child but had never been able to. After thinking for a minute, I remembered what it was: Fritz food! A bit of searching online led me to scans of the Fritz food pages from Dr. Seuss's 1979 book Oh Say Can You Say?

Something about this picture -- maybe it was Fred's happy face as he opened his mouth to catch a piece -- made me want to eat Fritz food in the worst way. I mean, I guess technically it's dog food -- "Fritz feeds Fred with ritzy Fritz food," so Fritz is the dog -- but I didn't make that connection as a child. I just wanted to try some. I even asked my mom a few times to buy some Fritz food when she went grocery shopping. With her usual straight-faced response to children's nonsense, she said she would be sure to get some if she saw any and reported afterwards that unfortunately there didn't seem to be any Fritz food in stock.

And here I am all these years later eating real Fritz food! Another childhood dream come true.

In my quest for a picture of Fritz food, I perused the rest of Oh Say Can You Say? The last page in particular caught my attention.

I'm not sure why this one stood out to me, but it did. I read it a few times, contemplated the picture, thought, "I would have started with, 'When the drops start forming, the storm starts storming,'" and moved on to other things.

I have recently begun following Christopher Loring Knowles's blog The Secret Sun. A few weeks back, I was wondering whether any of the old 2009-era synchromystical bloggers were still around, so I found a site from back then that had a long list of links to sync blogs and methodically clicked through all of them. As expected, almost all of them had stopped posting around 2012 or 2013, but a handful were still active, and one of these was The Secret Sun, which I had never heard of before. The guy makes some good connections, and he seems solid on the birdemic and the sexual revolution, so I've started checking him fairly regularly. As a newcomer, I have yet to catch up on some of the long-running sync themes that he often mentions in passing. One of these is the Siren; another is someone called Fraser, with synchromystically important people often being labeled "Fraserfarians."

The other day, one of my correspondents (whose online handle happens to bear a certain resemblance to the word Fraserfarian) sent me a link to a video of a very strange Tarot reading dealing with "America's Pluto Return" -- that is, with Pluto's first anticipated return (in February 2022) to the exact zodiacal position it occupied on July 4, 1776. The reader drew an enormous number of cards from all different sorts of decks, Tarot and non-Tarot alike -- but the very first card she put down was called The Siren.

This led me to check The Secret Sun, where the most recent post, "Send Meme an Angel," had a link to a podcast called "Chris Knowles: All Roads Lead to Liz Fraser." Finally a hint as to who this "Fraser" is! I looked up Liz Fraser, and two main results came up: a British actress "best known for being cast in provocative comedy roles," and a member of the Cocteau Twins (a band of which I know nothing at all). Since the Cocteau Twins had often been mentioned on The Secret Sun, I figured that must be the Fraser I was looking for. I clicked on her Wikipedia article, and sure enough the lead paragraph mentioned "the successful 1983 single 'Song to the Siren.'" I clicked on through to the Cocteau Twins article, and the second paragraph said, "The addition of Raymonde in 1983 solidified their final lineup, which produced their biggest hit in the UK, 'Pearly-Dewdrops' Drops.'"

This is a very direct sync with the last page of Oh Say Can You Say? The duplication of the word drops syncs with Dr. Seuss's "drops start dropping" and "drops stop dropping," and Seuss's illustration even features pearly (white) drops against a blue background.

I haven't yet listened to "Pearly-Dewdrops' Drops," but "Pearly Dewdrops Glisten" is the first line of a rather obscure Easter hymn.

Pearly dew drops glisten
Over hill and plain;
Nodding flowers tell us
Easter dawns again;
Fleecy clouds are peeping
From the azure sky;
Happy birds are singing
Praise to God on high.

Streamlets gently murmur
Greetings in their flow;
Joyous bells are chiming
Carols sweet and low;
Golden sunbeams sparkle
Over branches green;
Loving Easter tokens
Everywhere are seen.

Nature's beauties whisper
Of the Saviour's might;
And His resurrection
In the morning light;
If the voice of nature
Echoes in God's praise;
Can we not, His children,
Hearts and voices raise?


Anonymous said...

I'm always thrilled when one obscure writer I follow finds another one. I actually have you and Chris in the same category in my RSS feed. He has his finger on something, though I'm not sure what it is. His prophetic bonafides are solid, though. One of the messages he was consistently picking up before late 2019 was 'the germs are ready.'

Ra1119bee said...


VERY interesting post! I recall during my research several years ago, stumbling upon
The Secret Sun blog. I had forgotten about it.

Your reference to the Siren was intriguing, and I was not aware that the Tarot Reader
in the video made reference to the Siren. As I've mentioned I am not a student of the Tarot,but of course I'm somewhat familiar with it as the Tarot has crossed my path several times in my research throughout the years.

Interesting your reference to Easter where you wrote : "I haven't yet listened to "Pearly-Dewdrops' Drops," but "Pearly Dewdrops Glisten" is the first line of a rather obscure Easter hymn".

Please refer back to my recent email to you about my dream on Feb 21, 2016, which I titled; IN APRIL, and my theory and connection to The Pluto Return, Kamala Harris in Andy Taylors painting, and Abraham Lincoln.

Very Intriguing indeed~~~~

Ra1119bee said...


I just noticed that my handle on your blog reads: Ra1119Bee...

You posted this : "one of my correspondents (whose online handle happens to bear a certain resemblance to the word Fraserfarian)
My question :
How did you know that my previous handle included the name Fari?

I posted comments on YouTube using the handle RaFari, but not here on your blog nor
on my email correspondence.
I actually choose my handle RA (the suffix of DebRA. Deborah in Hebrew meaning Bee) and Fari meaning ' to speak'.
My father's sister's name was Fari.


Ra1119bee said...

Sorry, I made a mistake in my first comment.

I wrote ;
Please refer back to my recent email to you about my dream on Feb 21, 2016, which I titled; IN APRIL, and my theory and connection to The Pluto Return, Kamala Harris in Andy Taylors painting, and Abraham Lincoln.


It should read; Andy Thomas' painting, not Andy Taylor.

research Andy Thomas Paintings ---Both : The Democratic Club **AND*** The Republican Club
See the woman, in BOTH paintings?

Why a woman is approaching Presidents' table

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

"Please refer back to my recent email to you about my dream on Feb 21, 2016, which I titled; IN APRIL"

Yes, I made that connection, too. Easter in February.

"How did you know that my previous handle included the name Fari?"

It's still your email handle.

Frank said...

If you want to get an excellent description of Liz Frazer and who she's connected to, check out "The Legendary "Siren Show" on THC" (full version). Just listened to it and am going to listen to it again tomorrow.

I've listened to Knowles being interviewed several times before and have been to but forgotten his blog.

Thanks for the mention. Fantastic stuff.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Frank, that appears to be behind a paywall.

Gracehopers and Ants in the library

This morning, one of my young students made a very strange request: she brought me a book with a simple version of the story of Snow White a...