Wednesday, March 2, 2022

The 2020s revolution and the Grays

At The Higherside Chats, Greg Carlwood and Richard Dolan discuss the 2020s global totalitarian revolution and possible connections with Those Other People and their agendas -- noting in particular how the cumulative effect of the various ongoing revolutions is to make us more like them.

There are some blind spots here due to the lack of an explicitly Christian perspective, which makes it all the more impressive that they have actually noticed the blindingly obvious fact that there has been a global totalitarian revolution! As they discuss on the show, surprisingly few have, even in UFO/conspiracy circles where you'd think noticing such things would come naturally.


Bruce Charlton said...

It's quite interesting so far - but my impression (as with nearly all such analyses) is that there is an overestimation of the power of transhumanist technology both to control-directly and replace humans.

This is a *very* difficult thing to do - unless the concept of human is simultaneously being degraded down to whatever level the 'machines' have reached.

So much so, that I tend to regard that whole line of a technocratic elite controlling an anthill as a trick being played upon the technocrats. When it gets down to the details, the technocrats cannot and therefore will not deliver. The control/ replacement technology will therefore be net destructive of human capability - and The System will not work but will collapse - and I think that was always the Satanic intention.

There will never be the 'problem' of a long-term idle and useless population, because the technocratic mindset has, by definition, no empathy - and will quickly decide to dispose of the population surplus - indeed, this has been an explicit policy declared openly for a good while, decades.

In sum, the analysis takes the Ahrimanic plan as an end point, whereas I regard it as a transitional stage en route to mega-death - mega-death in despair, which means mega-damnation.

That, at any rate, is the *ultimate* plan, I think.

William Wildblood said...

I've only listened to the first 45 minutes and I would agree with a lot of it, specifically the attempt to impose a worldwide totalitarian system. What they miss so far, though maybe it comes later, is that the ETs are demons and they are attempting to create a platform into which they can acquire bodies in this world whether that be through a tweaked (and deformed) humanity or through machines such as computers of some kind. Demons exist in a kind of twilight world but if they succeed to incarnating in the physical they would have a lot more freedom and power of self-expression. They possibly believe they could escape divine retribution in some way.

The point they make that we are being induced to deny the natural on a biological level from tattoos to the blurring of male/female boundaries, indeed any boundaries really, so that we would accept a kind of alien/human hybrid is an interesting one. That really implies another way for the demons to incarnate and us to accept them either as equals or, most likely, deliverers and superiors. Sounds mad, doesn't it?

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...


That's a very good point, that you can't easily replace or control humans with machines until humans are degraded to a more machine-like level. I think we can see that project in progress as well. In fact, degrading humans may be the primary goal, after which they will be "taken over" not by AI but by demons.


The Other People certainly appear "Ahrimanic" from a human point of view, but I don't think they are literally demons. I really get the impression that they are just completely outside the Christian system, neither friends nor enemies of God, just something utterly and totally different -- like animals almost, but highly intelligent and conscious ones. Some of them likely have dealings with demons (who are using them for their own purposes), and demons may sometimes pose as them, but I don't think they're the same thing. I do think they are capable of love, in somewhat the same way animals are, and that, however "damned" they may appear, this distinguishes them from the demons proper.

William Wildblood said...

I agree that their motivations can appear mixed but surely when it comes down to it everything in the universe must be a friend or enemy of God even if it's only a case of those who aren't with me are against me?

Wm Jas Tychonievich said...


That should be true in theory, yes. Yet even among our own species I find phenomena, like Buddhism, which I want to classify as neither godly nor satanic. Buddhists, I think, want something different, neither heaven nor hell, and that God allows them to pursue it. If we find such things even among humans, how much more should we expect them among "aliens."

Bruce Charlton said...

@Wm - I listened to some more of it; and my feeling is that the story of the aliens is much too complicated, and depends on far too many bits of 'evidence' which are insecure - and far too many of which come from much the same 'official' sources (scientists etc) that are assumed to be complicit in the problem.

This, I have found to be a problem with all the complex conspiracy theories - they hinge upon a judgment concerning the validity of sources. Such judgment is indeed the basis of all science, but to be good at it requires both sincerity and strength of truth-motivation, and also ability; which is a rare combination.

Behind the chap on the podcast's method is a deep assumption that there is no God; because the basic argument is that there is historical/ archaeological etc evidence consistent-with there having-been *intervention* in human evolution.

All theists would presumably agree, and say - "Yes... obviously!".

But that theistic explanation of a world under divine providence (and also assailed by demonic powers) is ruled out by assumption, or else implicitly all other possibilities must be exhausted first. Which, in practice, they never are...

Therefore, evidence consistent with external intervention in human evolution and affairs is assumed to be alien.

William Wildblood said...

I think I will have to examine more evidence until I can make my mind up!

But I do take your point about Buddhists though I believe that a lot of them may actually be more godly than they think they are, certainly that may be apparent once they cross the threshold between this world and the next and learn more about divine being. I used to hear stories about the Buddha's mistake and I never knew what that was supposed to be but I suspect it may have been the rejection of God. In my view the philosopher Krishnamurti made the same mistake though I think he was a good and wise person. Some people may be psychologically scarred by their upbringing and reject God because of bad experiences in their youth. Possibly many modern Westerners are like that with Christianity.

Perhaps the aliens exist in a world that is neither properly spiritual not properly material, a so-called inter dimensional world . They could be leftovers from an evolution that has ascended. Perhaps humans in this world who have not chosen Heaven but are not properly evil could find themselves in a similar position sometime down the line. That would actually be the bulk of humanity now. I don't think they will be allowed to remain there forever but they could be there for a very long time, tens of millennia by earth reckoning..

Neither aliens nor animals are biological robots, and we shouldn’t be, either.

Yesterday I bought and started reading the Kindle edition of Whitley Strieber’s latest book, The Fourth Mind. On page 47, he criticizes thos...