Saturday, December 11, 2021

It’s not only the West that’s insane

Taiwan was represented at Joe Schmo’s Summit for Democracy by a long-haired “post-gender” man named Audrey who opened, uh, “her” remarks with “Ladies, gentlemen, and non-binary friends” and closed by saying “Live long and prosper” while giving the Vulcan salute from Star Trek.

This person holds a Cabinet-level position. (A “non-binary” Minister for Digital Affairs — isn’t that some sort of syntax error?)

What an advertisement for democracy!


A said...

Does not compute

Ra1119bee said...

By 2024, Life (Globally and especially America) as we know it today
will be in the early stages of being unrecognizable.

Pluto transforms everything that it touches.
The Phoenix that rises out of the ashes.

Serhei said...

Audrey is 'her'? I regret to inform you that Taiwan is still behind the curve. The highest rank of post-genderism in English is to be a 'they'. Although I suppose this particular bit of English grammar doesn't translate into Chinese all that well....

Serhei said...

As for non-binary digital affairs, perhaps Taiwan is looking to resurrect the Soviet Setun ternary computer

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Chinese personal pronouns have five grammatical genders (male, female, animal, inanimate, and god), but they're all pronounced exactly the same ("ta"), though written with different characters. Audrey has said ta is so far beyond gender that ta accepts any and all pronouns. So yes, behind the curve. I mean, what's the point of degenderacy without the pronoun policing?

Bruce Charlton said...

Maybe it is part of a subtle govt. plot to deter the unification project - on the lines of "Think again: do you *really* want to assimilate *this* kind of stuff?"

Gracehopers and Ants in the library

This morning, one of my young students made a very strange request: she brought me a book with a simple version of the story of Snow White a...