Thursday, December 9, 2021

Swiftly revolving Mercury

Mercury with a cock
(Tarot of Mantegna)

My last two posts have mentioned the "call" of the rooster, emphasizing the use of that word rather than the more usual crow. This, together with the season, put me in mind of the "four calling birds" of the Christmas carol. (These were originally "colly" -- that is, coal-black -- birds, so perhaps crows?)

And that reminded me that, during my brief stint in elementary school (second grade, I think, but all my school memories seem to be from second grade, so that's suspect), we learned a song about the solar system to the tune of "The Twelve Days of Christmas." The four colly birds were replaced by "a star called the Sun" (solar crows again?); but the most prominent line in the song, taking the place of the traditional "five gold rings," was "Swiftly revolving Mercury."

Just after thinking of that song and trying (mostly successfully) to remember the lyrics, I had to, ahem, "deal with" the weekly birdemic test which is my punishment for being unpecked. I noticed for the first time that the plastic casing of the test was labeled "Rapid Ag" -- standing for antigen, I suppose, but Rapid Ag = quicksilver = swiftly revolving Mercury.

I remembered that one of the epithets of Hermes (Mercury) in Hesiod is "slayer of dogs," an obvious link to Dr. Fauci. We might more naturally associate Fauci, whose name is Sicilian for "sickle" (cf. Faucheuse, the French name for the Grim Reaper) and who was born on the octave day of Saturnalia, with Cronus or Saturn, but wasn't Saturn sometimes called Mercurius Senex -- Old Mercury? If Saturn was the Old Mercury, then wouldn't Mercury himself be the New Saturn -- or, in other words, the Novel C*ron****us with which Dr. Sickle is so closely associated?

We might also note that Dr. Sickle is notoriously "characterized by rapid and unpredictable changeableness" -- that being the dictionary definition of the word mercurial.

No idea if the synchronicity fairies intend to go anywhere with this, but I note it just in case.


Ra1119bee said...


Interesting and perhaps coincidental that I've found your post about Mercury today.
I've had several dreams about Dimes, in recent years.

One dream I had in May of 2017 concerning dimes and government I titled; Colorado Springs.

Interesting in my research after the Colorado Springs dream, led me to the 104 Merdian West, which from my research, I believe that Denver Colorado is going to be the new capital of The New Atlantis, after the shifting of Ages, aka from the Industrial Age to the Silicon Age aka The Great Reset,
aka The Fourth Industrial Revolution and metaphysically from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius.

Aquarius is an Air Sign. Aquarius especially rules Science and Technology.
A Mercury in Aquarius placement in an astrological chart is a very interesting placement as well, as I am a Mercury in Aquarius, as was Steve Jobs.
Interestingly, Tesla chose Colorado Springs in his wireless experiments.

Do note that the word Colorado means: Colored Red.
Recall I shared several of my perspectives about the Rubedo/Reddening in Alchemy and connections to Kamala Harris and what I believe why Harris was chosen symbolically as the Rubedo, which is to usher in a Triumvirate Governance in The New Atlantis, formally known
as America.

I believe the scythe and separating the Wheat from the Tares has begun in ernest, but
has always been the Final Destination of our Opponents.
The simple fact being, our Opponents no longer need our Human Labor because of A I . which A I is One Eye or in numerology 1 9.

Separating The Wheat from the Tares is IMHO, the upcoming civil war in America, including the pecked vs the unpecked.
Recall in recent media the unpecked are being demonized as the 'unclean'aka The Tares.

What's interesting is in the last several days, and because of a series of ' coincidental' experiences" I've had which interestingly connects with a dream I had on Feb 21, 2016,
which I titled the dream ; In April.

In my recent research concerning the In April dream, I've found some very intriguing and IMO disturbing, connections to many of my esoteric experiences and dreams that I've had in my lifetime beginning in 1965.
. These connections, which I call my puzzle pieces are beginning to form a very clear picture indeed.

That research has led me to: Pluto's Return starting FEB 19-20, 2022, and especially its connection for America.
Feb 19th is my birthday. Feb 19 is also on the cusp of Aquarius and Pisces.

Recall my sharing with you my past life reading in 1974?. Pluto's Return connects with that reading, but of course I HAD NO KNOWLEDGE OF PLUTO'S RETURN in 1974, and quite honestly,
I only learned about Pluto's Return in recent days after a series of 'coincidental' experiences, as I've stated above.

I also believe, because of previous research after my Where's My Horn dream in Feb 2015, that The Third Temple will be built next year 2022 during the Super Shemitah. The Red Heifer turned 3 on Aug 25, 2021.

Research: the 247 year of Pluto's Return.
Research: Strauss and Howe's The Fourth Turning
Research: Pluto in Capricorn
Research: Pluto in Aquarius

.....They all connect with what's happening on the World Stage.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

I forgot to mention that Mercury himself is associated with the cock. See for example the Mercurio card from the Tarot of Mantegna.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

I've added the Mercurio card to the post as an illustration.

Note also that "five gold rings" suggests the ringed planet Saturn, a.k.a. Mercurius Senex.

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Debbie, were the dimes in your dreams Mercury dimes?

Ra1119bee said...


Yes, Mercury dimes.

In the Colorado Springs dream, I was traveling West by GreyHound (Bus Line).
As I'm sure you know in dream interpretation traveling by bus is a symbolic message to inform us that an event is going to happen which will take us (collectively) someplace and we will NOT be in control. That is, someone else is 'driving'.

I recall in the dream that we (on the bus) had an hour or so stopover in Arizona, and another hour or so stopover in Colorado Springs.
(I personally in waking life, have never been to Colorado Springs).

When I got off the bus in Colorado Springs, I immediately LOVED it there.
I didn't have any money, and I decided to cash a personal check at the local bank.

For some reason I was in the teller line for Spanish speaking customers.
In my research after the dream, I found that the word Colorado is Spanish for 'red'.
Realizing my error, I then went to the English teller line, but soon realized that a Colorado Bank would probably not cash an out of state personal check, so I left.

As I was leaving the bank (and at the doorway) I saw about 2 dollars of Dimes on the floor.
I was so excited to be able to have money to buy snacks.

As I walked around the city, I found an Eletronic tablet' on the ground. I picked it up and
for some odd reason a Skype communication came on the screen, and a man told me to go to a government building, which I did.

I arrived at the office where I was instructed to go and a man was conducting a meeting.
The large room was packed, but there was one open seat, close to the speaker.
I took my place.

As stated, after the dream and during much research I found the significance of the 104 Merdian West.
Roswell is on the 104 as are many many Government installations.
NORAD in Cheyenne Mountain near Colorado Springs is on the 104, as is Denver and its
infamous Denver National Airport.

In the last 20 years I've had several ' dime' dreams.
Colorado Springs dream was the most recent.

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