Friday, December 10, 2021

Year of the vacca

Back in February, I posted "Year of the Ox," speculating on the possible symbolic or synchronistic meanings of the current year (12 Feb. 2021 - 31 Jan. 2022) in the Chinese zodiac. Somehow I missed the most obvious link of all.

Tolkien's Nevbosh word for "cow" was woc -- clever because it is cow spelled backwards but also suggests the Latin vacca. (According to Daniel Dawson, "The kids were well aware of this double etymology.") These days it also reminds one of woke.

Chinese years cycle through the five Chinese elements as well as the 12 zodiac signs, and this year is specifically the Year of the Gold Ox. This suggests the golden calf as an object of idolatrous worship, which is also singularly appropriate.

Next year will be the Year of the Tiger. Buckle up.


Otto said...

I previously commented about this here.

The movie "Soylent Green" takes place in the year 2022. The French edition of "Soylent Green" is called "Soleil Vert", which means "Green Sun".

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

So you did. I’d forgotten about the Cow That Cuts.

A said...

I’d like to ride the tiger with a tweed coat & a nice smoking pipe on a fine country estate.

Gracehopers and Ants in the library

This morning, one of my young students made a very strange request: she brought me a book with a simple version of the story of Snow White a...